Applications of Process Engineering Principles in Materials Processing, Energy and Environmental Technologies

Book Description

This collection offers new research findings, innovations, and industrial technological developments in extractive metallurgy, energy and environment, and materials processing. Technical topics included in the book are thermodynamics and kinetics of metallurgical reactions, electrochemical processing of materials, plasma processing of materials, composite materials, ionic liquids, thermal energy storage, energy efficient and environmental cleaner technologies and process modeling. These topics are of interest not only to traditional base ferrous and non-ferrous metal industrial processes but also to new and upcoming technologies, and they play important roles in industrial growth and economy worldwide.

The Reduction of Iron Ores

Book Description

For the English edition the book was revised by the authors, taking into account a number of suggestions of the readers of the German edition. Some of the most important publications in the field of iron ore reduction, which appeared since 1967, have been used to bring the manuscript as far as possible up to date. The kind assistance of Dr. K. BOHNENKAMP of the Max-Planck-Institut fUr Eisenforschung, Dusseldorf, was much appreciated in this respect. Ohapters 2.9 and 2.10, dealing with the reduction of molten oxide slags by solid carbon and with the contribution of the water-gas reaction to iron ore reduction, have been added for the English edition. Ohapter 2.9 has been completely revised with the kind assistance of Dr. H. J. GRABKE, Stuttgart. Dipl.-Ing. J. LODDE contributed to this edition by revising the bibliography. Owing to the rapid development of the blast furnace it was necessary to revise Ohapter 5 considerably. In this field many valuable suggestions have been made by Dipl.-Ing. G. LANGE and Dipl.-Ing. P. HEINRICH. Furthermore, Ohapters3 and 4 have been thoroughly revised by Dr.-Ing. E. FORSTER and Dr.-Ing. U. SCHIERLOH. Last, but not least, we have to thank our translators for their excellent work.

7th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing

Book Description

The technology, operation, energy, environmental, analysis, and future development of the metallurgical industries utilizing high temperature processes are covered in the book. The innovations on the extraction and production of ferrous and nonferrous metals, alloys, and refractory and ceramic materials, the heating approaches and energy management, and the treatment and utilizations of the wastes and by-products are the topics of special interests. This book focuses on the following issues: •High Efficiency New Metallurgical Process and Technology Fundamental Research of Metallurgical Process •Alloys and Materials Preparation •Direct Reduction and Smelting Reduction •Coking, New Energy and Environment •Utilization of Solid Slag/Wastes and Complex Ores •Characterization of High Temperature Metallurgical Process