Upper Ocean Physical and Ecological Dynamics in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

Book Description

This dissertation examines several aspects of the unique physical-biological system that controls biogeochemical cycling in the Ross Sea, the largest continental shelf sea along the Antarctic margin and the most biologically productive region in the Southern Ocean. The core component of the research involves interpretation of data from two oceanographic cruises to the region, one during Summer of 2005--2006 and another in Spring of 2006--2007. Four key research questions are addressed. (1) What physical mechanisms force spatial and temporal variability in mixing depths? (2) How does the dynamic physical environment characteristic of Antarctic continental shelf seas structure distributions of biomass and chemical tracers of production? (3) What key physical and physiological mechanisms control the 13C/12C ratio of organic and inorganic carbon in waters on the Ross Sea continental shelf? and (4) How do physiological variables interact with environmental variability to control phytoplankton taxonomic zonation? Chapter 1 presents an introduction to ocean carbon biogeochemistry and the oceanography of the Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea. Chapter 2 examines the mechanisms effecting early season stratification in the Ross Sea. Lateral advection in the region of upper ocean fronts is shown to be an important mechanism setting early season stratification. Chapter 3 examines several tracer-based methods for estimating upper ocean net community production in the Ross Sea, with explicit recognition of the complexities associated with control volume assumptions and high rates of temporal change. Chapter 4 considers the environmental controls on the distribution of 13C/12C ratios in the Ross Sea. It is shown quantitatively that the two dominant phytoplankton taxa in the Ross Sea have different intrinsic fractionation factors, likely as a result of differing carbon-acquisition physiologies. Air-sea exchange is shown to occur with very noisy fractionation. Finally, Chapter 5 examines the interaction of algal physiology with environmental variability, addressing the key physiological-environmental controls on the taxonomic distribution of phytoplankton in the Ross Sea. While it is difficult to draw concrete conclusions, the most compelling line of evidence suggests that differing photoprotective capacities is the most important physiological characteristic structuring taxonomic distributions. An appendix presents a design for an infrared absorbance-based instrument for the determination of total dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater.

Upper Ocean Physical and Ecological Dynamics in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

Book Description

This dissertation examines several aspects of the unique physical-biological system that controls biogeochemical cycling in the Ross Sea, the largest continental shelf sea along the Antarctic margin and the most biologically productive region in the Southern Ocean. The core component of the research involves interpretation of data from two oceanographic cruises to the region, one during Summer of 2005--2006 and another in Spring of 2006--2007. Four key research questions are addressed. (1) What physical mechanisms force spatial and temporal variability in mixing depths? (2) How does the dynamic physical environment characteristic of Antarctic continental shelf seas structure distributions of biomass and chemical tracers of production? (3) What key physical and physiological mechanisms control the 13C/12C ratio of organic and inorganic carbon in waters on the Ross Sea continental shelf? and (4) How do physiological variables interact with environmental variability to control phytoplankton taxonomic zonation? Chapter 1 presents an introduction to ocean carbon biogeochemistry and the oceanography of the Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea. Chapter 2 examines the mechanisms effecting early season stratification in the Ross Sea. Lateral advection in the region of upper ocean fronts is shown to be an important mechanism setting early season stratification. Chapter 3 examines several tracer-based methods for estimating upper ocean net community production in the Ross Sea, with explicit recognition of the complexities associated with control volume assumptions and high rates of temporal change. Chapter 4 considers the environmental controls on the distribution of 13C/12C ratios in the Ross Sea. It is shown quantitatively that the two dominant phytoplankton taxa in the Ross Sea have different intrinsic fractionation factors, likely as a result of differing carbon-acquisition physiologies. Air-sea exchange is shown to occur with very noisy fractionation. Finally, Chapter 5 examines the interaction of algal physiology with environmental variability, addressing the key physiological-environmental controls on the taxonomic distribution of phytoplankton in the Ross Sea. While it is difficult to draw concrete conclusions, the most compelling line of evidence suggests that differing photoprotective capacities is the most important physiological characteristic structuring taxonomic distributions. An appendix presents a design for an infrared absorbance-based instrument for the determination of total dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater.

Exploring Light Controls on Phytoplankton Community Structure and the Biogeochemistry of the Ross Sea, Antarctica

