Beyond the Last Oasis

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Beyond the Last Oasis

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The Last Oasis

Book Description

For decades now we have wasted and mismanaged the world?s water supplies. Today, 27 countries are short of water, a quarter of the world?s population has no safe water, 46 per cent have no proper sanitation and each year four million children die of water-borne diseases. As most of the world?s major river systems cross several national boundaries, the scope disputes and the threat to international security is becoming more and more real. In The Last Oasis, Sandra Postel examines the economic, ecological and political factors affecting fresh water supply. She confronts the issues of mismanagement and profligacy and analyses and dangers of confrontation, both between nations and between rural and urban users. She also emphasises that the technology and know-how for effective water husbandry does exist. With methods already in use, farmers could cut their demand for water by 40-90 per cent, and cities by one-third, without sacrificing economic output or quality of life. Investing in water efficiency, recycling and conservation help meet rising demands and stave off disaster. But the priority is a common recognition of the gravity of the position, and with that a widespread push for institutions to manage sustainable use of water.

Last Call at the Oasis

Book Description

"If there was a price placed on clean water we might start treating it like it has value. Maybe when it's gone we'll realize we can't drink oil or money." -- Dave Matthews Less than 1 percent of the world's water is fresh and potable -- and no more will ever be available. Thanks to pollution, global warming, and population growth, water access is poised to become today's most explosive global issue. This book, based on the film Last Call at the Oasis by Academy Award-winning director Jessica Yu, offers insights into the coming water crisis from visionary scientists, policymakers, activists, and environmentalists, including: ROBERT MORAN on how oil and mineral development pollute and divert water supplies -- often beyond public scrutiny PETER H. GLEICK on discovering the "soft path" to global water security ROBERT GLENNON on how the power of markets can help protect the world's water LYNN HENNING on how a family farmer became a passionate "water activist" ALEX PRUD'HOMME on how the water crisis affects us all GARY WHITE on how innovative social and economic strategies can make clean water available even for the world's poorest people HADLEY ARNOLD AND PETER ARNOLD on how arid regions like America's Southwest can wisely husband water supplies for cities and farmers alike ROBYN BEAVERS on how today's smartest businesses are making sustainable water management a competitive advantage ZEM JOAQUIN on nine "ecofabulous" ways of saving water at home -- and doing it with style BILL MCDONOUGH on how smart design can preserve water's "Endless Resourcefulness" for generations to come No resource on earth is more precious -- or more endangered -- than water. Last Call at the Oasis is a powerful tool for learning about the water challenges we face as well as the remarkable solutions available to us -- if we have the will to use them.

Beyond Malthus

Book Description

On the bicentennial of Malthus's legendary essay on the tendency for population to grow more rapidly than the food supply, the question facing the world is not whether population growth will slow, but how.

Old Baldie Rides Again

Book Description

A Series of adventures somehow fitted into a single lifetime from childhood and the struggle between myth and reality through conscription, The Army Air Corps, in Germany, the Berlin wall, the Nijmegen marches, back packing, a climbing accident, the coalmine, the steelworks, incarceration in a Spanish jail, Strangeways, Israel two years after the Six Day War, strafed, caught in crossfire near Jericho, held up at knifepoint in Istanbul, college, hang gliding, learn about camels, mugged in Morocco, make a film crossing the Saharan Empty Quarter, first solo crossing of Iceland, recreating Stanleys journey to find Livingstone, a leopard, a man-eating lion, trained to become an astronaut but no spaceflight with N.A.S.A. ,nearly got spaceflight with Russians, a four foot rabbit, an alligator, Tenerife, coast to coast over volcano, stroke and epilepsy, wheelchair? No chance, returned to Tenerife, the Cabbage in a wheelchair climbed the volcano. Along the way Ted has been a successful folk singer and songwriter and has published the accounts of his major expeditions, a novel based in the Middle East and poetry books.

Out of Water - Design Solutions for Arid Regions

Book Description

Water scarcity is becoming increasingly familiar to us. Although access to water resources is an issue of global concern, arid climates are where necessity begets inventions that may serve as examples for action or prevention across a multitude of climate zones and geographies. In facing the prevalence of water scarcity across the globe, due to a mix of climatological and man-made factors, the question we must ask ourselves today is Water for What? Which approaches can landscape, urban and architectural designers take in order to apply their specific professional skills and means? What potential do available technologies and materials offer, and what methods and tools can be derived from social engagement? Based on five years of research, the preparation of and feedback on a traveling exhibition, as well as a major conference, the results of the Out of Water project are laid out here in a series of case studies and essays by international experts, including analytical drawings of both projected and implemented solutions.

The Desert

Book Description

The desert, with its great emptiness and silence, has long been a symbol of solitude. In our spiritual lives, we sometimes seek such isolation as a means of abandoning ourselves completely to God. At other times, solitude comes upon us uninvited and unwelcome, as we find ourselves totally alone and desolate. In facing the silence and the vast expanses of loneliness, we test our courage, deepen our faith, and hear the voice of God anew. This book explores the tradition and relevance of desert spirituality in the life and worship of the church today and offers a collection of pertinent writings by these and many other ancient and contemporary authors: Thomas à Kempis, Mother Mark Clare, Henri Nouwen, René Voillaume, Charles de Foucauld, Thomas Merton, R. S. Thomas. The readings are ideal Lenten devotionals (but wonderful any other time of year as well) as you answer your own call of the desert.

Come Armageddon

Book Description

After half a millennium, Tathea prepares for the final battle For five hundred years, Tathea has lain asleep, imprisoned in the forest. Once the Empress of Shinabar, she was pushed out of power when a coup took her husband’s life—a tragedy that led to a miracle. While roaming the wasteland, she learned of the unending battle between good and evil, and a book that could stop the demon Asmodeus forevermore. It takes centuries, but at last the world is ready for the final battle—the Armageddon that will purge Tathea’s kingdom of evil. The coming of the war is marked by the birth of a child, Sadokhar, who will lead God’s armies into the fray. A battle is looming, and it’s up to Tathea to prepare Sadokhar for Armageddon . . . Come Armageddon is the second book in the Tathea series, but you may enjoy reading the series in any order.