Biological Rhythms and Exercise

Book Description

This book will provide a concise introduction to the subject of biological rhythms, and will consider systematically the impact that rhythms of various cycle lengths have for sport and exercise practitioners. The authors combine expertise in sports science, chronobiology, and physiology, and the text offers scientific research with clinical practice.

The Athlete's Clock

Book Description

The Athlete’s Clock: How Biology and Time Affect Sport Performance offers an engaging, interdisciplinary consideration of some of the most compelling questions in sport and exercise science. This unique text takes a broad look at the physiological clock, offering students, researchers, coaches, and athletes a unique approach to understanding how various aspects of time affect sport performance. The Athlete’s Clock explores the ways in which time and its relationship to athletic effort can optimize sport performance. Readers can investigate challenging questions such as these: •If physiological responses to training vary rhythmically throughout the day, what is the optimal time of day for training? •If a coach thinks that a high stroke count leads to a better time in a particular swim event, should the athlete go with it? Or is it better to stick to a more intuitively normal cadence? •Do endurance athletes consciously control their pacing, or are they under the control of unconscious processes within the central nervous system? •In what ways do aging and rhythmic biological variations over time control athletic performance? •Can athletes use cognitive strategies to subdue or overcome limits imposed by biological factors out of their control? Readers will find information on the mechanisms by which time influences physiological function—such as running speeds and muscle activation—and how those mechanisms can be used in extending the limits of motor activity. Chapter introductions cue readers to the ideas addressed in the chapter, and sidebars throughout present amusing or unusual examples of sport and timing within various contexts. In addition, take-home messages at the end of each chapter summarize important findings and research that readers may apply in their own lives. Addressing one of the most intriguing questions in sports, a conversational interview with athlete development expert, anthropologist, and sport scientist Bob Malina covers the timely topic of sport identification and talent development. The interview is an engaging discussion of how and when talent identification should take place and how talent development for young, promising athletes might proceed. The text also considers how time throughout one’s life span alters motor function, particularly in the later years. The Athlete’s Clock: How Biology and Time Affect Sport Performance blends physiological, psychological, and philosophical perspectives to provide an intelligent and whimsical look at the effects of timing in sport and exercise. This text seeks to provoke thought and further research that look at the relationship between biology, time, and performance as well as an understanding of and appreciation for the intricacies of human potential.

Introducing Biological Rhythms

Book Description

Introducing Biological Rhythms is a primer that serves to introduce individuals to the area of biological rhythms. It describes the major characteristics and discusses the implications and applications of these rhythms, while citing scientific results and references. Also, the primer includes essays that provide in-depth historic and other background information for those interested in more specific topics or concepts. It covers a basic cross-section of the field of chronobiology clearly enough so that it can be understood by a novice, or an undergraduate student, but that it would also be sufficiently technical and detailed for the scientist.

Biological Rhythms

Book Description

Interest in biological rhythms has been traced back more than 2,500]ears to Archilochus, the Greek poet, who in one of his fragments suggests ",,(i,,(VWO'KE o'olos pv{}J.tos txv{}pW7rOVS ~XH" (recognize what rhythm governs man) (Aschoff, 1974). Reference can also be made to the French student of medicine J. J. Virey who, in his thesis of 1814, used for the first time the expression "horloge vivante" (living clock) to describe daily rhythms and to D. C. W. Hufeland (1779) who called the 24-hour period the unit of our natural chronology. However, it was not until the 1930s that real progress was made in the analysis of biological rhythms; and Erwin Bunning was encouraged to publish the first, and still not outdated, monograph in the field in 1958. Two years later, in the middle of exciting discoveries, we took a breather at the Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Biological Clocks. Its survey on rules considered valid at that time, and Pittendrigh's anticipating view on the temporal organization of living systems, made it a milestone on our way from a more formalistic description of biological rhythms to the understanding of their structural and physiological basis.