Book Description

The Southern Ocean is one of the most important regions on Earth for absorption of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and long-term storage of that carbon in deep water and ocean sediments. While a significant amount of CO2 enters the deep ocean in this region along oceanographic fronts through the solubility pump, large seasonal phytoplankton blooms form on the Antarctic continental shelf and suggest that the biological pump also plays an important, and possibly underestimated, role in the oceanic sequestration of atmospheric CO2. This dissertation investigates the mechanisms by which light may control phytoplankton species distributions in one of the most productive areas of the Antarctic continental shelf, the Ross Sea. The Ross Sea is commonly dominated by two major phytoplankton species, diatoms, and the haptophyte, Phaeocystis antarctica. The distributions of these species are often correlated with different mixed layer environments, with diatoms dominating shallow mixed layers and P. antarctica dominating deeper mixed layers. Using a series of laboratory experiments, differences were assessed between P. antarctica and the common Ross Sea diatom, Fragilariopsis cylindrus, in their capacity for xanthophyll cycle photoprotection (Chapter 2). This was followed by chemical inhibition experiments that quantified the relative important of xanthophyll cycle photoprotection and the repair of photodamage for maintaining photosynthetic performance in each species. F. cylindrus produced significantly higher concentrations of xanthophyll cycle pigment and epoxidation of activated pigment (diatoxanthin epoxidation to diadinoxanthin) occurred much more slowly upon transition to low light than in P. antarctica. Although both species relied on xanthophyll cycle photoprotection to avoid photoinhibition and maintain maximal photosynthetic rates, P. antarctica was much more adversely affected when repair of photodamage was inhibited. Differences between species in strategies and rates of photoacclimation were also assessed (Chapter 3). F. cylindrus acclimated to shifts in irradiance by adjusting photosynthetic efficiency, with large changes in the functional absorption cross-section of photosystem two ([sigma]PSII) inferred from physiological measurements. P. antarctica exhibited significant changes in both photosynthetic efficiency and the maximum capacity for photosynthesis following shifts in irradiance. Changes in both [sigma]PSII and the number photosynthetic reaction centers or their maximum turnover rate were inferred from physiological measurements. Light was also found to play an important role in controlling elemental ratios in F. cylindrus and P. antarctica (Chapter 4). Particulate organic carbon to nitrogen to phosphorus ratios (C:N:P) varied as a function of growth irradiance in both species, but significant differences between species grown in identical conditions were also observed. F. cylindrus exhibited C:N:P ratios that were significantly lower than those of P. antarctica and often below the Redfield ratio, in agreement with observations from the Ross Sea. In contrast, P. antarctica exhibited ratios above the Redfield ratio when grown in all but very high light conditions. While protein, nucleic acid, and chlorophyll (Chl) concentrations explained the provenance of nearly 100% of particulate N in both species, nucleic acid concentrations were not sufficient to explain particulate P in either species. The remaining P could be partially accounted for if these species produce large concentrations of phospholipids, but storage of inorganic P most likely forms the largest cellular P-pool in nutrient replete cultures. Finally, data from the laboratory experiments were used to calculate phytoplankton growth rates in an ecosystem model of the Ross Sea to test the hypothesis that photophysiological differences between diatoms and P. antarctica can explain their distributions (Chapter 5). The phytoplankton growth model was modified from a previous steady-state model that included four physiological variables, the maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis ([phi]M), the irradiance at which [phi] = 1/2 [phi]M, the carbon to Chl ratio, and mean Chl-specific absorption. The parameters were allowed to vary as a function of mean mixed layer irradiance according to equations derived from laboratory data and acclimation rates measured in light shift experiments. Chl concentrations and distributions of P. antarctica and diatoms in the model agreed well with field observations, demonstrating that light is sufficient to explain phytoplankton community composition in the Ross Sea. These results also demonstrate that physiological information collected from ecologically relevant algal cultures can be used to understand and model phytoplankton dynamics in the natural environment.

Using High-resolution Glider Data and Biogeochemical Modeling to Investigate Phytoplankton Variability in the Ross Sea

