Bhaja Govindam: Seek the Eternal

Book Description

A commentary on the introductory scriptural text by philosopher-saint Adi Shankaracharya. For those interested in the study of the scriptures, this book provides a short and simple beginning. The text provides the basic instructions on life. It highlights the two main motivations which propel the life of a human being viz.acquisition and enjoyment. The first motivation drives him to acquire, aggrandise, hoard wealth. And the second causes him to indulge in the enjoyment of the acquired wealth. The text points out the hollowness of these external pursuits. Directs you to seek the supreme Self within. And reach the eternal Abode of peace and bliss.


Book Description

Based on Adi Sankaracharya's famous Bhaja Govindam, Swamiji exhorts us to renounce our thirst for 'women' and 'wealth' and perform all actions in a spirit of dedication to a higher altar. In life, a person traverses the breathtaking heights of chest thumping success as well as the depressing lows of despondent failure. Though it is easy to get carried away with situations and events, the truth is that none of them will stand the test of time. Even this will pass away ..... resonates Bhaja Govindam, that elixir which rejuvenates and restores our sense of purpose in search for the essential. Swami Chinmayananda in Seek the Eternal distils the teachings of Adi Sankaracharya's landmark text Bhaja Govindam. He puts into perspective how we can trace the trivial from the essential to lead a more purposeful and fulfilling life.


Book Description

In this exquisite piece of poetry, Adi Sankaracharya indicates the goal of realization and describes the path to be taken. He also reveals the causes for human misery and warns us of the consequences of continuing the present egocentric living. In the opening verse Sankara says "Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam, Govindam Bhaja Moodamate, Samprapte Sannihite Kale Nahi Nahi Rakshati Dukrinyakarane ". Meaning - Seek Govind, Seek Govind, O Fool! When the appointed time comes (death), the rules of grammar surely will not save you.

Bhaja Govindam

Book Description

Bhaja Govindam, also known as Moha Mudgara, is a famous devotional hymn composed by Adi Shankaracharya, one of the most renowned Hindu philosophers and theologians from ancient India. This profound composition, which consists of 31 verses, encapsulates the essence of Vedanta philosophy and serves as a spiritual guide. Bhaja Govindam translates to "Seek Govinda" or "Worship Govinda." Govinda refers to Lord Krishna, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu in Hinduism. The hymn emphasizes the impermanence of the material world and the importance of seeking liberation and spiritual realization. The hymn is divided into various sections, each addressing a specific aspect of human life and the spiritual journey. It begins with a verse that vividly illustrates the transitory nature of life, reminding individuals of the inevitability of death and the futility of worldly attachments. Shankaracharya emphasizes the need to realize the true purpose of life and not get lost in the pursuit of wealth and material possessions. Throughout Bhaja Govindam, Shankaracharya imparts timeless wisdom and practical advice for spiritual seekers. He emphasizes the importance of self-realization, detachment, and the renunciation of worldly desires. The hymn encourages individuals to seek knowledge, cultivate virtues, and practice self-discipline. Shankaracharya stresses the significance of controlling the mind and senses, as they can easily lead one astray. He highlights the illusory nature of the world and urges people to recognize the eternal reality beyond appearances. The hymn encourages the pursuit of spiritual knowledge and meditation as a means to attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The lyrical and poetic verses of Bhaja Govindam, composed in Sanskrit, have made it a beloved devotional hymn and a source of inspiration for generations. Its profound teachings continue to resonate with individuals seeking spiritual growth and self-realization.

Adi Shankaracharya’s Bhaja Govindam

Book Description

Adi Shankaracharya composed a number of Vedantic works for imparting the knowledge of the Self. One of these hymns is the famous “Bhaja Govindam”. ‘Bhaja’ literally means ‘seek’, ‘Govindam’ means ‘the Lord’ – ‘the Truth’. The learned masters, out of deep compassion try to wake up humanity. They invite us to open our eyes to a higher dimension of living. The whole text of Bhaja Govindam in essence means ‘Wake up, seek the Lord, and stop seeking the primitive and superficial things in life.’ The compilation of thoughts presented in this book is applicable to one and all. Swami Sukhabodhananda in his unique style explains the verses with deep clarity and understanding.

Bhaja Govindam & Atmabodha

Book Description

Includes the complete works Bhaja Govindan: seek the eternal and Atmabodha: knowledge of self.

Shankara's Bhaja Govindam

Book Description

In a time when spiritual darkness veiled India, one man's light shone through. Witness the story of the 8th century's greatest philosopher and the verses that echoed through eternity. Adi Shankara, a legendary enlightened master, ignites a revolution in Varanasi. As he spreads the liberating wisdom of Vedanta philosophy and the Bhaja Govindam's message of devotion and transcendence, Shankara faces threats from forces fighting to preserve ignorance. Against this darkness, Shankara's divine vision transforms all in its path. When he encounters Raghav, a man trapped in superficial worship, Shankara's eternal teachings compel Raghav to confront his deepest desires and discover what immortality truly means. Torn between revenge and redemption, Raghav's journey unlocks the transformative power of spiritual understanding. His fate entwined with Shankara's, Raghav must choose: embrace wisdom or vengeance. Shankara's quest to spread the truth has made him a target of danger. Abducted from his disciples, even captivity cannot contain his grace. Experience the vision that triumphs over mortal retribution and feel the verses that set souls free. Discover the master who challenged eternity. Find what lasts forever in "Shankara's Bhaja Govindam: Chronicle of an Abduction in Varanasi". Feel the passion that ignited India's Age of Enlightenment. For in Varanasi, the light that liberates all still shines.

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. We wish you, your family, and your friends a very Happy New Year filled with love, peace, and bliss. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the January 2024 New Year’s issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A divine discourse by Swami on January 1, 1992, on the manifestation of our innate divinity for Self-realization An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan in May 1973 on realizing the presence of God (Sai) within us An editorial discussing the path to liberation as expounded by the sage Adi Shankaracharya centuries ago Three unique personal experiences of devotees with Swami An article describing the SSSIO Conference in Barbados on the power of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values The publication also contains articles on service activities of the SSSIO in Azerbaijan, Canada, Thailand, and countries of Zone 8, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education.

Seek the Lord

Book Description

Sathya Sai - The Eternal Companion (Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2024)

Book Description

Om Sri Sai Ram. With love, reverence, and gratitude, Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) offers the February 2024 issue of Sathya Sai – The Eternal Companion at the divine lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This issue features: A divine discourse given on July 28, 2007 at the World Youth Conference, in which Swami assures the ultimate experience of Self-realization or liberation if one contemplates on God for eleven seconds with a steady mind. An inspiring letter written by Bhagawan in July 1965 on the importance of earnestness in sadhana and steady faith for spiritual aspirants. An editorial based on Adi Shankaracharya’s Bhaja Govindam (Part 2) expounding that everything is Brahman. Two unique personal experiences of devotees with one reminiscing the golden days during the 1974 Summer Course and the other recollecting Swami's golden touch during challenging times. An article about a unique program in Australia, 1 Million Steps To Swami, to help devotees remain connected with Swami in a practical way by constant remembrance of His name and form. The publication also contains articles on service activities of the SSSIO in Australia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, and the USA, the glory of womanhood, ideal Sai Young Adults, and Sathya Sai Education.