Mind/Body Integration

Book Description

Biofeedback training is a research methodology and training procedure through which people can learn voluntary control over their internal physiological systems. It is a merger of mUltiple disciplines with interest deriving from many sources-from basic understanding of psychophysiology to a desire for enhanced self-awareness. The goals of biofeedback are to develop an increased awareness of relevant internal physiological functions, to establish control over these functions, to generalize control from an experimental or clinical setting to everyday life, and to focus attention on mind/body integration. Biofeedback is explored in many different settings. In the university, biofeed back equipment and applications can be found in the departments of experi mental and clinical psychology, counseling, physiology, biology, education, and the theater arts, as well as in the health service (student infirmary). Outside the university, biofeedback may be found in different departments of hospitals (such as physical medicine), private clinics, education and self-awareness groups, psychotherapy practices, and elsewhere. Its growth is still expanding, and excite ment is still rising as a result of biofeedback's demonstration that autonomic functions can be brought under voluntary control and that the long-standing arti ficial separation between mind, body, and consciousness can be disproven.

Biofeedback and the Modification of Behavior

Book Description

In this book, I have attempted to evaluate critically the very large literature which has accumulated in the area of biofeedback over the past 10-15 years. As might be expected in any area of psychology with clinical possibilities, the literature divides itself into two main categories-fundamental research studies and therapeutic studies. It is now apparent that the clinical applications of biofeed back have far outstripped their fundamental research bases, with the inevitable result that the initial wave of enthusiasm may be replaced with an unnecessarily severe skepticism. Either extreme position is unjustified. Biofeedback does rep resent an important new approach to the elucidation of the role played by internal systems in the adjustment of the organism to its environment. But its potential will only be revealed if its use in practice is soundly based on fundamental research. There are promising signs that this is being realized so that there is cause for optimism. Aubrey J. Yates Perth, Australia A Note on the References With the exception of no more than two or three papers, all the references in this book have been obtained and read. However, many of them were published in journals which will not be readily accessible to the reader who may be interested in consulting more directly particular articles which attract his attention.

Biofeedback and Self-regulation

Book Description

Biofeedback and Behavior

Book Description

Biofeedback and Behavior: A NATO Symposium, held on 27-30 July 1976 at the Max Planck Institut fUr Psychiatrie in MUnchen, was a mul tidisciplinary meeting that explored both theoretical and applied issues arising from the use of biofeedback procedures for the control of visceral, central nervous system and skeletal events. The symposium was multi national in its composition. Financial support for the symposium was initially provided by the Scientific Affairs Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as part of their continuing series of scientific symposia. Funds made avail able by a grant from the United States Office of Naval Research permit ted wide-spread international participation in the symposium. The facil ities for the meeting were graciously provided by the Max Planck Institut ilir Psychiatrie. We thank each of these organizations for their support in making this symposium possible. A special thanks is due to Dr. B.A. Bayraktar of the Scientific Affairs Division of NA TO and Dr. Donald Wood ward of the U.S. Office of Naval Research, whose counsel contributed substantially to the organization of this meeting. The planning of this symposium was carried out in consultation with members of the organizing committee: Rolf Engel, Pola Engel-Sittenfeld, Laverne C. Johnson, George H. Lawrence, Gary E. Schwartz, and Da vid Shapiro. The final form of this symposium reflects their contribu tions, for which we are grateful.

Biofeedback: A Survey of the Literature

Book Description

2300 references to English-language books, journal articles, proceedings, and films published, for the most part, during the 1970's. Crosses many disciplines. Intended for practicing clinicians and researchers. Alphabetical arrangement by primary authors. Each entry gives bibliographical information. Keyword index.

Biofeedback Frontiers

Book Description


Book Description

The chapters of this book were prepared as task force reports under the aegis of the Biofeedback Society of America (BSA). The impetus for the present generation of task force reports can be dated back to 1982, when John D. Rugh, as President-Elect of the Society, announced that the updating of the task force reports would be given high priority during his term as President. An ad hoc Task Force Committee was appointed in 1983, and the committee set the following objectives: (1) solicit a widely based stream of input from all segments of the Biofeedback Society of America, (2) establish a peer review system to assure the highest degree of scholarship and an unbiased approach, (3) select for area authors only individuals who have profound knowledge of the area and who have demonstrated the ability to extend understanding by reviewing and criticizing the literature, (4) prepare all reports according to a standard ized format, and (5) publish all the reports simultaneously. Input came from several sources. Many people responded with ideas and suggestions to an announcement in the BSA Newsletter that the task force reports were being revised. In 1984, a symposium was conducted at the BSA annual meeting, which included round table dis cussions and dialogues between task force report authors and the BSA membership.

Clinical Biofeedback

Book Description

A Clinical Guide to the Treatment of the Human Stress Response

Book Description

This updated edition covers a range of new topics, including stress and the immune system, post-traumatic stress and crisis intervention, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD), Crisis Management Briefings in response to mass disasters and terrorism, Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), spirituality and religion as stress management tools, dietary factors and stress, and updated information on psychopharmacologic intervention in the human stress response. It is a comprehensive and accessible guide for students, practitioners, and researchers in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, medicine, nursing, social work, and public health.