Bhakti and Karma Yoga - The Science of Devotion and Liberation Through Action (eBook)

Book Description

Bhakti and Karma Yoga - The Science of Devotion and Liberation Through Action covers the systematic application of the essential principles of desire and devotion to aid us in achieving our goals and spiritual aspirations. Through inspired action we can transform our life experience to one of ecstatic bliss and outpouring divine love. In combination with an effective daily routine of yoga practices, the applied principles of bhakti and karma yoga elevate the relationship of our desires and actions to divine expression, greatly hastening our progress toward enlightenment. Yogani is the author of two landmark books on the world's most effective spiritual practices: Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living, a comprehensive user-friendly textbook, and The Secrets of Wilder, a powerful spiritual novel. The AYP Enlightenment Series makes these profound practices available for the first time in a series of concise instruction books. Bhakti and Karma Yoga is the eighth book in the series, preceded by Self-Inquiry, Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli, Samyama, Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas, Tantra, Spinal Breathing Pranayama, and Deep Meditation.

Bhakti and Karma Yoga

Book Description

"Bhakti and Karma Yoga - The Science of Devotion and Liberation Through Action" covers the systematic application of the essential principles of desire and devotion to aid us in achieving our goals and spiritual aspirations. Through inspired action we can transform our life experience to one of ecstatic bliss and outpouring divine love. In combination with an effective daily routine of yoga practices, the applied principles of bhakti and karma yoga elevate the relationship of our desires and actions to divine expression, greatly hastening our progress toward enlightenment. Yogani is the author of two landmark books on the world's most effective spiritual practices: "Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living," a comprehensive user-friendly textbook, and "The Secrets of Wilder," a powerful spiritual novel. The "AYP Enlightenment Series" makes these profound practices available for the first time in a series of concise instruction books. "Bhakti and Karma Yoga" is the eighth book in the series, preceded by "Self-Inquiry," "Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli," "Samyama," "Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas," "Tantra," "Spinal Breathing Pranayama," and "Deep Meditation."

Bhakti & Karma Yoga

Book Description

"Bhakti and Karma Yoga - The Science of Devotion and Liberation Through Action" covers the systematic application of the essential principles of desire and devotion to aid us in achieving our goals and spiritual aspirations. Through inspired action we can transform our life experience to one of ecstatic bliss and outpouring divine love. In combination with an effective daily routine of yoga practices, the applied principles of bhakti and karma yoga elevate the relationship of our desires and actions to divine expression, greatly hastening our progress toward enlightenment. Yogani is the author of ground-breaking books on highly effective spiritual practices, including: Advanced Yoga Practices – Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living (two comprehensive user-friendly textbooks), and The Secrets of Wilder, a powerful spiritual novel. The "AYP Enlightenment Series" makes these profound practices available for the first time in a series of concise instruction books. "Bhakti and Karma Yoga" is the eighth book in the series, preceded by "Self-Inquiry," "Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli," "Samyama," "Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas," "Tantra," "Spinal Breathing Pranayama," and "Deep Meditation."

Bhakti & Karma Yoga - The Science of Devotion and Liberation through Action (Arabic Translation)

Book Description

Bhakti and Karma Yoga - The Science of Devotion and Liberation Through Action covers the systematic application of the essential principles of desire and devotion to aid us in achieving our goals and spiritual aspirations. Through inspired action we can transform our life experience to one of ecstatic bliss and outpouring divine love. In combination with an effective daily routine of yoga practices, the applied principles of bhakti and karma yoga elevate the relationship of our desires and actions to divine expression, greatly hastening our progress toward enlightenment. Yogani is the author of two landmark books on the world's most effective spiritual practices: Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living, a comprehensive user-friendly textbook, and The Secrets of Wilder, a powerful spiritual novel. The AYP Enlightenment Series makes these profound practices available for the first time in a series of concise instruction books. Bhakti and Karma Yoga is the eighth book in the series, preceded by Self-Inquiry, Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli, Samyama, Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas, Tantra, Spinal Breathing Pranayama, and Deep Meditation.


