Bioethical False Truths

Book Description

Autonomy is either relational or it does not exist at all. All life is irreducibly relational and human personhood is helplessly engaging and being engaged by all life. Significant as individual personal consciousness is, consciousness of others as fellow selves is a higher form of consciousness. It is the other selves that define and affirm the autonomous individual. Relationality is the basis of autonomy. This work claims that autonomy should not undermine relationality and that individual good is based on common good. Overemphasizing autonomy may lead to moral relativism, hence ethical anarchism. Veracity ought to be the proto-principle of bioethics.

Bioethical False Truths: Egoistic and Relativistic Autonomy Vs. Christian and Ubuntu Relational Autonomy

Book Description

Autonomy is either relational or it does not exist at all. Absolute individualism is a mental construct abstracted from an irreducibly relational biosphere. Human life finds itself in, and is realized by, relationships with other beings. This book gazes on the fact that individualism is irredeemably contingent on relationality. Significant as self-consciousness is, consciousness of the other as a fellow self is a higher consciousness. It is the consciousness of the other selves that is the basis of ethics and morality. Common Good cannot be ethically superseded by individual good. Individual good that is incongruous to Common Good is ethically absurd. However, popular understanding of autonomy has become increasingly unrealistic as it tends toward extreme egotistic and relativistic individualism. There is need for veracity in ethics.

Bioethics of Nonexistence

Book Description

The greatest violence and violation of human life is legalization of its disposability and annihilation based on its condition. Such killing, whether of self or another, depicts absolute contradiction and betrayal of the very hypothesis of humanity. It manifests absolute failure to provide due care, and that is inhuman. Human life is who we are. It is the basis of any argument for human rights. There cannot be a right to terminate the existence of the rights bearer. Such a right contradicts the possibility of its own existence. There cannot be dignity in terminating the one in whom dignity resides. There can only be indignity in killing a person. The paradox of legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide represents humanity turned on itself. It is endorsement of existential nihilism and objectification of human life. It is the beginning of the end of humanhood. This book is a critical ethical exploration of mind-sets around euthanasia and assisted suicide to provide clarity, sobriety, and objectivity. The book is really about ontology of human life. Dr. Leonard Tumaini Chuwa is a Catholic priest and scholar working for Ascension as director of spiritual care for the state of Florida. Dr. Chuwa is certified by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC). Chuwa has bachelor of arts degrees in philosophy and theology; master of arts degree in theology and religious studies from John Carroll Jesuit University in Cleveland, Ohio; and a doctor of philosophy degree in bioethics and health-care ethics from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Chuwa is a distinguished public speaker on different bioethical issues. His first book, titled African Indigenous Ethics in Global Bioethics: Interpretation of Ubuntu, was published by Springer Academic Publishing as the first book in a new global bioethics series. Father Chuwa also authored Bioethical False Truths: Egotistic and Relativistic Autonomy vs. Christian and Ubuntu Relational Autonomy.

The Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America (Large Print 16pt)

Book Description

When his teenaged son Christopher, brain-damaged in an auto accident, developed a 106-degree fever following weeks of unconsciousness, John Campbell asked the attending physician for help. The doctor refused. Why bother? The boy's life was effectively over. Campbell refused to accept this verdict. He demanded treatment and threatened legal action. The doctor finally relented. With treatment, Christopher's temperature subsided almost immediately. Soon afterwards he regained consciousness and today he is learning to walk again. This story is one of many Wesley Smith recounts in his groundbreaking new book, The Culture of Death. Smith believes that American medicine ''is changing from a system based on the sanctity of human life into a starkly utilitarian model in which the medically defenseless are seen as having not just a 'right' but a 'duty' to die.'' Going behind the current scenes of our health care system, he shows how doctors withdraw desired care based on Futile Care Theory rather than provide it as required by the Hippocratic Oath. And how ''bioethicists'' influence policy by considering questions such as whether organs may be harvested from the terminally ill and disabled. This is a passionate, yet coolly reasoned book about the current crisis in medical ethics by an author who has made ''the new thanatology'' his consuming interest.

Lying and Christian Ethics

Book Description

Defends Augustine and Aquinas' controversial 'absolute view' of lying: it is always wrong, even when for a good cause.


