Birth Defects: Atlas and Compendium

Book Description

842 presently recognized birth defect syndromes are described in the Compendium, and 641 photographs of defects are presented in the Atlas. Separate tables of contents appear in English, French, German, and Spanish. Tables. Author index, extensive subject index.

Birth Defects Compendium

Book Description

Birth Defects Compendium

Book Description

Birth Defects

Book Description

Birth Defects Compendium

Book Description

Problems of Birth Defects

Book Description

Surprisingly, the beginning of a modern approach This collection of articles and commentaries is an to the problems of birth defects is relatively recent integration of information from many disciplines, and dates from Gregg's classical report in 1941 that and presents a comprehensive survey of both recent mothers who contracted rubella during the first tri and previously reported work related to the major mester of pregnancy gave birth to infants with severe aspects of birth defects. In particular, an attempt multiple anomalies. For the first time, an environ has been made to provide a critical assessment of mental agent was found to be teratogenic in man current concepts and to identify areas in need of and was documented in a thoroughly convincing further investigation. manner. Since then, many important discoveries The scope of this volume and space limitations and significant developments have been made, par precluded discussion of and reference to all papers ticularly in the areas of environmental teratogenesis, of relevance or importance: a work of the present hereditary mechanisms, and prenatal diagnosis. nature must necessarily be selective. Some good In recent years, there has been an impressive papers have been left out or given relatively little surge of interest in the causes and prevention of consideration. It is my hope that the list of Further birth defects. Undoubtedly this resulted not only References will be consulted and should compensate from the thalidomide tragedy, but also from the for this lack of completeness.

Multiple Congenital Anomalies

Book Description

The size of the problem, can be assessed This book is an off-shoot of the computerized from the following. Of 50 children bom, 1 London Dysmorphology Database which is now widely used by many geneticists and will have an easily detectable major malfor mation. Many of these will have a single dysmorphologists. Both the database and this malformation, but in the region of 8 in 1000 book have arisen out of a need to cope with the ever increasing nurober of multiple will have multiple abnormalities. This group will include 50% with chromosomal disorders congenital anomaly syndromes, especially recognizable by performing a karyotype, the details about their features and where infor mation can be found in the Iiterature. Indeed rest needing tobe diagnosed by other means. there are more than 2000 non-chromosomal It is to the diagnosis of this latter group that this book is dedicated. multiple malformation syndromes to which access is essential. If computerized databases have solved THE DIAGNOSIS OF DYSMORPHIC some of the problems, why is there a need SYNDROMES for this book? There are many physicians who do not have a desk computer or do not History feel at ease in using one. In addition geneticists are doing more satellite clinics and Before identifying the specific dysmorphic in some circumstances it would be more features, at least a three generation family history needs to be taken. It is necessary to convenient to carry a book than a computer.

The Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders and Birth Defects

Book Description

Presents information on congenital birth defects, giving the name, known or suspect cause and brief description as well as available treatments where applicable.