Bible Spoof! a Closer Look at Genesis

Book Description

Come and see the absurdities of the Bible flushed out in all their glory in this fictional comedy's chapter-by-chapter retelling of all the stories of Genesis done in satirical fashion!Follow along with the all-holy God of the universe who graciously abuses and lovingly exploits his creation at every turn as his unwilling assistant, the logical Spirit, does his best to object and stand up for true righteousness. They'll interact with some of your favorite heroes of the faith in such classic events as:-God Creates Porn!-It's Hard to Steer an Ark When You're Drunk!-Amazing Sheep Genetics! (No, Really! You Just Need a Couple of Twigs!)-Abraham and the Great Penis Massacre!-Fiery Skies Forecast for Pride Parade!-Faithfulness Exam Time: When the Pressure's on, Will You Light Your Own Child on Fire? Funniest (as with any parody) if you have some familiarity with the original source, but the stories and characters are comical enough for all to laugh, even those without knowledge of the Bible.Bible Spoof! was written by a former hardcore Christian fundamentalist who, after much questioning of his faith, ultimately abandoned it all when humor helped him see the irrationalities of his god and holy book. It was not written to attack personal faith, but if something in it is deemed offensive or appalling, hopefully the same reaction is had upon opening the Bible. While greatly about the laughs, if any reader is deeply in the faith, struggling in the faith, or even just curious, hopefully this book will provoke some independent thought. Readers are encouraged by the author to compare with the Bible, think for themselves, and draw their own conclusions.Fanfare:Satan - "Excellent."Random Pastor - "Holy Mother of God!"God - "How the tables have turned! This book inspired me!"Random Churchgoer - "Finally! A Bible I actually want to read!"Jesus Christ - "I resurrected just so I could read this book."

The Bible Year Devotional

Book Description

The Bible. 365 days. You. Yes, you! Not the type to sit down and read the entire Bible? Yes, the goal is to read the whole Bible in a year, but think about it in terms of smaller, daily goals. Think about a commitment to read a short selection from the Bible plus a concise devotional every day. You can do that – especially since The Bible Year has it all mapped out for you day by day. Plus, you’ll also get summaries of key themes and ideas to help you better digest and understand your readings. So you’re not just reading verse after verse, you’re enriching your spiritual life, developing a deeper faith and forming a closer connection to God and to each other. The Bible Year is also a wonderful way for small groups or even individuals to grow closer to God, while providing a common thread that will promote new and deeper friendships among members. Additional resources sold separately include a Leader Guide with discussion questions for small groups and a Pastor's Guide for a church-wide emphasis. Daily Bible goals start here! Praise for The Bible Year When it comes to read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year programs, The Bible Year is a game changer. Packed with devotionals, discussion guides, and resources for pastors, this beautifully written book makes journeying through Scripture less daunting and more rewarding. It’s the perfect companion for those who wish to read through the Bible for the first time or those seek to go deeper in their study of Scripture together with others. – Ryan P. Bonfiglio, Director of the Candler Foundry and Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Candler Theological Seminary With a pastor’s devotion to God and the people he serves, deVega has structured a truly helpful guide for reading the Bible in the span of a year. The thoughtful format is well designed to encourage steady progress in reading, and provoke thoughtful reflection. Brief section summaries allow the reader to stay on top of the larger story line, and thoughtful questions and blank spaces support a meditative encounter. This book is a welcome gift for anyone who wants to grow in faithfulness and devotion. – Melody D. Knowles, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Old Testament, Virginia Theological Seminary

The Genesis Enigma

Book Description

An acclaimed, paradigm-shifting evolutionary biologist shows how the biblical story of Genesis uncannily reflects recent scientific discoveries-and finds room for divine inspiration within. Consider this: Genesis recounts the story of creation, step-by-step: "Let there be light"; "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear"; "Let the earth bring forth [vegetation]"; "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life"; "God created the whales"; "And God created . . . every winged fowl." For thousands of years, Judeo-Christian belief has accepted this progression as truth. And now, thanks to recent scientific discoveries, the scientific community does, too (though without the mention of "God"). In The Genesis Enigma, respected evolutionary biologist Andrew Parker explains each parallel between Genesis and science in detail-and the closer he looks, the more amazing the parallels become. But the Genesis account has no right to be correct. The author or authors could not have known these things happened in this order, and with the highlights science has come to recognize. Ultimately, Parker argues, it must be divine inspiration that guided the writing of the Bible. This startling conclusion will make The Genesis Enigma a must-read for believers and scientists alike.

The Evolution of Adam

Book Description

Can Christianity and evolution coexist? Traditional Christian teaching presents Jesus as reversing the effects of the fall of Adam. But an evolutionary view of human origins doesn't allow for a literal Adam, making evolution seemingly incompatible with what Genesis and the apostle Paul say about him. For Christians who both accept evolution and want to take the Bible seriously, this can present a faith-shaking tension. Popular Old Testament scholar Peter Enns offers a way forward by explaining how this tension is caused not by the discoveries of science but by false expectations about the biblical texts. In this 10th anniversary edition, Enns updates readers on developments in the historical Adam debate, helping them reconcile Genesis and Paul with current views on evolution and human origins. This edition includes an afterword that explains Enns's own theological evolution since the first edition released.

The Lost World of Genesis One

Book Description

In this astute mix of cultural critique and biblical studies, John H. Walton presents and defends twenty propositions supporting a literary and theological understanding of Genesis 1 within the context of the ancient Near Eastern world and unpacks its implications for our modern scientific understanding of origins.

