Gleanings in Genesis

Book Description

Gleanings in Exodus

Book Description

Historically, the book of Exodus treats of the deliverance of Israel from Egypt; but viewed doctrinally, it deals with redemption. Just as the first book of the Bible teaches that God elects unto salvation, so the second instructs us how God saves, namely, by redemption. Redemption, then, is the dominant subject of Exodus. Following this, we are shown what we are redeemed for-worship, and this characterizes Leviticus, where we learn of the holy requirements of God and the gracious provisions He has made to meet these. In Numbers we have the walk and warfare of the wilderness, where we have a typical representation of our experiences as we pass through this scene of sin and trial-our repeated and excuseless failures, and God's long-sufferance and faithfulness.

Gleanings in the Fields of Boaz

Book Description

This book contains the miscellaneous unpublished writings of the noted Chinese pastor/writer, Watchman Nee, gathered by his faithful followers after his death and presented to the public in book form.

Gleanings from Joshua

Book Description

"In approaching the study of one of the books of Scripture it must be of considerable help to the student if he can ascertain what is its main design and what is its outstanding topic. As pointed out in the pages in our Introduction to Exodus each book in the Bible has a prominent and dominant theme which, as such, is peculiar to itself, around which everything is made to center and of which all the details are but the amplification. What that leading subject may be, we should make it our business to prayerfully and diligently ascertain. This can best be discovered by reading and re-reading the book under review, noting carefully any particular feature or expression which occurs frequently in it-such as "under the sun" in Ecclesiastes or "the righteousness of God" in Romans. "The book of Joshua records one of the most interesting and important portions of Israel's history. It treats of the period of their estatement as a nation, of which Genesis was prophetic and the rest of the Pentateuch immediately preparatory. The books of Moses would be imperfect without this one: as it is the capstone of them, so it is the foundation of those which follow. Omit Joshua and there is a gap left in the sacred history which nothing could supply. Without it what proceeds would be incomprehensible and what follows unexplained. The sacred writer was directed to fill that gap by narrating the conquest and apportionment of the Promised Land. Thus this book may be contemplated from two distinct but closely related standpoints: first as the end of Israel's trials and wanderings in the wilderness, and second as the beginning of their new life in the land. It is that twofold viewpoint which supplies the clue to its spiritual interpretation, as it alone solves the problem which so many have found puzzling in this book." Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings. Though born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society (an occult gnostic group popular in England during that time), and quickly rose in prominence within their ranks. His conversion came from his father's patient admonitions from Scripture. It was the verse, Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death, ' which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.

Mama Needs A Time-Out

Book Description

Need a time-out from your kids and a moment or two with God? Mama Needs A Time-Out is just for you. Filled with mirth, encouragement, and a transparent view of mothering, this inspirational devotional leads you through the names of God as you march through the trenches of motherhood. Whether you are a mother of preschoolers or toddlers, this book satisfies your soul and reminds you that you aren’t alone! No other job requires our attention, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with a job expectancy of at least 18 years. We are pulled 1,000 different directions on a weekly basis. Between work, husbands, church, community, and kids, it’s a wonder that we are still sane! This leaves little time for our needs and nurturing our souls. Mama Needs a Time-Out offers personal insight of going deeper with God. These short devotions help you laugh at life’s most embarrassing moments, provide a unique view of God being with you in the midst of your worst moments, and help put things back into perspective. Mama Needs a Time-Out is your daily getaway, bookended by Scripture, Heather’s "been-there-and-done-that" transparency and tips for moms are a great way to refresh your spirit—you know, the sleep-deprived, squabbling-refereeing, hormone-wacked, woman your kids refer to as, “Mom." For more information and daily time-out moments of encouragement, visit

Gleanings From Paul

Book Description

In Gleanings from Paul Arthur W. Pink presents a detailed study of Paul and his God honoring prayer. Throughout his letters Paul offers prayer to God that are among the richest sources in all of Scripture the how, why and power of prayer. Many Christians long to see greater depth in their praying, here Pink gives insight into Paul's relationship with God direction on how we can strengthen our own walk with the Father. Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings. Though born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society (an occult gnostic group popular in England during that time), and quickly rose in prominence within their ranks. His conversion came from his father's patient admonitions from Scripture. It was the verse, Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death, ' which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.


Book Description

How do we find contentment in God when we feel so hidden? Sara Hagerty unfolds the truths found in the biblical story of Mary of Bethany to discover the scandalous love of God and explore the spiritual richness of being hidden in him. Every heart longs to be seen and understood. Yet most of our lives is unwitnessed. We spend our days working, driving, parenting. We sometimes spend whole seasons feeling unnoticed and unappreciated. In Unseen, Sara Hagerty suggests that this is exactly what God intended. He is the only One who truly knows us. He is the only One who understands the value of the unseen in our lives. When this truth seeps into our souls, we realize that only when we hide ourselves in God can we give ourselves to others in true freedom--and know the joy of a deeper relationship with the God who sees us. Our culture applauds what we can produce, what we can show, what we can upload to social media. Only when we give all of ourselves to God--unedited, abandoned, apparently wasteful in its lack of productivity--can we live out who God created us to be. As Hagerty writes, "Maybe my seemingly unproductive, looking-up-at-Him life produces awe among the angels." Through an eloquent exploration of both personal and biblical story, Hagerty calls us to offer every unseen minute of our lives to God. God is in the secret places of our lives that no one else witnesses. But we've not been relegated to these places. We've been invited. We may be "wasting" ourselves in a hidden corner today: The cubicle on the fourth floor. The hospital bedside of an elderly parent. The laundry room. But these are the places God uses to meet us with a radical love. These are the places that produce the kind of unhinged love in us that gives everything at His feet, whether or not anyone else ever proclaims our name, whether or not anyone else ever sees. God's invitation is not just for a season or a day. It is the question of our lives: "When no one else applauds you, when it makes no sense, when you see no results--will you waste your love on Me?"