Identität Des Deutschen und Des Japanischen Zivilrechts in Vergleichender Betrachtung

Book Description

Developments of the law in Japan and in Germany provide ample reason for an inquiry into "The Identity of Japanese and German Civil Law". Japanese civil law has a long tradition of absorbing and digesting foreign influences, - in particular from Germany, France, England and the United States. The absorption of foreign influences occurred on various levels: at the legislative level, in particular during the drafting process of the Civil Code, at the judicial level and in the field of scholarship. The reception of legal theories was followed by a unique process that has been characterised as "theory reception" (Kitagawa). Irrespective of such foreign influences, we can discern a unique legal tradition in Japan - in other words, its own identity. At the same time, German private law is under the influence of legal harmonisation in the EU. While the predominant view in the 1980's was still that this development was confined to a restricted area - that of "consumer law" - recent developments demonstrate that European Union legislation now influences large parts of German civil law. What does this mean in terms of the identity of German civil law? And how does this development of a "Europeanization" of German civil law affect related legal systems, such as that of Japan? The present volume contains the proceedings of a conference held in Japan in 2006 to mark the occasion of the "Germany Year in Japan". In their contributions, Japanese scholars discuss the various influences on Japanese law; German scholars enquire into the Europeanization of German private law; and finally, the identity of Japanese civil law is discussed from the perspectives of German civil law and of common law.


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Selected Papers/Ausgewählte Schriften

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Kurt Goldstein starb am 19. September 1965. Bis kurz vor seinem Tode arbeitete er an dem Plan, eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten ktir zeren Sehriften zu ver6ffentliehen; ein verbindender Text sollte die ungebrochene Entwieklung seiner Ideen von ihren anfangIiehen Keimen bis zur spateren vollen Entfaltung darlegen. Der Plan kam nieht mehr zur Vollendung; aber die vorliegende Zusammenstellung der flir Kurt Goldstein's Lebenswerk bedeutsamsten Aufsatze mag dessen innere Einheit erhellen. Seine posthum ver6ffentliehte Auto biographie (s. unten S. 1 ff.) gibt eine knappe Zusammenfassung seiner grundlegenden wissenschaftlichen Ziele und Ergebnisse. Auskunft tiber seine hinterlassenen wissenschaftlichen Papiere ist durch mich erhaltlieh. Herm Professor Aron Gurwitsch, dem langjahrigen Freunde Kurt Goldstein's und intimen Kenner seiner Ideen, der die Einleitung zu diesem Band gesehrieben und an seiner Vorbereitung intensiv tei! genommen hat, spreehe ich aueh hier meine Dankbarkeit aus. DesgIeichen danke ich den Verlagshausem, mit deren Erlaubnis die hier enthaltenen Sehriften Kurt Goldstein's wieder abgedruekt werden konnten. ELSE M. GOLDSTEIN HAUDEK 1080 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10028 EINLEITUNG Die Aufnahme in die Serie Phaenomenoiogica der im vorgelegten Bande vereinigten Arbeiten rechtfertigt sich voIIauf durch die philo. sophische Bedeutsamkeit sowohl dieser Aufsatze wie des gesamten Werkes von Kurt Goldstein - ungeachtet ihres weitgehend neuro· logischen InhaIts und ihrer urspriinglichen Herkunft aus neurolo· gischer Forschung und Praxis. Genauer genommen besteht diese phi.

Persuasion, Reflection, Judgment

Book Description

Gasché expounds on Aristotle, Heidegger, and Arendt in “a major interpretative achievement that underscores what is at stake in political thought” (Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews). As one of the most respected voices of Continental philosophy today, Rodolphe Gasché pulls together Aristotle’s conception of rhetoric, Martin Heidegger’s debate with theory, and Hannah Arendt’s conception of judgment in a single work on the centrality of these themes as fundamental to human flourishing in public and political life. Gasché’s readings address the distinctively human space of the public square and the actions that occur there, and his valorization of persuasion, reflection, and judgment reveals new insight into how the philosophical tradition distinguishes thinking from other faculties of the human mind. “Here Rodolphe Gasche is at his best: rigorous, scholarly, creative, forceful, laser focused on the issues at stake, learned, thoughtful, and original. He demands much of his readers, but reading his work is rewarding in ways that can be profoundly affecting.” —Dennis J. Schmidt, author of Between Word and Image “Rodolphe Gasche has long been one of the most meticulous readers of texts on the philosophical scene and here he once again offers a master class in how to do philosophy through interpretation.” —Robert Bernasconi, author of How to Read Sartre