Project Hyreus

Book Description

Project Hyreus is an unmanned Mars sample return mission that utilizes propellants manufactured in situ from the Martian atmosphere for the return voyage. A key goal of the mission is to demonstrate the considerable benefits of using indigenous resources and to test the viability of this approach as a precursor to manned Mars missions. The techniques, materials, and equipment used in Project Hyreus represent those that are currently available or that could be developed and readied in time for the proposed launch date in 2003. Project Hyreus includes such features as a Mars-orbiting satellite equipped with ground-penetrating radar, a large rover capable of sample gathering and detailed surface investigations, and a planetary science array to perform on-site research before samples are returned to Earth. Project Hyreus calls for the Mars Landing Vehicle to land in the Mangala Valles region of Mars, where it will remain for approximately 1.5 years. Methane and oxygen propellant for the Earth return voyage will be produced using carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere and a small supply of hydrogen brought from Earth. This process is key to returning a large Martian sample to Earth with a single Earth launch. Abrego, Anita and Bair, Chris and Hink, Anthony and Kim, Jae and Koch, Amber and Kruse, Ross and Ngo, Dung and Nicholson, Heather and Nill, Laurie and Perras, Craig Unspecified Center NASA-CR-197189, NAS 1.26:197189 NASW-4435...

Mars Sample Return Mission Utilizing In-Situ Propellant Production

Book Description

This report presents the results of a study examining the potential of in-situ propellant production (ISPP) on Mars to aid in achieving a low cost Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission. Two versions of such a mission were examined: a baseline version employing a dual string spacecraft, and a light weight version employing single string architecture with selective redundancy. Both systems employed light weight avionics currently being developed by Lockheed Martin, Jet Propulsion Lab and elsewhere in the aerospace community, both used a new concept for a simple, light weight parachuteless sample return capsule, both used a slightly modified version of the Mars Surveyor lander currently under development at Lockheed Martin for flight in 1998, and both used a combination of the Sabatier-electrolysis and reverse water gas shift ISPP systems to produce methane/oxygen propellant on Mars by combining a small quantity of imported hydrogen with the Martian CO2 atmosphere. It was found that the baseline mission could be launched on a Delta 7925 and return a 0.5 kg sample with 82 percent mission launch margin;over and beyond subsystem allocated contingency masses . The lightweight version could be launched on a Mid-Lite vehicle and return a 0.25 kg sample with 11 percent launch margin, over and above subsystem contingency mass allocations. Zubrin, Robert and Price, Steve Unspecified Center...

A Compilation of Lunar and Mars Exploration Strategies Utilizing Indigenous Propellants

Book Description

The use of propellants manufactured from indigenous space materials has the potential to significantly reduce the amount of mass required to be launched from the Earth's surface. The extent of the leverage, however, along with the cost for developing the infrastructure necessary to support such a process, is unclear. Many mission analyses have been performed that have attempted to quantify the potential benefits of in situ propellant utilization. Because the planning of future space missions includes many unknowns, the presentation of any single study on the use of in situ propellants is often met with critics' claims of the inaccuracy of assumptions or omission of infrastructure requirements. The results of many such mission analyses are presented in one format. Each summarized mission analysis used different assumptions and baseline mission scenarios. The conclusion from the studies is that the use of in situ produced propellants will provide significant reductions in Earth launch requirements. This result is consistent among all of the analyses regardless of the assumptions used to obtain the quantitative results. The determination of the best propellant combination and the amount of savings will become clearer and more apparent as the technology work progresses. Linne, Diane L. and Meyer, Michael L. Glenn Research Center NASA-TM-105262, E-6790, NAS 1.15:105262 RTOP 506-42-72...

Project Genesis

Book Description

Project Genesis is a low cost, near-term, unmanned Mars mission, whose primary purpose is to demonstrate in situ resource utilization (ISRU) technology. The essence of the mission is to use indigenously produced fuel and oxidizer to propel a ballistic hopper. The Mars Landing Vehicle/Hopper (MLVH) has an Earth launch mass of 625 kg and is launched aboard a Delta 117925 launch vehicle into a conjunction class transfer orbit to Mars. Upon reaching its target, the vehicle performs an aerocapture maneuver and enters an elliptical orbit about Mars. Equipped with a ground penetrating radar, the MLVH searches for subsurface water ice deposits while in orbit for several weeks. A deorbit burn is then performed to bring the MLVH into the Martian atmosphere for landing. Following aerobraking and parachute deployment, the vehicle retrofires to a soft landing on Mars. Once on the surface, the MLVH begins to acquire scientific data and to manufacture methane and oxygen via the Sabatier process. This results in a fuel-rich O2/CH4 mass ratio of 2, which yields a sufficiently high specific impulse (335 sec) that no additional oxygen need be manufactured, thus greatly simplifying the design of the propellant production plant. During a period of 153 days the MLVH produces and stores enough fuel and oxidizer to make a 30 km ballistic hop to a different site of scientific interest. At this new location the MLVH resumes collecting surface and atmospheric data with the onboard instrumentation. Thus, the MLVH is able to provide a wealth of scientific data which would otherwise require two separate missions or separate vehicles, while proving a new and valuable technology that will facilitate future unmanned and manned exploration of Mars. Total mission cost, including the Delta launch vehicle, is estimated to be $200 million. Acosta, Francisco Garcia and Anderson, Scott and Andrews, Jason and Deger, Matt and Hedman, Matt and Kipp, Jared and Kobayashi, Takahisa and Marcelo, Mohrli and Mark, ..