Book Description

Providing readers with the confidence needed to debate key issues in bioethics, this introductory text clearly explains bioethical theories and their philosophical foundations. Over 250 activities introduce topics for personal reflection, and discussion points encourage students to think for themselves and build their own arguments. Highlighting the potential pitfalls for those new to bioethics, each chapter features boxes providing factual information and outlining the philosophical background, along with detailed case studies that offer an insight into real-life examples of bioethical problems. Within-chapter essay questions and quizzes, along with end-of-chapter review questions, allow students to check their understanding and to broaden their thinking about the topics discussed. The accompanying podcasts by the author (two of whose podcasts on iTunesUTM have attracted over 3 million downloads) explain points that might be difficult for beginners. These, along with a range of extra resources for students and instructors, are available at

Thieves of Virtue

Book Description

An argument against the “lifeboat ethic” of contemporary bioethics that views medicine as a commodity rather than a tradition of care and caring. Bioethics emerged in the 1960s from a conviction that physicians and researchers needed the guidance of philosophers in handling the issues raised by technological advances in medicine. It blossomed as a response to the perceived doctor-knows-best paternalism of the traditional medical ethic and today plays a critical role in health policies and treatment decisions. Bioethics claimed to offer a set of generally applicable, universally accepted guidelines that would simplify complex situations. In Thieves of Virtue, Tom Koch contends that bioethics has failed to deliver on its promises. Instead, he argues, bioethics has promoted a view of medicine as a commodity whose delivery is predicated not on care but on economic efficiency. At the heart of bioethics, Koch writes, is a “lifeboat ethic” that assumes “scarcity” of medical resources is a natural condition rather than the result of prior economic, political, and social choices. The idea of natural scarcity requiring ethical triage signaled a shift in ethical emphasis from patient care and the physician's responsibility for it to neoliberal accountancies and the promotion of research as the preeminent good. The solution to the failure of bioethics is not a new set of simplistic principles. Koch points the way to a transformed medical ethics that is humanist, responsible, and defensible.

The Global Bioethics of Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights

Book Description

Human annihilation has never been so easy. Artificial intelligence-guided genetic-engineered nanotechnology and robotics (AI-GNR) are widely recognized as our most transformative technological revolution ever, yet we do not even have a common moral language to unite our pluralistic world to prevent an AI apocalypse should this revolution explode out of our control. This book is the first known comprehensive global bioethical analysis of AI and AI-GNR by defining the Thomistic-Aristotelian personalist foundation of the rights and duties-based social contract framework of the United Nations, and then applying it to AI. As such, it creates a compelling approach which will appeal to scientists, health professionals, policy makers, politicians, students, and anyone interested in our shared survival around shared solutions.

The Philosophy and Practice of Medicine and Bioethics

Book Description

This book challenges the unchallenged methods in medicine, such as "evidence-based medicine," which claim to be, but often are not, scientific. It completes medical care by adding the comprehensive humanistic perspectives and philosophy of medicine. No specific or absolute recommendations are given regarding medical treatment, moral approaches, or legal advice. Given rather is discussion about each issue involved and the strongest arguments indicated. Each argument is subject to further critical analysis. This is the same position as with any philosophical, medical or scientific view. The argument that decision-making in medicine is inadequate unless grounded on a philosophy of medicine is not meant to include all of philosophy and every philosopher. On the contrary, it includes only sound, practical and humanistic philosophy and philosophers who are creative and critical thinkers and who have concerned themselves with the topics relevant to medicine. These would be those philosophers who engage in practical philosophy, such as the pragmatists, humanists, naturalists, and ordinary-language philosophers. A new definition of our own philosophy of life emerges and it is necessary to have one. Good lifestyle no longer means just abstaining from cigarettes, alcohol and getting exercise. It also means living a holistic life, which includes all of one's thinking, personality and actions. This book also includes new ways of thinking. In this regard the "Metaphorical Method" is explained, used, and exemplified in depth, for example in the chapters on care, egoism and altruism, letting die, etc.

Ethics 101

Book Description

"Ethics 101 offers an exciting look into the history of moral principles that dictate human behavior. This easy-to-read guide presents the key concepts of ethics in fun, straightforward lessons and exercises featuring only the most important facts, theories, and ideas. Ethics 101 includes unique, accessible elements such as explanations of the major moral philosophies, including utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, and eastern philosophers including Avicenna, Buddha, and Confucius; and unique profiles of the greatest characters in moral philosophy"--