Biodegradability of Wood Products Under Simulated Landfill Conditions

Book Description

Landfills are the highest source of anthropogenic methane in the United States. Although it is known that methane and carbon dioxide are common products of anaerobic degradation, the amount of methane and carbon dioxide produced is not known for some individual components of municipal solid waste (MSW). Accordingly, there is no data on methane yield or the amount of carbon sequestered during the anaerobic degradation of wood, a common component of MSW. It is important to obtain these data to estimate landfill methane yields and the role of wood in methane emissions. The objective of this research was to develop data to predict the rate and extent of wood decomposition in landfills. The decomposition of wood products was analyzed in reactors filled with a hardwood, a softwood and four engineered woods (plywood, oriented strand board, particleboard and medium-density fiberboard). They are the dominant types of wood products produced in the United States according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Experiments were conducted in triplicate in 8-L reactors containing the shredded wood and seeded with well decomposed refuse. To promote optimal biodegradation, reactors were maintained in a room at 35Ã'°C and operated with leachate recirculation and neutralization. Nitrogen and phosphorus were added to ensure that their availability did not limit the extent of degradation. Methane yields of 29.93, 7.40, 6.23, 66.55, 5.31, 4.59 ml of CH4/ dry gram of wood, were measured for hardwood, softwood, plywood, oriented strand board, particleboard and medium-density fiberboard, respectively. Natural extractives in the hardwood and softwood tested, did not have an effect on methane yield while the synthetic resins used in engineered woods contributed to the measured methane yields.

Understanding Terrestrial Microbial Communities

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This book presents a summary of terrestrial microbial processes, which are a key factor in supporting healthy life on our planet. The authors explain how microorganisms maintain the soil ecosystem through recycling carbon and nitrogen and then provide insights into how soil microbiology processes integrate into ecosystem science, helping to achieve successful bioremediation as well as safe and effective operation of landfills, and enabling the design of composting processes that reduce the amount of waste that is placed in landfills. The book also explores the effect of human land use, including restoration on soil microbial communities and the response of wetland microbial communities to anthropogenic pollutants. Lastly it discusses the role of fungi in causing damaging, and often lethal, infectious diseases in plants and animals.

The Effect of Pretreatment on the Biodegradability of Municipal Solid Waste and Its Derived Residue

Book Description

Throughout the United States (U.S.), landfilling is the most common means to dispose of municipal solid waste (MSW). There are currently 1858 permitted MSW landfills in operation in the U.S. and many of these landfills are nearing capacity. A local example of this is Lycoming County Landfill. Landfilling is a land-intensive process that achieves a modest degree of biological conversion of MSW to methane. Whereas methane is a valuable energy product, landfills are unable to capture all of the produced methane. Purpose of this research was therefore to determine the effect of the following treatments on subsequent anaerobic biodegradability of MSW: heat and caustic, ultrasonic, microwave, and metals supplementation.

Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking

Book Description

Organic waste composting is another excellent example to demonstrate the power and the benefits of nexus thinking. Even though organic waste composting itself is not a new topic, those who want to start a new project or align an ongoing project with nexus thinking, find it difficult to gather the necessary information. With nine case studies from four continents, this book aims to fill above gap in literature. While current literature on composting is often found to be limited to either soil/agriculture sector or waste management sector, this book presents a combined point of view. This open access book starts with an introductory chapter that describes the need to bring the waste management aspects and soil nutrient management aspects of compost production into one integrated theme. The relevance of nexus thinking and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also presented in this introduction. The first three chapters after the introduction covers composting from the solid waste management and its policy aspects, taking examples from three developing countries. The next three examples are mostly about the benefits composting can provide to the soil and agriculture. These examples are also from three developing countries, but with a mixture of urban as well as rural settings. Last three chapters present more insight into the latest developments taking examples from Europe, as well as new methods adapted from the traditional styles from Africa.

Landfill Bioreactor Design & Operation

Book Description

Using biotechnology to help control landfill processes can mitigate costs, shorten the time needed to process solid waste, and ease the typical ecological damage to the land being used. This first-of-its-kind book provides regulators, designers, landfill owners, and operators with information that supports the utility of landfill bioreactors and provides design and operating criteria essential for the successful application of this technology. It pulls together laboratory, pilot, and full-scale experiences into one concise guide to designing and running municipal landfills as bioreactors. Landfill Bioreactor Design and Operation covers the history and background of landfill technology, research studies of actual bioreactor landfills, expected leachate and gas yields, specific design criteria, operation guidelines, and reuse of landfill sites to avoid having to establish new sites. For anyone looking for an alternative to large, wasteful landfill sites, this book provides a practical alternative to the problem.

An Experimental Setup for Simultaneous Physical, Geotechnical, and Biochemical Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste Undergoing Biodegradation in the Laboratory

Book Description

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is biodegradable in landfills under anaerobic conditions. The biodegradation of MSW consists of physical and biochemical processes that affect the geotechnical characteristics of the waste. Laboratory landfill simulators that enable simultaneous characterization of these processes are presented. The simulator configuration, testing procedure, sampling methods, and measurement methods are described. The temporal phases of MSW biodegradation were studied using the experimental setup. Good repeatability of the measurements was demonstrated between duplicate simulators. In addition to data on biogas and leachate samples, a solid waste core sampling technique for retrieving disturbed solid waste samples for chemical and microbial analyses is presented. It was demonstrated that core sampling did not significantly affect simulator operation and measurements. The simulators and sampling methods presented in this study can be used to generate data that will be useful in the development and calibration of comprehensive models for MSW biodegradation in landfills.