An Introduction to Biological Rhythms

Book Description

An Introduction to Biological Rhythms provides an introduction to the subject of biological rhythms. The opening chapters present an overview of biological rhythms, their properties, and clock control, followed by a survey of rhythms in plants and animals. The subsequent chapters cover tidal rhythms and human rhythms; sun-compass, star-compass, and moon compass orientation of animals; the clock control of plant and animal photoperiodism; evidence for external timing of biological clocks; and models and mechanisms for endogenous timekeeping. The book also includes biographical sketches of Dr. Frank A. Brown, Jr., Morrison Professor of Biology at Northwestern University; and Dr. Leland N. Edmunds, Jr., Professor and Head of the Division of Biological Sciences at the Stony Brook campus of the State University of New York. This book is meant for the inquiring student seeking an introduction to the subject and for busy biologists in other fields who want to get a ""feel"" for the subject. It can also serve as a basic textbook for the existing biorhythms courses and act as a seed for the inauguration of new courses.

The Rhythms Of Life

Book Description

Popular science at its most exciting: the breaking new world of chronobiology - understanding the rhythm of life in humans and all plants and animals. The entire natural world is full of rhythms. The early bird catches the worm -and migrates to an internal calendar. Dormice hibernate away the winter. Plants open and close their flowers at the same hour each day. Bees search out nectar-rich flowers day after day. There are cicadas that can breed for only two weeks every 17 years. And in humans: why are people who work anti-social shifts more illness prone and die younger? What is jet-lag and can anything help? Why do teenagers refuse to get up in the morning, and are the rest of us really 'larks' or 'owls'? Why are most people born (and die) between 3am-5am? And should patients be given medicines (and operations) at set times of day, because the body reacts so differently in the morning, evening and at night? The answers lie in our biological clocks the mechanisms which give order to all living things. They impose a structure that enables us to change our behaviour in relation to the time of day, month or year. They are reset at sunrise and sunset each day to link astronomical time with an organism's internal time.

The Circadian System of Man

Book Description

Biological rhythmicity has been a subject of scientific research for a relatively short time. In the special case of daily, or circadian rhythms, it is only during the past twenty years that rapidly increasing efforts have been undertaken in evaluat ing properties and mechanisms. As a consequence of these efforts, the study of biological and, in particular, circadian rhythmicity is no longer a somewhat dubious occupation but rather a serious branch of science which combines the interdisciplinary efforts of numerous researchers around the world. The general result of these efforts is that many features of circadian rhythms of many different species of living beings are well known today. In addition to studies with lower organisms, the evaluation of human circadian rhythms was originally more or less a compulsory exercise done in order to extend the "catalogue of species"; of course, the work was of unusual impor tance due to the special position of man in biology. In the course of the very first experimental series, it became clear that humans possess an "internal clock" as had been established in various organisms, protists, plants, and animals, and that human circadian rhythms fit the general regularities of biological rhythms known at that time. However, it soon became apparent that circadian rhythmicity of man shows, additionally, particularities of great general interest, for practical and theoretical reasons.

Circadian Rhythms and Exercise

Book Description

BACKGROUND INFORMATION/INTRO: Circadian rhythms are the body’s biological clock that carries out essential processes. These processes run on a 24-hour cycle which can be disrupted through multiple factors. Disruption of these cycles can lead to a variety of issues including sleep loss, insomnia, changes to mental health, and physical ailments such as cancer, cardiac dysfunction, and sarcopenia. Gene expression in the central clock produces circadian rhythms in the central clock known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) as well as in the peripheral tissue. FOS is a neural marker of activity in the SCN METHODS: Four groups of male and female mice (~12 months) were separated into a control group (C), a disrupted and sedentary group (DS), and a disrupted and forced exercise group (DE), and a non-disrupted and forced exercise group (NDE). The circadian disruption (CD) for the DS and DE groups consisted of an accelerated shift work schedule for four weeks. The DE and NDE mice were subjected to forced treadmill running daily at the start of their normal activity period. Immunohistochemistry was completed to observe gene expression in the SCN. RESULTS: A one-way ANOVA revealed a significant between-groups effect (F3,15 = 6.305, P = 0.0056). Post hoc analyses revealed a significant difference between the DNE and NDNE group (P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The CD protocol effectively reduced FOS expression in the SCN. Mice in the DE group displayed increased FOS expression in the SCN that more closely resembled the non-disrupted groups compared to the DNE group.