The Liturgy of Creation

Book Description

How were holidays chosen and taught in biblical Israel, and what did they have to do with the creation narrative? Michael LeFebvre considers the calendars of the Pentateuch, arguing that dates were added to Old Testament narratives not as journalistic details but to teach sacred rhythms of labor and worship. LeFebvre then applies this insight to the creation week, finding that the days of creation also serve a liturgical purpose.

The Formation of Genesis 1-11

Book Description

There is general agreement in the field of Biblical studies that study of the formation of the Pentateuch is in disarray. David M. Carr turns to the Genesis Primeval History, Genesis 1-11, to offer models for the formation of Pentateuchal texts that may have traction within this fractious context. Building on two centuries of historical study of Genesis 1-11, this book provides new support for the older theory that the bulk of Genesis 1-11 was created out of a combination of two originally separate source strata: a Priestly source and an earlier non-Priestly source that was used to supplement the Priestly framework. Though this overall approach contradicts some recent attempts to replace such source models with theories of post-Priestly scribal expansion, Carr does find evidence of multiple layers of scribal revision in the non-P and P sources, from the expansion of an early independent non-Priestly primeval history with a flood narrative and related materials to a limited set of identifiable layers of Priestly material that culminate in the P-like redaction of the whole. This book synthesizes prior scholarship to show how both the P and non-Priestly strata of Genesis also emerged out of a complex interaction by Judean scribes with non-biblical literary traditions, particularly with Mesopotamian textual traditions about primeval origins. The Formation of Genesis 1-11 makes a significant contribution to scholarship on one of the most important texts in the Hebrew Bible and will influence models for the formation of the Hebrew Bible as a whole.

(Mis)interpreting Genesis

Book Description

Contents by chapter: What was Leviathan? Was Behemoth a Dinosaur? King James' Unicorns Making Sense of Isaiah's Flying Serpents Does Genesis 1:1 Describe the Absolute Beginning? Ancient Hebrew Heavenly Cosmology The Ancient Hebrew Conception of the Earth Eden: The Cosmic Mountain of God The Meaning of the Seven Days of Creation The Numerological Lifespans of the Patriarchs Animal Death Before the Fall Why the Holy Spirit isn't Your Bible Commentary How Popular Views of Inspiration Protect Readers from Their Bible False Artifacts, Hoaxes, and Misinterpretations: Young-Earth Creationism's Use of Dragon Legends Misuse of Flood Legends Cosmology and Traditional World Cultures Praise for (Mis)interpreting Genesis: "Stanhope's scholarly, multi-pronged critique...helped me to see the biblical narrative as holding far deeper, more significant meaning than what these Christian materialists seem bent on forcing the text to say. The text itself, in its ancient context, is far more interesting than what these eisegetes want to make it say." - John Holzmann, Co-Founder, Sonlight Curriculum Ltd.; Manager, Holzmann Family Enterprises LLC "Stanhope has dedicated many years to combatting the misinformation circulated by young-earth creationists in print and online. In this book, we see the fruit of his labors and a clear demonstration of his love for the Bible and dedication to understanding it in its historical and cultural context. The result is a monumental work.... The book offers a positive and remarkably thorough survey of the relevant biblical texts (both the ones young-earth creationists twist and the ones they conveniently ignore) as well as of relevant archaeological data.... In short, the book offers a compelling case for how to interpret the biblical material about creation that is more honest and more genuinely biblical in character than what one finds in the homeschooling and other literature promoted by the Creation Museum and other organizations like it. All those concerned not only about the state of science education in the United States, but also the decline in biblical literacy, owe Stanhope a debt of gratitude." - James F. McGrath, Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature, Butler University. Author of The Only True God: Monotheism in Early Judaism and Christianity "Stanhope relies on the most up-to-date scholarship to explain many concepts in the biblical texts that have been misunderstood by many people in today's world. This book is necessary for anyone to dive deeper into the biblical texts. I cannot recommend it enough." - Michael Jones, Founder and Director of the Inspiring Philosophy Christian research video library Ben Stanhope has served as a Garrett Fellow in the Department of Literature and Culture of Boyce College, holds a certificate in Worldview from Biola University, a B.A. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and an M.A. in Manuskriptkulturen from the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures at the German University of Hamburg, where he was educated in archaeometric techniques under Dead Sea Scroll scientists. His research thesis First Temple Hebrew Seals and Bullae Identifying Biblical Persons synthesizes archaeological and museum catalog data to present novel discoveries in the interpretation of Egyptian icons on biblical period papyrus seals. He has authored a work on first century Roman philosophy entitled, The Golden Sayings of Epictetus: In Contemporary English.

Holy Hilarity

Book Description

The Language of Creation

Book Description

The Language of Creation is a commentary on the primeval stories from the book of Genesis. It is often difficult to recognize the spiritual wisdom contained in these narratives because the current scientific worldview is deeply rooted in materialism. Therefore, instead of looking at these stories through the lens of modern academic disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, or the physical sciences, this commentary attempts to interpret the Bible from its own cosmological perspective.By contemplating the ancient biblical model of the universe, The Language of Creation demonstrates why these stories are foundational to western science and civilization. It rediscovers the archaic cosmic patterns of heaven, earth, time, and space, and sees them repeated at different levels of reality. These fractal-like structures are first encountered in the narrative of creation and then in the stories of the Garden of Eden, Cain and Abel, and the flood. The same patterns are also revealed in the visions of Ezekiel, the book of Daniel, and the miracles of Moses. The final result of this contemplation is a vision of the cosmos centered on the role of human consciousness in creation.