Birbal the wise

Book Description

Every ruler needs a friend like Birbal - faithful, intelligent and blessed with a wonderful sense of humor. Birbal dealt with every tricky situation, every palace intrigue and every demand of his petulant queen with characteristic aplomb. His gentle tact gave him a unique advantage, he became the all-powerful Akbar's alter ego. With wisdom to match his wit, he soon had both friend and foe under his spell

Birbal The Wise

Book Description

Birbal, whose real name was 'Maheshdas', was one of the 'nine gems' of court advisers of Akbar the Great. He composed poetry by another pen name 'Brahma'. He led a famous expedition into faraway Afghanistan and managed to subdue the turbulence there. Hear

Birbal the Witty

Book Description

Birbal, a real person with the name 'Maheshdas', was one of the 'nine gems' of court advisers of Akbar the Great. He also composed poetry by the pen name 'Brahma'. Birbal's fame had spread far and wide. As Akbar's favourite minister, he had an answer to every question and a solution to every problem. In fair tribute to his shrewdness, even the mighty Shah of Persia addressed Birbal as the "Ocean of Intelligence". Combining tact and common sense with a fair pinch of humour, he won his master's heart.

Birbal The Clever

Book Description

Birbal had proved himself to be the most reliable minister at court, time and again. He dispensed justice, dealt diplomatically with other rulers, led military expeditions and composed poetry. In addition, he also rescued Akbar from the dangers of arrogance and unfettered power. Most importantly, he made the Great Mughal laugh.

The Great Indian Story Book for Children: Happy Childhood Memories are essential to all

Book Description

Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. The books they read and the characters they get to know can become like friends. It's also good for children to understand that books are a useful source of information and that good reading skills are important for success in their future lives. Children's literature is important because it provides students with opportunities to respond to literature; it gives students appreciation about their own cultural heritage as well as those of others; it helps students develop emotional intelligence and creativity; it nurtures growth and development of the student's.

Birbal to the Rescue

Book Description

Learn English

Book Description

I prepared this book to improve my own English. Then, When I started to work on the book - I will explain the way I work below - I found it very useful. Therefore, I published the book. if you want to improve your English. There's no harm in trying. You can work on 1, 2 or 3 stories per day. Depending on your free time. I worked on two stories per day. And of course the basic level of your English will lead to faster results. Operation: I. Write your chosen story on a piece of paper after the beginning. II. Underline the words you do not know, search for the meaning and write under it. III. Read the story aloud once. IV. Translate the story yourself without help. V. Check the translation of the story you are translating. with the help of a teacher or someone who knows. It may be difficult at first, but after working for at least a month, you will see the difference from your initial situation. ------- Bu kitabı kendi İngilizcemi geliştirmek için hazırladım. Sonra, kitap üzerinde çalışmaya başladığımda - aşağıdaki çalışma şeklimi açıklayacağım - çok faydalı buldum. Bu yüzden kitabı yayımladım. İngilizcenizi geliştirmek istiyorsanız. Denemenin zararı yok. Günde 1, 2 veya 3 hikaye üzerinde çalışabilirsiniz. Boş zamanlarına bağlı olarak. Ben günde iki hikaye üzerinde çalıştım. Ve elbette İngilizceniz temel seviyede olursa daha hızlı öğrenirsiniz. Çalışma Şeklim: I. Seçtiğiniz hikayeyi baştan sonra bir kağıda yazın. II. Bilmediğiniz kelimelerin altını çizin, anlamı arayın ve altına yazın. III. Hikayeyi bir kez sesli okuyun. IV. Hikayeyi yardımsız kendin tercüme edin. V. Tercüme ettiğiniz hikayenin çevirisini kontrol edin. Bir öğretmenin veya bilen birinin yardımıyla. İlk başta zor olabilir, ancak en az bir ay çalıştıktan sonra, ilk durumunuzdan farkı göreceksiniz.

Birbal to the Rescue

Book Description

Pity the thief or hypocrite who crosses Birbal's path. The poor man will be either hopelessly embarrased or pleased to escape with his life. With an unfailing eye for human weakness, Birbal protects the innocent. People, from every strata of society, flock to him for help with endless lists of woes. Known for his compassion and tact, Birbal never fails them, even if it means pitting his wits against the all-powerful Emperor.


Book Description

This book should have great appeal for the 8 to 10 crowd, partly because of its slightly outrageous body-function humor. And parents should applaud its positive values. The title story features the plight of a shockingly handsome monster boy in a land of ugly monsters. To his shame, he resists joining in their humorously gross behavior. Then a beautiful witch (witches in Grossland are beautiful) aids him with a strange but temporary enchantment. And when he triumphs over the other monsters, he struggles against the urge to seek revenge . . . Next, “Dr. Pettibone” is visited by a girl and a boy with absurd problems. The bungling doctor offers little help, but notifies Endingman, a superhero-like character who fixes the endings of stories gone awry. Each time Endingman appears, the verse narration abruptly shifts to prose, suggesting another dimension. “Crazy-legs” is based on the Eastern tradition of holy men with magical powers. The zany monk in this tale may be deemed a sort of Drukpa Kunley (in Tibetan, Brugpa Kunlegs) for children. He exemplifies what is sometimes called “Crazy Wisdom.” Finally, “Birbal The Wise” is based on King Akbar of India’s legendary minister Birbal, whose wisdom enabled him to thwart the evil plots of jealous enemies.

Birbal The Inimitable

Book Description

Only Birbal could outwit Akbar and get away with it. A witty and wise diplomat, he ensured that both the emperor and the empire retained their greatness. This collection of tales highlighting Birbal's presence of mind, his kindness and his shrewdness guarantees a good laugh. At the same time, it divulges some useful tricks for overcoming sticky situations.