Concepts and Values in Biodiversity

Book Description

Biodiversity may refer to the diversity of genes, species or ecosystems in general. These varying concepts of biodiversity occasionally lead to conflicts among researchers and policy makers, as each of them require a customized type of protection strategy. This book addresses the questions surrounding the merits of conserving an existing situation, evolutionary development or the intentional substitution of one genome, species or ecosystem for another. Any practical steps towards the protection of biodiversity demand a definition of that which is to be protected and, in turn, the motivations for protecting biodiversity. Is biodiversity a necessary model which is also useful, or does it carry intrinsic value? Debates like this are particularly complex when interested parties address it from different conceptual and moral perspectives. Comprised of three parts, each complemented by a short introductory paragraph, this collection presents a variety of approaches to this challenge. The chapters cover the perspectives of environmental scientists with expertise in evolutionary, environmental biology, systematic zoology and botany, as well as those of researchers with expertise in philosophy, ethics, politics, law and economics. This combination facilitates a truly interdisciplinary debate by highlighting hitherto unacknowledged implications that inform current academic and political debates on biodiversity and its protection. The book should be of interest to students and researchers of environment studies, biodiversity, environmental philosophy, ethics and management.

Biodiversität und Gesellschaft Biodiversity and Society : Gesellschaftliche Dimensionen von Schutz und Nutzung biologischer Vielfalt

Book Description

Die Tagung „Biodiversität und Gesellschaft“ diskutierte Themen der Biodiversitätsforschung aus gesellschafts- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Die Einbeziehung dieser Perspektiven in die bisher vor allem naturwissenschaftlich geprägte Forschung ist für die Definitionen von Schutzzielen und Bewertungsmaßstäben sowie für die Entwicklung von Instrumenten für den Schutz und die Nutzung der Biodiversität notwendig. Da insbesondere die Instrumente stets innerhalb komplexer sozialer, ökonomischer und rechtlicher Zusammenhänge eingesetzt werden, müssen diese als gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen berücksichtigt werden. Dazu leistet dieser Tagungsband einen Beitrag, indem er Erkenntnisse verschiedener Disziplinen aufzeigt, die eine fundierte und nachhaltige Auseinandersetzung mit dem Verhältnis des Menschen zur und den Auswirkungen menschlichen Verhaltens auf die Biodiversität eröffnen. The conference “Biodiversity and Society” discussed topics of biodiversity research from the perspective of social sciences and humanities. The inclusion of these perspectives in the until now scientifically orientated biodiversity research is necessary for the definition of conservation goals and value standards, as well as for the development of instruments for the preservation and use of biodiversity. Since the instruments in particular are applied in complex social, economic and legal contexts, these societal conditions should be considered. This proceedings volume presents findings of multiple disciplines and thereby contributes to an integral and fruitful analysis of the human relation to and influence on biodiversity.

Creating Wilderness

Book Description

The history of the Swiss National Park, from its creation in the years before the Great War to the present, is told for the first time in this book. Unlike Yellowstone Park, which embodied close cooperation between state-supported conservation and public recreation, the Swiss park put in place an extraordinarily strong conservation program derived from a close alliance between the state and scientific research. This deliberate reinterpretation of the American idea of the national park was innovative and radical, but its consequences were not limited to Switzerland. The Swiss park became the prime example of a “scientific national park,” thereby influencing the course of national parks worldwide.

Sustainable Development - Relationships to Culture, Knowledge and Ethics

Book Description

The emergence of a global and technological world and its accelerating, dissemination before the beginning of the 21st century does not only give rise to technological, economic, social, environmental, political, and educational tasks. Significant philosophical questions, epistemic reflections, and cultural debates result. The aim of this book is to provide information about epistemic, ethical, and cultural implications of sustainable development on an interdisciplinary and international level.

Climate change and sustainable development

Book Description

Climate change is a major framing condition for sustainable development of agriculture and food. Global food production is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and at the same time it is among the sectors worst affected by climate change. This book brings together a multidisciplinary group of authors exploring the ethical dimensions of climate change and food. Conceptual clarifications provide a necessary basis for putting sustainable development into practice. Adaptation and mitigation demand altering both agricultural and consumption practices. Intensive vs. extensive production is reassessed with regard to animal welfare, efficiency and environmental implications. Property rights pay an ever-increasing role, as do shifting land-use practices, agro-energy, biotechnology, food policy to green consumerism. And, last but not least, tools are suggested for teaching agricultural and food ethics. Notwithstanding the plurality of ethical analyses and their outcome, it becomes apparent that governance of agri-food is faced by new needs and new approaches of bringing in the value dimension much more explicitly. This book is intended to serve as a stimulating collection that will contribute to debate and reflection on the sustainable future of agriculture and food production in the face of global change.

