Better Than Gold

Book Description

A life-changing discovery Mia Parker's restaurant-in-progress is the best shot Bailey's Cove has at survival. That is, until a two-hundred-year-old skeleton is unearthed on-site. It doesn't help that the investigator—sexy, guarded anthropologist Daniel MacCarey—instantly charms her to distraction. Add in rumors that the remains belong to a pirate—and that his treasure might be buried nearby. Mia's trapped in the mystery that jeopardizes everything. Despite the risks, Daniel can't resist offering to help Mia. Nor can he fight the attraction that reels him in. And working together, they may find a treasure better than any other….

God's Wisdom is Better Than Gold

Book Description

God wants you to enjoy the abundant life. And the first step to that life is to search for wisdom as a man seeks for gold. Far from the fool's gold of "name it and claim it" theology, this study of Proverbs leads the way into King Solomon's mines, wherein lies the true treasures of heaven.

Better Than Gold

Book Description

Have you ever held a brick of gold? The weight of the brick, the shimmer of its finish, its inherent valueits all intriguing. People have gone to great lengths to acquire gold, knowing it would change their lives. What if we viewed Gods Word in a similar light? In this thirty-one-day devotional, youll dive into the gold mine of wisdom that is the book of Proverbs as you learn why Gods Word is truly better than gold. This devotional is perfect for individual and group Bible studies, and each chapter ends with follow-up questions.

Better Than Gold

Book Description

Stories on the Jewish immigrant experience in 1910s New York featuring the Rosensteins, a family of six children. The stories illustrate the role of home as a refuge from the dog-eat-dog world outside.

Better Than Gold

Book Description

Three thousand years ago Solomon wrote, “Wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than gold. . . . Nothing you desire can compare with her” (Prov. 3:14-15 NLT). From a series of Been Thinking About articles written by Mart DeHaan, you’ll gain insight into the wisdom of the Bible. Discover how you not only can have knowledge of Scripture, but also understanding to apply it to your daily living.

Better Than Gold

Book Description

Sometimes chocolate is better than a golden ring. Etta Bannon must endure another Christmas at the Indian Residential School for girls. With her heart heavy for home that is a two-day train ride away, all she has is the stolen moments with her beau to look forward to, but even the boy she cares deeply about cannot erase her longing for her family. Charlie Shawanda is also stuck at the Indian Residential School for boys. Only a mere jog away from Etta, he longs to make their last Christmas at the school special before they graduate in the spring and go their separate ways. But what he truly years for is to call Etta his very own. When a golden opportunity arises for Charlie to show his love, he must make a tough decision–endure the cruel punishment of the strap or miss out on a chance to tell Etta how he truly feels and maybe lose her forever.

Better Than Gold

Book Description

Carlie is sick of skating, and doesn't want to do it anymore. She just wants to go to school, like every other normal kid her age. She can't get her parents to listen. All they seem to care about is the Olympics next month. They'll never understand, but she knows one person who will. She runs away in search for her free spirited uncle, and finds him living in the small town of Eagle Harbor, MI. She finally gets what she wants when her uncle convinces her parents into allowing her to stay with him and go to school there. Now, she's free to live like every other normal teenage kid her age. While there, she meets Zach and Julie, who only want what Carlie so desperately left behind. Carlie soon realizes that being normal also means being different. Soon, she must return to the life she left behind, and worries that her differences will cost her the only friends she's ever had.

Better than Gold

Book Description

Egfrid is the prince of Bernicia, an Anglo-Saxon kingdom. When he is captured by Penda, King of Mercia during a raid, all seems lost. But though the fierce warrior Penda hates Egfrid's cowardly father, he won't kill the boy. Instead, Egfrid is to be brought up, as hostage and adopted son, in the court of his father's worst enemy... This fascinating look into a long-vanished past reveals the clashes between small kingdoms, between pagan and Christian beliefs, and between the loyalty demanded by blood and given from the heart. A richly detailed and moving tale, inspired by the Staffordshire Hoard, the largest collection of Anglo-Saxon gold ever found.

Salt is Better Than Gold

Book Description

An old king asks each of his daughters how much they love him and angrily sends the youngest away when she claims to love him more than salt.

Good as Gold

Book Description

Dr. Bruce Gold, a forty-eight-year-old Jewish professor of English, faces the possibilities of being appointed to a high State Department position and being disowned by his family.