Beyond Criminology

Book Description

Beyond Criminology is an innovative, groundbreaking critique of the narrow focus of conventional criminology. The authors argue that crime forms only a small and often insignificant amount of the harm experienced by people. They show that, while custom and tradition play an important role in the perpetuation of some types of harm, many forms of harm are rooted in the inequalities and social divisions systematically produced in -- and by -- contemporary states. Exploring a range of topics including violence, indifference, corporate and state harms, murder, children, asylum and immigration policies, sexuality and poverty, the contributions raise a number of theoretical and methodological issues associated with a social harm approach. Only once we have identified the origins, scale and consequences of social harms, they argue, can we begin to formulate possible responses -- and these are more likely to be located in public and social policy than in the criminal justice system. The book provides an original and challenging new perspective that goes beyond criminology -- one which will be of interest to students, teachers and policy makers.

Beyond Empiricism

Book Description

Beyond Empiricism expands the discourse on theories of criminal behavior. It considers institutional, social, and individual issues related to criminal behavior, while individually each raises questions about the adequacy of current theoretical claims. The topics have significant implications both for policy and research in criminology. Per-Olof Wikstrom introduces a cross-level action theory of crime. He suggests that better understanding of causal mechanisms can lead to a situational theory of action based on perception of alternatives and the process of choice. David Wolcott and Steven Schlossman provide new perspectives on the issues of racial disparity and the incarceration of adolescents in adult prisons. These authors highlight gaps in our understanding of early twentieth-century juvenile justice and negate some popular claims about recent changes in the criminal law. Peter Grabosky spotlights privatization policies in the criminal justice system, suggesting a framework for analyzing the balance of advantage resulting from three basic forms of institutional relationships in policing. Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld discuss why institutional analysis has been seriously underdeveloped in etiological analyses of crime. Jordan Pederson and Matthew Shane scrutinize the concept of aggression. Their descriptions of aggressive behavior among non-human animals provide a fascinating backdrop for understanding human actions. Joan McCord emphasizes the intentionality of crimes as she argues that to understand what causes crime, one must have a theory about what it means to act intentionally. After critically appraising prior theories, McCord introduces and defends a new theory of motivation based on a post-empiricist theory of language. This latest volume in the distinguished Advances in Criminological Theory series continues to add to the theoretical underpinnings of the field, and will be important to all collections of social science research on criminology.

Beyond Criminology

Book Description

Beyond Criminology is an innovative, groundbreaking critique of conventional criminological approaches to social issues. The contributors make a broad analysis of social harm by examining the theoretical issues and then looking at harmful organizations, policies and experiences. Using this approach, the contributors show how social harm relates to social and economic inequalities that are the heart of the liberal state. Only once we have identified the causes of social harm, they argue, can we begin to formulate possible responses, whether criminological or political. Exploring a range of topics, including violence, indifference, corporate and state harms, miscarriages of justice, gender and harm, children, asylum and immigration policies, and sexuality, the contributors offer an innovative new approach that goes beyond criminology, which should be of interest to students, teachers and policymakers.

The New Criminology

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A major contribution to criminology in which Taylor, Walton and Young provide a framework for a fully social theory of crime.

Beyond Criminology

Book Description

Reassesses conventional notions of crime by examining potential categories of social harm inflicted by globalisation.

Contemporary Criminological Issues

Book Description

Contemporary Criminological Issues tackles some of today’s most pressing social issues, from the criminalization of Indigenous peoples to interpersonal violence, border control, and armed conflicts. This book advances cutting-edge theories and methods, with the aim of moving beyond the scholarship that reproduces insecurity and exclusion. The breadth of approaches encompasses much of the current critical criminological scholarship, serving as a counterpoint to the growth of managerial and administrative criminologies and the rise of explicitly exclusionary and punitive state policies and practices with respect to ‘crime’ and ‘security.’ This edited collection featuring two books, one in English and one in French, includes important contributions to knowledge and public policy by eminent experts and emerging scholars. This book is published in English.

Queering Criminology in Theory and Praxis

Book Description

This ground-breaking book explores the practical applications of queer theory for criminal justice practitioners. It covers theoretical concepts within queer criminology and the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals as victims, offenders and professionals, and proposes ways in which a real difference can be made to training, policy and practice.

Erich Fromm and Critical Criminology

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Linking the writings of the humanist psychologist Erich Fromm to criminology, this collection shows how viewing crime patterns and the criminal justice system from Fromm's humanist perspective opens a path to more effective and more humane way of understanding and dealing with crime and criminals.

Organized Crime in Chicago

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive sociological explanation for the emergence and continuation of organized crime in Chicago. Tracing the roots of political corruption that afforded protection to gambling, prostitution, and other vice activity in Chicago and other large American cities, Robert M. Lombardo challenges the dominant belief that organized crime in America descended directly from the Sicilian Mafia. According to this widespread "alien conspiracy" theory, organized crime evolved in a linear fashion beginning with the Mafia in Sicily, emerging in the form of the Black Hand in America's immigrant colonies, and culminating in the development of the Cosa Nostra in America's urban centers. Looking beyond this Mafia paradigm, this volume argues that the development of organized crime in Chicago and other large American cities was rooted in the social structure of American society. Specifically, Lombardo ties organized crime to the emergence of machine politics in America's urban centers. From nineteenth-century vice syndicates to the modern-day Outfit, Chicago's criminal underworld could not have existed without the blessing of those who controlled municipal, county, and state government. These practices were not imported from Sicily, Lombardo contends, but were bred in the socially disorganized slums of America where elected officials routinely franchised vice and crime in exchange for money and votes. This book also traces the history of the African-American community's participation in traditional organized crime in Chicago and offers new perspectives on the organizational structure of the Chicago Outfit, the traditional organized crime group in Chicago.

Delinquency and Drift Revisited

Book Description

Fifty years ago, David Matza wrote Delinquency and Drift, challenging the ways people thought about the development of criminals. Today, Delinquency and Drift Revisited reminds criminologists that they ignore Matza's writings at their own intellectual peril. Matza's work shows his insights on a range of core criminological issues, such as: the complex nature of culture and its connection to criminality; the extent to which rule-breakers are truly different from the "rest of us"; the importance of focusing on human agency in understanding the subjective side of offending; the interaction of propensity and peer influences in criminal involvement; the role of the state in signifying individuals as deviant and entrapping them in criminal roles; and the processes that lead offenders to desist from crime. This volume was not written to pay homage to Matza, but to show how his ideas remain relevant to criminology today by continuing to question conventional wisdom, by making us pay attention to realities we have overlooked, and by inspiring us to theorize more innovatively.