The Recreational Frontier

Book Description

This study treats ecotourism in National Protected Areas of Lao PDR as a “recreational frontier” which instrumentalizes the recreation of human natures in capitalism’s centers for that of nonhuman natures at capitalism’s (closing) frontiers. This world-ecological practice of ecorational instrumentality – i.e. of nature domination in the name of “Nature” – presents a remedy for capitalism’s crisis that is itself crisis-ridden, enacting a central tension of ecocapitalism: that between “conservation” and “development”. This epistemic-institutional tension is traced through the preconditions, modes and effects of ecotourism in Laos by gradually zooming from the most general scale of societal nature relations into the most detailed intricacies of ecotouristic practice. The combination of Bourdieu, Marx and Critical Theory enables a systematic analysis of the recreational frontier as enactment of various contradictions deriving from the “false-and-real” Nature/Society dualism.

Ecosystem Services – Concept, Methods and Case Studies

Book Description

Nature provides us with many services seemingly for free: recharged groundwater, fertile soil and plant biomass created by photosynthesis. We human beings draw extensive benefits from these “ecosystem services,” or ES – food, water supply, recreation and protection from natural hazards. Major international studies, such as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, have addressed the enormous role of biodiversity and ecosystems to human well-being, and they draw particular attention to the consequences resulting from the reduction or loss of these services. These very topical issues are being addressed by authors/scientists in a wide variety of disciplines – and their approaches, terminologies and methodological specifics are just as diverse. What, for example, does the efficacy of nature or natural capital mean? Which values of nature are particularly important, how are they distributed in space and time and how can they be assessed and the relevant knowledge promoted? Can all ecosystem services be quantified and even monetarised? What should be done to ensure that the multiple services of nature will be available also in future? This book explains the multifaceted concept of ecosystem services, provides a methodological framework for its analysis and assessment, and discusses case examples, particularly from Germany. It is addressed to scientists and practitioners in the administrative, volunteer and professional spheres, especially those who deal with environment, landscape management and nature conservation and regional and land-use planning. The target group includes experts from the business community, politicians and decision makers, students and all those interested in fundamental ecological, economic, ethical and environmental issues.

Nichtwissenskommunikation in den Wissenschaften

Book Description

Inhalt: Nina Janich/Alfred Nordmann/Liselotte Schebek: Einleitung: Warum Nichtwissenskommunikation? - Peter Janich: Vom Nichtwissen über Wissen zum Wissen über Nichtwissen - Ingo H. Warnke: Diskursive Grenzen des Wissens - Sprachwissenschaftliche Bemerkungen zum Nichtwissen als Erfahrungslosigkeit und Unkenntnis - Peter Wehling: Nichtwissenskulturen und Nichtwissenskommunikation in den Wissenschaften - Jan C. Schmidt: Quellen des Nichtwissens. Ein Beitrag zur Wissenschafts- und Technikphilosophie des Nichtwissens - Hans Poser: Wissen des Nichtwissens: Zum Problem der Technikentwicklung und Technikfolgenabschätzung - Andreas Lösch: Risiko als Medium zur Kommunikation von Nichtwissen. Eine soziologische Fallstudie zur Selbstregulierung der Nanotechnologie - Matthias Groß/Alena Bleicher: Jenseits der Zurechnung auf Entscheidungen: Nichtwissenskommunikation am Beispiel Altlastensanierung - Stefan Böschen: Nichtwissen und Wissensregime. Neue Konfliktlagen und Probleme von Wissenskommunikation - Gerhard Gamm: Die Unbestimmtheit des Wissens. Ein Mangel an Urteilskraft - Kevin C. Elliott: Ignorance, Uncertainty, and the Development of Scientific Language - Andreas Hetzel: Orientierungen aus ökologischem Nichtwissen: Die Biodiversitätskrise als Herausforderung für die Umweltethik