
Book Description


Book Description

The Masorah of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia

Book Description

One of the barriers involved in teaching students of Biblical Hebrew about the Masorah is the lack of introductory literature on the subject. Although a lot of information about the Masorah is available in print, most of it is in technical professional journals or encyclopedia articles. Scattered about in disparate sources, often not in English, this literature is easier to ignore than it is to incorporate into introductory Hebrew classes. As a result, most students of Biblical Hebrew complete their studies without any background on the Masorah. This volume fills this gap by providing an introduction and glossary to the Masorah of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Although the volume could be used by any student of the Hebrew Bible, it is specifically designed to be helpful for students who are just learning Hebrew. Thus it can serve as an important parallel text for second semester or second year Hebrew courses. The introductory chapters give an overview of the field of Masoretic studies and explain the mechanics of using the Masorah of BHS. The annotated glossary provides students with definitions and explanations for most of the terms used in BHS, including examples.

Biblia Pauperum

Book Description

The Children's Bible Storybook

Book Description

Bible Stories to shape a child's life! The Children's Bible Storybook will give your child the bestpossible introduction to the Bible. The nearly 300 action-packedstories make Bible characters spring to life. Told in chronologicalorder with Scripture verses listed for easy reference, these dramaticstories tell all about Noah, Joseph, Deborah, Jonah, Mary, Jesus,Peter, Paul, and many, many more.

Biblia Qumranica

Book Description

The Biblia Qumranica is a unique tool for text-critical analysis which allows for the first time to analyse and interpret the textual witnesses of the Hebrew Bible as preserved from the Second Temple period in comparison to each other.


Book Description

Con el título Inteligencia espiritual y Biblia nos queremos referir a todo aquello que hace, que el libro más conocido de nuestro planeta, la Biblia,sea importante para la vida de las personas y las sociedades. No se rata de un libro más, que poco importa conocerlo o no. Se trata de una carta del mismo Dios-Amor a toda la humanidad, donde esta consignado todo su proyecto de amor desde la creación hasta los cielos nuevos y la tierra nueva que se nos promete.

Biblia Cabalistica

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Biblia Pauperum

Book Description


Book Description

He estudiado la Biblia por cuarenta años y he servido como abogado por más de treinta. Soy una persona de evidencias. Este libro examina la evidencia acerca de lo que la Biblia expresa con claridad acerca de este asunto. La respuesta probablemente te sorprenderá. La mayoría tiene conclusiones erróneas sobre esta cuestión, como resultado de mezclar algunas partes de la Biblia con las opiniones de las denominaciones eclesiásticas, líderes religiosos, sectas, ideas metafísicas, ateos y otros que han especulado acerca de que pasa con una persona después de la muerte. La pregunta es de máxima importancia, pues tu destino eterno depende de la respuesta. Jesús mismo dijo: “la verdad os hará libres.”