
Book Description

Even the gods were charmed by this most honourable of kings. Fate had snatched away his palace, his wealth, his wife and his son. Worse sorrows were to pour down on him and yet Harischandra would not abandon the righteous path. He revealed the true mettle of a great king, protecting his honour – and that of his family – with single-minded determination.


Book Description

He revived the Indian spirit that lay shackled by Western domination. He inspired his countrymen to be proud of their heritage. He urged them to be fearless. In his short life, and in the face of tremendous odds, he initiated a world-wide movement to uplift the human race, and opened the eyes of the West to the wonders of ancient Indian thought.


Book Description

Rama was happy living in the forest with his wife and brother. Palace intrigue may have forced his exile, but the next fourteen years promised to be quite pleasant. Suddenly, this idylic life was thrown into turmoil. His beloved wife Sita was kidnapped! With unmatched skill as a warrior, Rama destroyed the ten-headed Ravana. And along the way, he won a host of very grateful friends.


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Descended from the house of Timur and Genghis Khan, Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur founded the Mughal dynasty in India. Babur lived for most of his early life as an exile in and around his homeland in Central Asia. Declared ruler of Farghana at the age of 12, the young boy had to contend with treacherous uncles, tyrant neighbours and rebellious generals. But he dealt with all of them even while moving towards his historic tryst with India.


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Tenzing Norgay was known as the Tiger of the Snows because of his passion for mountains and mountaineering. His story is an inspiration to all, the story of a person from a very humble background who dared to dream of reaching the highest peak in the world. It is the story of his indomitable spirit which saw him attempt Everest several times, before finally reaching its summit along with Edmund Hillary on 29th May, 1953.

The syamantaka gem

Book Description

To the women of Dwarka, Krishna is the most coveted jewel, the husband they yearn for. For most of the men, the Syamantaka, the sun-god's shining gem, is the most sought-after prize. This is hardly surprising, it is known to regularly bestow a hoard of solid gold on their Prince Satrajit. When the gem goes missing, suspicion falls on Krishna. He must prove his innocence, but danger and upheaval threaten at every turn.

Raj Singh

Book Description

The last independent warrior of Mewar, Maharana Raj Singh, ruled the kingdom during the reign of Aurangzeb, the then Emperor of India. When Chanchal Kumari, the princess of Roopnagar, flung a portrait of Aurangzeb and stepped on it, Aurangzeb was furious by the news. As a result, he wanted to marry her, as a mark of his insult. Chanchal kumari refused and requested Raj Singh to save her from the Mughal Emperor. For a Rajput, the honour of his womenfolk was of prime importance. And the events that follow this are an important and memorable part of history.

Dr Kotnis in China

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The Magic Chant

Book Description

A word of caution to all those who enjoy being greedy or arrogant – you are on the road to eventual unhappiness. These Jataka tales make an undeniable case for the Buddhist ideal of right thinking and right living. They also advise against idle gossip and impatience. When such wise teachings are accompanied by rollicking humour and exciting yarns, the popularity of these tales over two millennia is hardly surprising!

Samvarnana and tapati

Book Description

Tapati, the daughter of Surya, catches the site of the mortal Samvarana and falls in love with him. She appears before him in the forest and he is so enchanted by her, he swoons and falls on the ground. Tapati and Samvarana had a son named Kuru, the ancestors of the Pandavas and the Kauravas. The field of Kurukshetra upon which the battle takes place is also named after Kuru.