Bible Reliability: Discovering a Science-Based Genesis

Book Description

The most widely published book in the world is the Bible. It is also the most criticized book in print. With the development of modern communication technology, critics can attack the Bible on a global scale, bypass reviews and quality-control processes, and make unchallenged claims. The information appears to be truthful and is presented with authority but ignores the real truth. The objective of this book is to compare Bible statements primarily from Genesis with modern scientific knowledge. The result is an excellent match between the Bible, written thousands of years ahead of the scientific discoveries, and science.

The Genesis Enigma

Book Description

An acclaimed, paradigm-shifting evolutionary biologist shows how the biblical story of Genesis uncannily reflects recent scientific discoveries-and finds room for divine inspiration within. Consider this: Genesis recounts the story of creation, step-by-step: "Let there be light"; "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear"; "Let the earth bring forth [vegetation]"; "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life"; "God created the whales"; "And God created . . . every winged fowl." For thousands of years, Judeo-Christian belief has accepted this progression as truth. And now, thanks to recent scientific discoveries, the scientific community does, too (though without the mention of "God"). In The Genesis Enigma, respected evolutionary biologist Andrew Parker explains each parallel between Genesis and science in detail-and the closer he looks, the more amazing the parallels become. But the Genesis account has no right to be correct. The author or authors could not have known these things happened in this order, and with the highlights science has come to recognize. Ultimately, Parker argues, it must be divine inspiration that guided the writing of the Bible. This startling conclusion will make The Genesis Enigma a must-read for believers and scientists alike.

Bible Reliability: Birthing the Nation of Israel

Book Description

This book explores Bible reliability in terms of Egyptian history. It also includes the value of the Law provided from God through Moses in terms of environmental and medical science. In the past, critics have claimed that the Bible is inaccurate in matching Egyptian history. Now, there is strong evidence the Egyptian history timeline needs to be revised. With this revised dating of the Egyptian 12th Dynasty, Bible information matches well with Egyptian history from Abraham to Moses. The Law matches well with modern medical science for control of infectious diseases. The Law also gives instructions for dealing with the management of mildew that too matches modern technology. The instructions for disposal of human waste match recommendations from modern science for primitive conditions.

Bible Rhymes: Fifty Two Poems with Commentary

Book Description

If you have trouble reading the Bible from beginning to end, this book is your solution. Each of the 52 poems in this collection describes a Bible event, person, or message. Each poem is simple, easy to read, and provides focus on a biblical topic. The rhythm of a poem increases both interest and long-term retention of message. Thought-provoking and in-depth message content enhance the value of each poem. Furthermore, many of the poems provide encouragement for living life with a purpose and to the fullest. With 52 poems, this book can be used as a yearly devotional or Bible study with one poem or message per week. Topics include creation, salvation, treasures in heaven, and many more. Because poems and topics range across both the Old and New Testaments, this book provides a brief overview of the Bible. The Bible verses on which each poem is based are provided along with commentary about the Bible information.

Exploring Genesis

Book Description

Many have trouble with the historical and scientific character of the first book of the Bible. This book looks at specific interpretive details including Hebrew language characteristics, scientific research, historical reference, secondary Biblical texts and, other Jewish and or other ancient text comparisons to see if there are any anomalous characteristics that go outside modern scientific theory or historical reason. While the following questions have been used to establish uncertainty of the validity of Moses' book, what we will find is that the inspiration and details accounting of these early years of our existence were very accurately and succinctly presented so that a Jewish nation could understand the facts. How Moses obtained these facts is not only mind boggling, but also inspiring. Many of the apparent anomalies will be addressed to expand our understanding of this great work and hopefully eliminate the controversies.

Genesis and the Big Bang Theory

Book Description

A ground-breaking book that takes on skeptics from both sides of the cosmological debate, arguing that science and the Bible are not at odds concerning the origin of the universe. The culmination of a physicist's thirty-five-year journey from MIT to Jerusalem, Genesis and the Big Bang presents a compelling argument that the events of the billions of years that cosmologists say followed the Big Bang and those of the first six days described in Genesis are, in fact, one and the same—identical realities described in vastly different terms. In engaging, accessible language, Dr. Schroeder reconciles the observable facts of science with the very essence of Western religion: the biblical account of Creation. Carefully reviewing and interpreting accepted scientific principles, analogous passages of Scripture, and biblical scholarship, Dr. Schroeder arrives at a conclusion so lucid that one wonders why it has taken this long in coming. The result for the reader—whether believer or skeptic, Jewish or Christian—is a totally fresh understanding of the key events in the life of the universe.

Shining Light on God’s Word through Poems

Book Description

If you have trouble reading the Bible from beginning to end, this book is your solution. Each of the 52 poems in this collection describes a Bible event, person, or message. Each poem is simple, easy to read, and provides focus on a biblical topic. This book of poems features both Christmas and Easter sections. Poems range from Creation to Revelation.

The Beginning of the World

Book Description

Is Genesis Historically Accurate...and What Did Jesus Say? Analyze the impact of the unproven theory of evolution Examine Genesis and the scientific proof of Creation Evaluate the true synchronicity between the Bible and science If you have a deep love for the Bible but find it challenging to defend against intellectual arguments, this resource is invaluable. Dr. Morris empowers you and your church to withstand academic attacks and ridicule directed at the Christian faith. This book serves as an excellent guide for Bible teachers, study groups, and individual learners, catering to both scholars and laymen alike. The inclusion of discussion questions at the end of each chapter encourages thoughtful reflection and group engagement. A handy review of Genesis 1-11, The Beginning of the World gives insightful commentary into the stories most often labeled as “myth” by those who want to chip away at the Bible. Morris details amazing evidence that the first 11 chapters of Genesis are literal history that shapes us today.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis

Book Description

Unlock the Mysteries of Faith and Science Have you wondered how the creation story in Genesis fits with the evolutionary theories of popular science? You're not alone. Many Christians wrestle with the seeming disparity between faith and science. They want to believe the inerrancy of Scripture, but it's difficult to reconcile the two. Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis seeks to resolve this conflict by answering key questions about the origin of human life, the evidence left by the fossil record, and how the findings of science line up with the Bible. Using the most current research and data, this visually stunning book takes readers on a journey that explores the wonders of God's creation through the lens of faith-based science that clearly points to the authenticity and accuracy of the biblical creation account. The compelling evidence you'll find as you study both Genesis and science will challenge your intellect and reinforce your faith.

What is Creation Science?

Book Description

Explore the truth of science and faith... and what it means to you! Uncover evidences of Creation in living systems Unravel the questions of Creation and the laws of science Understand the vanishing case for evolution science Many Christians are not aware that many legitimate scientists embrace the Genesis explanation of origins. In What is Creation Science?, two of the most respected members of that group have given us the benefit of their knowledge. The book itself, though technical in places, is remarkably clear, and its focus is on a fair dialogue of the issues. So much so that many thousands of readers have taken to heart Dr. Parker's challenge, to "Think About It!" The creation/evolution question is not an issue that concerns only biologists on the one hand and religious people on the other. In one way or another, the issue permeates every field of academic study and every aspect of national life. It deals with two opposing basic worldviews - two philosophies of origins and destinies, of life and meaning. Consequently, it is (or should be) of special concern to everyone.