Book Description

Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas - Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini (eBook)

Book Description

Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas - Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini provides a practical approach for incorporating yoga postures and specialized inner physical maneuvers into a compact daily routine of practices that includes spinal breathing pranayama and deep meditation. Kundalini awakening is covered with clarity, including a discussion of symptoms and specific methods for self-pacing and regulating the inner energies to provide for progressive and safe unfoldment of abiding inner silence, ecstatic bliss and outpouring divine love - the essential characteristics of rising enlightenment. Yogani is the author of two landmark books on the world's most effective spiritual practices: Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living, a comprehensive user-friendly textbook, and The Secrets of Wilder, a powerful spiritual novel. The AYP Enlightenment Series makes these profound practices available for the first time in a series of concise instruction books. Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas is the fourth book in the series. The third in the series is Tantra - Discovering the Power of Pre-Orgasmic Sex. The second is Spinal Breathing Pranayama - Journey to Inner Space. The first is Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom.

Self-Inquiry - Dawn of the Witness and the End of Suffering (eBook)

Book Description

"Self-Inquiry - Dawn of the Witness and the End of Suffering" provides practical methods for making use of abiding inner silence (the Witness) cultivated in Deep Meditation, resulting in increased inner stability and happiness amidst the ups and downs of life. The practice of Self-Inquiry also aids us in realizing the ultimate truth of existence - the Oneness that we are and the Unity of all that exists. With the dawn of the Witness, we develop an increasing ability to observe our thoughts as objects. As our sense of self shifts from our thoughts to the silent Witness within, the grip of suffering is ended. Yogani is the author of two landmark books on the world's most effective spiritual practices: "Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living," a comprehensive user-friendly textbook, and "The Secrets of Wilder," a powerful spiritual novel. The "AYP Enlightenment Series" makes these profound practices available for the first time in a series of concise instruction books. "Self-Inquiry" is the seventh book in the series, preceded by "Diet, Shatkarmas and Amaroli," "Samyama," "Asanas, Mudras and Bandhas," "Tantra," "Spinal Breathing Pranayama," and "Deep Meditation."

Karma-yoga and Bhakti-yoga

Book Description

The Nectar of Devotion

Book Description

We cannot be happy without satisfying our fundamental desire to love. Discover all the intricacies of spiritual love, bhakti, in this devotional classic. This is a summary study of Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, the Vaishnava classic written by Rupa Goswami that analyzes the various stages of bhakti (devotion) as a methodical practice resulting in love of God. Rupa Goswami uses a metaphor comparing an ocean (sindhu) to a devotional relationship with God. The title of the book conveys that loving relationships are enjoyable like sweet nectar and deep like an ocean. However, devotion is truly only meant for the supreme beloved, Krishna. Srila Prabhupada has written this summary study to show the essential understanding of the practices and ideals of Krishna consciousness, and to introduce the Western world to the beauty of devotional concepts. The spiritually thirsty can develop their relationship with Krishna by drinking from the unlimited reservoir of The Nectar of Devotion. Drink deeply.

Bhakti et Karma Yoga - La science de la dévotion et la libération par l’action

Book Description

Bhakti et Karma Yoga décrit l’application systématique des principes essentiels du désir et de la dévotion pour nous aider à atteindre nos buts et nos aspirations spirituels. Avec une action inspirée nous pouvons transformer notre expérience de la vie en une vie de félicité extatique et d’effusion d’amour divin. Les principes de la bhakti et du karma yoga, combinés à une routine journalière efficace de pratiques de yoga, élèvent la relation entre nos désirs et nos actions au niveau d’une expression divine, hâtant grandement notre progrès vers l’illumination. Yogani est l’auteur de deux livres d’avant-garde sur des pratiques spirituelles extrêmement efficaces : Advanced Yoga Practices – Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living, deux volumes très complets, faciles à utiliser et d’un roman saisissant d’aventures spirituelles : The Secrets of Wilder. Pour la première fois, la collection AYP-SÉRIE POUR L’ILLUMINATION SPIRITUELLE rend ces pratiques profondes disponibles dans une série de livres d’instructions concises.