Adverse Reproductive Outcomes in Families of Atomic Veterans

Book Description

Over the past several decades, public concern over exposure to ionizing radiation has increased. This concern has manifested itself in different ways depending on the perception of risk to different individuals and different groups and the circumstances of their exposure. One such group are those U.S. servicemen (the "Atomic Veterans" who participated in the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons at the Nevada Test Site or in the Pacific Proving Grounds, who served with occupation forces in or near Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or who were prisoners of war in or near those cities at the time of, or shortly after, the atomic bombings. This book addresses the feasibility of conducting an epidemiologic study to determine if there is an increased risk of adverse reproductive outcomes in the spouses, children, and grandchildren of the Atomic Veterans.

Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation

Book Description

This book reevaluates the health risks of ionizing radiation in light of data that have become available since the 1980 report on this subject was published. The data include new, much more reliable dose estimates for the A-bomb survivors, the results of an additional 14 years of follow-up of the survivors for cancer mortality, recent results of follow-up studies of persons irradiated for medical purposes, and results of relevant experiments with laboratory animals and cultured cells. It analyzes the data in terms of risk estimates for specific organs in relation to dose and time after exposure, and compares radiation effects between Japanese and Western populations.

Biological Effects and Dosimetry of Nonionizing Radiation

Book Description

During the last 35 years, there has been considerable develop ment and increase in the number of devices that emit nonionizing radiant energies. These energies such as radiofrequency including microwaves are used in all sectors of our society for military, industrial. telecommunications, medical, and consumer applications. This increase in sources of nonionizing radiant energies has resulted in growing interest on the part of government regulatory agencies, industrial and military physicians, research workers, clinicians, and environmentalists. Although there is information on biologic effects and potential hazards to man from exposure to microwave/radiofrequency energies, considerable confusion and misinformation has permeated not only the public press but also some scientific and technical publications. Because of the complexity of the interactions of nonionizing radiation in biological systems, an inter-disciplinary approach is necessary to assess and elucidate the problems that evolve as this field advances and as the use of these energies expands. It is important to maintain a proper perspective and assess realistically the biomedical effects of these radiant energies so that the worker or general public will not be unduly exposed nor will research, development and beneficial utilization of these energies be hampered or restricted by an undue concern for effects which may be nonexis tent or minimal in comparison to other environmental hazards.

Biological Effects and Health Implications of Radiofrequency Radiation

Book Description

Physical description of radio and microwave radiation. Radio and microwave dosimetry and measurement. Radio and microwave dielectric properties of biological materials. Propagation and absorption in tissue media. Criteria for evaluation of biological literature. Molecular, celular, invertebrate biology. Reproduction, development, and growth. Thermoregulation. Neural effects of microwave/radiofrequency energies. Behavioral effects. Neuroendocrine effects. Cardiovascular effects. Effects on hematopiesis and hematology. Effects on immune responses. Biochemical effects. The common integument (SKIN). Cataracts and other ocular effects. Epidemiological and other investigations in the human. Personnel protection, protection guides, and standards.

Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Safety

Book Description