Preparing the Bride of Christ

Book Description

Warning: Do not read this book if you are not willing to be changed by the Lord! This book uncovers the hidden truth of the preparation of the bride of Christ. The message in this book is to help the Christian see some of the necessary elements the Lord uses in preparation for the marriage. This teaching is based on Ephesians 5:27: "That He [Jesus] might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle," as well as other places in the Bible where this truth is concealed. If this teaching is received, the heart of the individual Christian will be open to the Lord enabling him to enter the process of preparation, which is necessary for the union with Jesus Christ. "I know it is the earnest desire of the author that, as you read this book, you would find that pearl of great value that remains hidden until found by a seeking and hungry heart." -James Parnell Teacher at Cornerstone Bible Center

Bible Studies for the Preparation of the Bride: A Study of the Song of Solomon

Book Description

Bob and Rose Weiner present a series of studies on the symbolism and imagery of the Song of Solomon, reflecting a position that the book portrays Christ and his love for his bride, the Church.

Chosen and Cherished

Book Description

Chosen and Cherished contains a word portrait of an ancient Jewish wedding. In living color, the authors paint images of ancient wedding customs as women of the Bible would have celebrated them, pointing readers to the spiritual significance for today. The book also features personal wedding stories from the authors and others.

God Is a Matchmaker

Book Description

God is the divine matchmaker, and this is His plan for you. Marriage is God's sacred creation, a beautiful gift for His children. But too often we fail to leave the choice or the timing to Him. In this revised and expanded edition of his bestselling book, well-known Bible teacher Derek Prince and his wife, Ruth, reveal God's true plan for you and your future spouse. In addition to sharing their own real-life love story, Derek lays out seven biblical steps to finding your mate. He will also help you answer tough questions, such as · How can I know if it is God's will for me to marry? · How can I prepare myself for marriage? · How can I find the mate God has appointed for me? · What is God's plan for remarriage? Full of inspiring testimonies from people who found their perfect matches by following these principles, God Is a Matchmaker also offers special counsel and material for parents, pastors, counselors, teachers and youth ministers involved with those preparing for this exciting time of life. When you discover God's pattern for marriage, you will experience His perfect gift: a match truly made in heaven.

Here Comes the Bride

Book Description

How closely does your relationship with your husband match what God had in mind when He designed marriage? Why did He create marriage in the first place? Is it possible for your marital union to change from miserable to happy? How is your spiritual life? Are you closer to the Lord today than you were a year ago? What does it mean to be a part of the bride of Christ? Comparing marriage to the relationship of Christ and the church, Sue Angel explores not only how you can become the wife that God intended you to be, but also how you can enhance your walk with the heavenly Bridegroom. Sue Angel and her husband Charles have enjoyed a rich and deeply satisfying marriage since 1964. Drawing on her own marital relationship and on the study of God's Word, Sue has over the years taught Bible studies for women and led women's ministries and retreats. The Angels live in central Arkansas, where they are active in their local church.

The Bride of Christ

Book Description

The Bride of Christ: Being Rapture Ready is a 6-week Bible study that parallels the ancient wedding customs with today's Church, Christ's Bride. God is setting things up for the return of His Son. Believer's hearts are being stirred. The Bridegroom is coming soon to retrieve His Bride, the Church. Still, there are many lingering questions: When will these things happen? What can we expect? Are we in the end days? How can we be ready? What specific things does the Bible teach us about the Rapture and the events that follow? In this Bible study, we seek to answer these questions and provide believers with biblically-based details of the end-day events. The purpose of this Bible study is to help Christians get prepared for their Groom's arrival, while illuminating certain features and events still in the future.

Preparing the Bride of Christ for His Return

Book Description

I pray that this great book will be placed in the hands of thousands of men and women across the globe. Spiritual authority and hearing the voice of God is so ably articulated, that even the ‘new’ Christian will be armed and equipped to identify and recognize these challenges when they arise. Dr. Graham Power Power Group/Global Day of Prayer Being Janet Van Hierden’s pastor has been a pleasure. She is a godly woman, deeply prayerful, who adores the Bride of Christ, and practices what she preaches. If there were anyone in our congregation whose prayers for the Bride I would appreciate and value, it would be hers. Bishop Todd Atkinson Via Apostolica & River of Life Church Being gripped with the realization that a great harvest of souls is upon us, there is a sense of urgency as the author through personal stories and testimonies gives practical advice in areas such as: Gaining advantage through “proper response in suffering”, and exposing “a deep secret of satan” Aquiring “authority through unity in marriage” What it means for a “woman to surround a man” for his protection This pithy, but easy to read manual helps prepare the Bride for the return of the Bridegroom, while leaving the reader wanting more.

Beyond Da Vinci

Book Description

The History of mankind is very cyclical. How often has it been said, "history repeats itself." Since time immemorial a repetitive theme in the human drama is Gnosticism, a teaching that special hidden knowledge leads to spiritual enlightenment. Gnostic myths have also focused on the sexual union of gods or goddesses with humans. The recent furor over the fictional novel and movie, The Da Vinci Code, has once again challenged the authenticity of the Christian Gospel, and brought new focus on Gnostic myths. Readers and movie-goers are encouraged to accept the dubious writings of "lost gospels" and reject the canonical teachings of the Bible. In those 2nd and 3rd century sources, the real Jesus who interacted with leaders, cared for the weak and sick, even loving the dregs of society, is exchanged for a strange creature that only appears to be human and bears no likeness to the Jewish man who died on a cruel Roman Cross. Beyond Da Vinci presents the real Jesus through the rich nuptial imagery of the Old and New Testaments. The reader meets the true Bride of Christ and learns of the incredible consummation of Bride and Bridegroom that is yet to come. Are there false Brides? Was Jesus of Nazareth married? Was he just a man or was he divine? Come partake of this incredible journey through the greatest romance of history; a journey to the truth.