Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes, 2005

Book Description

Coregonids (whitefish, vendace, cisco, etc.) are cold-water adapted fishes common throughout the Holarctic in North America, Europe and Asia. They have evolved into a myriad of forms, subspecies and species during and after the Pleistocene glaciations. They are therefore rich subjects for the study of evolutionary problems. Coregonids support important commercial, subsistence and recreational fisheries and are the subject of significant aquaculture operations around the world. Although coregonids are generally considered to be fairly adaptable to the pressures of exploitation, they do appear to be sensitive to changing environmental conditions such as eutrophication and a number of populations and species have been extirpated, usually by deteriorating environments coupled with the introduction of exotic species and by commercial exploitation. This sizeable volume contains 40 peer-reviewed contributions on current topics of coregonid research presented at the Ninth International Symposium on the Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes, held in August 2005, in Olsztyn, Poland. They cover all aspects of coregonid life and managment. The contributions can be grouped into of five subject areas: genetics and evolution; biology, life history and population dynamics; invasive species; fisheries in Europe and fisheries in North America

Finfish Aquaculture Diversification

Book Description

There is considerable global interest in the culture of finfish species both for cold and warm water aquaculture development and growth. Essential information on the biology, domestication and aquacultural characteristics of a wide selection of novel and established species is provided in the form of technical sheets, species descriptions and information on current rearing practices, making this a must-have reference in the field of aquacultural science. The book also offers a basic framework in order to support investment strategies for research and development efforts aimed at the emergence of a profitable finfish aquaculture industry and presents a rationale for species diversification, different approaches to species selection and basic economic and market considerations governing the launch of strategic development and commercialization efforts.

Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Fishes, Vol 8B: Part B: Sperm Competion Hormones

Book Description

The animals loosely termed fish constitute more than half of all known vertebrate species. There are approximately 27,000 described living species of bony fishes (Euteleostomi = Osteichthyes), about 70 species of hagfishes and some 34 species of lampreys. Approximately 970 species are chondrichthyans, the sharks and their relatives, which were the subject of volume 3 in this series. It is perhaps because fishes live in a buoyant medium, whether it be fresh or sea water, that they show a diversity in body shapes that is unparalleled by other vertebrates. There is also a unique diversity in the modes of reproduction, whether by external or internal fertilization, and this, with the morphology and fine structure of the reproductive system and its components, is the subject of Part A. Part B deals with complementary topics: testes, sperm, and sperm competition; endocrinology of reproduction; pheromones and reproduction; copulatory structures: taxonomic overview and the potential for sexual selection; sexual selection: signaling and courtship; adaptation and evolution of reproductive mode in copulating cottoid species; fertilization; sex determination; parental care; reproduction in relation to conservation and exploitation of marine fishes; Cryopreservation of Gametes; Embryogenesis and Development; and Molecular Genetics of Development.

The Ecology of the Hyporheic Zone of Running Waters

Book Description

Volume 61 of Advances in Limnology contains 12 peer reviewed, original papers focusing on the hyporheic zone of running waters (the transient zone in fluvial sediments between ground water and surface water). The papers of this special issue address new studies carried out in the River Lahn (Germany), a right-bank tributary in the middle reach of the River Rhine. The studies were conducted in order The papers address students and scientists at universities and research institutions, managers of aquatic ecosystems and watersheds.

Biologie des poissons d'eau douce européens (2e éd.)

Book Description

Biologie des poissons d’eau douce européens, par son champ d’étude vaste et ambitieux, est un ouvrage de référence en ichtyologie dulçaquicole. Couvrant l’ensemble des aspects écologiques, écobiologiques, écophysiologiques et éthologiques, il dresse une présentation détaillée de 88 espèces auto- ou allochtones : morphologie, anatomie, distribution géographique, habitats, modes de vie et activités physiologiques. 453 autres espèces sont également répertoriées. Cette 2e édition a été largement revue et augmentée, compte tenu de l’importance des données scientifiques récentes. Outre des compléments utiles portant sur les habitats et les modes de vie, cet ouvrage s’enrichit des nombreux apports génétiques qui ont parfois « révolutionné » les concepts anciens relatifs aux origines paléo-historiques et paléo-géographiques des espèces. Des extensions ou des réductions de répartitions géographiques ont été consécutives à des transferts d’origine anthropique, à des dégradations physiques et chimiques et à la récente influence du Global Warming, sans oublier les changements de statut dans le domaine de la systématique. Au fil d’un livre d’une grande rigueur scientifique, abondamment illustré (dont 64 aquarelles originales et plus de 70 cartes géographiques pertinentes) et complété par un glossaire et une importante bibliographie, le lecteur abordera la connaissance des poissons européens d’une façon à la fois originale et attrayante. Cet ouvrage s’adresse à un large public : étudiants de 2e et 3e cycles en biologie, zoologie, écologie, hydrobiologie, environnement, ingénieurs et techniciens chargés de l’aménagement, de la gestion, de la qualité et de la protection des milieux aquatiques (services vétérinaires, de l’Environnement, de l’Agriculture, de l’Équipement…) auxquels il apportera les bases fondamentales nécessaires à leur action, et plus largement tous les passionnés d’ichtyofaune.

Diatom Taxonomy, Ultrastructure and Ecology

Book Description

This book presents twenty peer-reviewed contributions delineating the full breadth of current diatom-related research in the Earth, atmospheric and biological sciences. The volume is dedicated to Dr. Eugene F. Stoermer, who has worked with most of the contributors to this volume, for his life-long scientific work on a variety of topics, the common thread of which has always been diatoms.