Book Description

As Earth’s climate changes, polar environments experience a disproportionate share of extreme shifts. Because the Ross Sea shelf has the highest annual productivity of any Antarctic continental shelf, this region is of particular interest when striving to characterize current and future changes in Antarctic systems. However, understanding of mesoscale variability of biogeochemical patterns in the Ross Sea and how this variability affects assemblage dynamics is incomplete. Furthermore, it is unknown how the Ross Sea may respond to projected warming, reduced summer sea ice concentrations, and shallower mixed layers during the next century. To investigate these dynamics and explore their consequences over the next century, high-resolution glider observations were analyzed and used in conjunction with a one-dimensional, data-assimilative biogeochemical-modeling framework. An analysis of glider observations from two latitudinal sections in the Ross Sea characterized mesoscale variability associated with the phytoplankton bloom and highlighted potential mechanisms driving change in the assemblage. In particular, an observed increase in the ratio of carbon to chlorophyll (C:Chl) suggested a marked transition from a phytoplankton assemblage dominated by Phaeocystis antarctica- to one dominated by diatoms. The expected control of phytoplankton variability by Modified Circumpolar Deep Water and mixed layer depth were shown to be insignificant relative to the effects of wind and sea surface temperature on the temporal/spatial scales measured by the glider. Additional glider measurements were used to force the Model of Ecosystem Dynamics, nutrient Utilisation, Sequestration and Acidification, which was adapted for use in the Ross Sea (MEDUSA-RS) to include both solitary and colonial forms of Phaeocystis antarctica. The impacts of climate-induced changes on Ross Sea phytoplankton were investigated with MEDUSA-RS using projections of physical drivers for mid- and late-21st century, and these experiments indicated increases of primary productivity and carbon export flux. Additional scenario experiments demonstrated that earlier availability of low light due to reduction of sea ice early in the growing season was the primary driver of simulated productivity increases over the next century; shallower mixed layer depths additionally contributed to changes of phytoplankton composition and export. Glider data were assimilated into MEDUSA-RS using the Marine Model Optimization Testbed (MarMOT) to optimize eight phytoplankton model parameters. Assimilation experiments that used different data subsets suggest that assimilating observations at the surface alone, as are typically available from remote-sensing platforms, may underestimate carbon export to depth and overestimate primary production. Experiments assimilating observations characteristic of a cruise-based sampling frequency produced a wide range of solutions, depending on which days were sampled, suggesting the potential for large errors in productivity and export. Finally, assimilating data from different spatial areas resulted in less variation of optimal solutions than assimilating data from different time periods in the bloom progression; these temporal differences are primarily driven by decreasing colonial P. antarctica growth rates, increasing colonial P. antarctica C:Chl, and faster sinking of colonies as the bloom progresses from the accumulation stage through dissipation. Overall, this dissertation research demonstrates the value of using bio-optical glider observations in conjunction with modeling to characterize phytoplankton dynamics in a remote marine ecosystem. High-resolution glider data are better able to resolve mesoscale physical-biological relationships, which are typically not discernible from lower frequency data, but it can be difficult to identify mechanistic relationships from in situ measurements alone. In addition, biogeochemical models can be used to extend insights gained by empirical observation, but application is often limited by the quantity and type of in situ data appropriate for evaluation and forcing. The use of gliders for facilitating development and operation of a lower trophic level model demonstrated the effectiveness of a synthetic approach that partly overcomes the individual limitations of these otherwise distinct approaches. Finally, the combination of these approaches is especially useful for gaining a better understanding of ecosystem dynamics in regions similar to the Ross Sea that are undergoing substantive climate-induced changes and where harsh conditions make other means of access difficult.

Biogeochemistry of the Ross Sea

Book Description

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Antarctic Research Series, Volume 78. The seas surrounding Antarctica are the least-studied on Earth, yet they figure prominently in both the global climate system and the biogeochemical cycling of such key elements as C, N, Si, and P. The Southern Ocean affects climate directly through the sinking of surface waters via cooling and changes in salt content. Such water near Antarctica moves slowly northward through all major ocean basins. In doing so, it retains a long-lived signature of the physical and biological processes that occurred in Antarctic surface waters lasting many hundreds of years through all phases: sinking, northward flow, and mixing or upwelling into the sunlit ocean thousands of kilometers away. By this process, CO2 that dissolves into the Antarctic seas may be stored in the deep ocean for centuries. In fact, the Southern Ocean is one of the most important regions on Earth for the uptake and subsurface transport of fossil fuel CO2.

A Modeling Study of the Marine Biogeochemistry, Plankton Dynamics, and Carbon Cycle on the Continental Shelf Off the West Antarctic Peninsula

Book Description

Over the past several decades, the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) has undergone physical and ecological changes at a rapid pace, with warming surface ocean and a sharp decrease in the duration of the sea ice season. The impact of these changes in the ocean chemistry and ecosystem are not fully understood and have been investigated by the Palmer-LTER since 1991. Given the data acquisition constraints imposed by weather conditions in this region, an ocean circulation, sea ice and biogeochemistry model was implemented to help fill the gaps in the dataset. The results with the present best case from the suite of sensitivity experiments indicate that the model is able to represent the seasonal and interannual variations observed in the circulation, water mass distribution and sea ice observed in the WAP, and has identified gaps in the observations that could guide improvement of the simulation of the regional biogeochemistry. Comparison of model results with data from the Palmer-LTER project suggests that the large spatial and temporal variability observed in the phytoplankton bloom in the WAP is influenced by variability in the glacial sources of dissolved iron. Seasonal progression of the phytoplankton bloom is well represented in the model, and values of vertically integrated net primary production (NPP) are largely consistent with observations. Although a bias towards lower surface dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and alkalinity was identified in the model results, interannual variability was similar to the observed in the Palmer-LTER cruise data.

Ocean Biogeochemistry

Book Description

Oceans account for 50% of the anthropogenic CO2 released into the atmosphere. During the past 15 years an international programme, the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS), has been studying the ocean carbon cycle to quantify and model the biological and physical processes whereby CO2 is pumped from the ocean's surface to the depths of the ocean, where it can remain for hundreds of years. This project is one of the largest multi-disciplinary studies of the oceans ever carried out and this book synthesises the results. It covers all aspects of the topic ranging from air-sea exchange with CO2, the role of physical mixing, the uptake of CO2 by marine algae, the fluxes of carbon and nitrogen through the marine food chain to the subsequent export of carbon to the depths of the ocean. Special emphasis is laid on predicting future climatic change.