Biodegradable Municipal Waste Management in Europe

Book Description

Recoge: 1. Introduction - 2. Waste definitions and measuring progress towards the targets - 3. Existing management practices in Europe 16 - 4. Strategies and instruments for diverting BMW away from landfill - 5. Key issues and proposed indicators.

Municipal Waste Management in Europe

Book Description

Nicolas Buclet Waste management issues can be approached in several ways. The question of which treatment technique to adopt is essentially a downstream problem. In our view the issue needed to be tackled further upstream. Waste management is not only a technical problem, it is also an area which involves various actors throughout society. In this book, as in the previous volume (Buclet, Godard, 2000), the organisation of waste management is seen in terms of regimes. A regime is an entire form ofinstitutional, technical, economic and social organisation relating to a specific field, no matter how complex that field is. Regime formation is generally a long-drawn-out process, rooted in the multiple interactions of the actors involved. Legislation plays a crucial role but would not, of itself, lead to the formation of a regime. There is always the old question of causality and which element occurs first: the behaviour of actors who constitute the reality, or the legislation that models their behaviour? Besides legislation, other formal or informal conventions influence the behaviour of actors approaching a common path, making co ordination easier between them. In this book we have insisted on conventional principles. They are the real guides for actors within each national regime.

Municipal Waste Management in Europe

Book Description

Nicolas Buclet and Olivier Godard In terms of economic scale, waste management is one of the two most important environmentally oriented sectors. 1 It stands at the cross-roads in the material organization of society, resource management, changing lifestyles and consumption patterns, and ecological issues. For many years waste management has been perceived as aresources and health issue, confined mainly to dense urban areas, and not an environmental issue. In contemporary affiuent societies, however, the scale reached by waste flows, the inheritance of accumulated deposits in soils from the waste of previous generations and increasing levels of public concern about environmental proteetion and quality of life have all conspired to impose a fresh look at what waste really implies for a modern society. We are obliged to focus our attention on such questions as how the circulation of matter is at present organized by society and can be modified and controlled if economic development is to become more environmentally sustainable. This is the period we live in. Significant changes in waste management in European countries have been introduced during the last decade or so. To some extent the transition between traditional regimes mainly based on local disposal and new regimes based on a revised organisation of flows of waste matter is still in the making, involving new attitudes, new activities, new technologies and new incentives, reducing the pressure on virgin natural resources and eliminating the huge dissipation of various pollutants into the environment.

Biodegradable Municipal Waste Management in Europe

Book Description

Overview of the principal technologies available for diverting biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) from landfill. Focus is on food and garden waste. For each technology, the following aspects are addressed: 1) brief description of the technology or technology type, 2) advantages and disadvantages, 3) Typical costs, and 4) suitability for treating BMW.