Black Cat Weekly #36

Book Description

Welcome to Black Cat Weekly #36. We have another great issue featuring not one, but two full-length books—George O. Smith’s classic collection of linked science fiction stories, Venus Equilateral, and Hulbert Footner’s mystery, Officer! As always, our acquiring editors have cooked up some delights. From Michael Bracken comes an original police procedural from H.K. Slade, “A Body at the Dam.” Barb Goffman has unearthed “Run Don’t Run,” by Mary Saums, which I know you’ll enjoy. And Cynthia Ward brings us “Shattering the Spear,” by P. Djèlí Clark, a heroic fantasy story—we need more of these in BCW! Topping things off, we have another solve-it-yourself mystery from Hal Charles, plus classic reprints by Rog Phillips (Vampires!), Lester del Rey (Superstitions in Space!), and Percy James Brebner (Kidnapping! Secret Agents!) All told, lots of terrific reading. Here’s the lineup: Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “A Body at the Dam,” by H.K. Slade [Michael Bracken Presents short story] “A Present from the Past,” by Hal Charles [solve-it-yourself mystery] “Run Don’t Run,” by Mary Saums [Barb Goffman Presents short story] “The Missing Signorina,” by Percy James Brebner [short story] Officer! by Hulbert Footner [novel] Science Fiction & Fantasy: “Shattering the Spear,” by P. Djèlí Clark [Cynthia Ward Presents short story] “Superstition,” by Lester del Rey [short story] “A Vial of Immortality,” by Rog Phillips [short story] Venus Equilateral, by George O. Smith [novel]

Black Cat Weekly #23

Book Description

Welcome to Black Cat Weekly #23. Lots of good stuff this time—highlighted by a novel from Golden Age mystery author Rufus King, Duenna for a Murder. Plus a few novellas, and lots of great short stories, a solve-it-yourself mystery from Hal Charles, and great selections from Michael Bracken (Laird Long’s “Taken for a Ride”—which qualifies as both a mysery and a fantasy story) and Barb Goffman (Michael Allan Mallory’s “Random Harvest”). On the science fiction side, the Cynthia Ward Presents story is missing this week, but that’s only because we have a fantastic alternate-history story from Cynthia herself! Check out her “On Stony Ground.” Plus an epic disaster story from Allan Danzig, a fantasy from Unknown by Lester del Rey and James H. Beard, a space-based tale by Richard Wilson, and a miniature military SF story from Larry Tritten. Here’s the complete lineup: Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “Soul Searching,” by Laird Long [short story] “A Fine Kettle of Fish,” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery] “Dead Wrong,” by Frank Kane [short story] “Taken for a Ride,” by Hulbert Footner [short novel] “Random Harvest,” by Michael Allan Mallory [Barb Goffman Presents short story] Duenna to a Murder, by Rufus King [novel] Science Fiction & Fantasy: “On Stony Ground,” by Cynthia Ward [short story] “Corrigan’s Homunculi,” by Larry Tritten [short story] “Carillon of Skulls,” by Lester del Rey and James H. Beard [short story] “Abel Baker Camel,” by Richard Wilson [short story] “The Great Nebraska Sea,” by Allan Danzig [short story]

Black Cat Weekly #21

Book Description

For mystery readers, Michael Bracken brings us an original tale by Eve Fisher—“The Ghost of Eros” features art crime of a most creative sort. Barb Goffman’s presents an action-packed tale by David Hagerty. “A Photo’s Worth” features an actress, a paparazzo, San Francisco, and scancal—a great read. Hal Charles (the writing team of Hal Blythe and Charlie Sweet) brings us another solve-it-yourself mystery. And we have a classic mystery featuring Madame Storey from Hulbert Footner, and a British suspense novel by Edgar Wallace. Science fiction and fantasy fans will enjoy a 1950 short novel from Murray Leinster, a classic space opera. Leinster was one of the greats of the science fiction field. He published more than a thousand stories over a distinguished six-decade career. “Planet of the Small Men” is pulp adventure in grand space opera tradition—and one I wish had been expanded to novel length. It’s from Thrilling Wonder Stories, and I don’t believe it’s ever been reprinted. Plus we have dark fantasy stories by Tom Marcinko (Cynthia Ward’s selection this issue) and Larry Tritten (whose work we’ve been running regularly—a real change of pace for him). Plus classics by Malcolm Jameson and Lester del Rey. Here’s the complete lineup: Mystery / Suspense: “The Ghost Of Eros,” by Eve Fisher [short story] “The Pilfered Pictogram,” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery] “A Photo’s Worth,” by David Hagerty [Barb Goffman Presents short story] The Almost Perfect Murder, by Hulbert Footner [short novel] The Strange Countess, by Edgar Wallace [novel] Science Fiction & Fantasy: “Temperance,” by Tom Marcinko [short story] “Africa Screams, ” by Larry Tritten [short story] “Brimstone Bill,” by Malcolm Jameson [short story] “Dark Mission,” by Lester del Rey [short story] “Planet of the Small Men,” by Murray Leinster [short novel]

Black Cat Weekly #49

Book Description

Welcome to Black Cat Weekly #49. This is another strong issue, and we lead off with an original tale by celebrated mystery author Brendan Dubois (courtesy of acquiring editor Michael Bracken). We also have a powerful crime story by Y.S. Lee (courtsey of acquiring editor Barb Goffman), and a pair of novels by Edgar Wallace and Nicholas Carter. And, of course, no issue would be complete without a solve-it-yourself mystery from Hal Charles. On the science fiction side, acquiring editor Cynthia Ward has selected a great story by Linda D. Addison—plus we have more from George O. Smith, Poul Anderson, C. Shook, and Robert Moore Williams. Good stuff! Here’s the complete lineup: Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “Obsession” by Brendan DuBois “Ghost of a Chance” by Hal Charles “In Plain Sight” by Y. S. Lee The Fellowship of the Frog, by Edgar Wallace Driven from Cover, by Nicholas Carter Science Fiction / Fantasy: “The Power” by Linda D. Addison “Rat Race,” by George O. Smith “The Temple of Earth, ” by Poul Anderson “The Band Played On,” by C. Shook “The Impossible Invention” by Robert Moore Williams

Black Cat Weekly #4

Book Description

Black Cat Weekly #4 presents more tales of the mysterious and fantastic—4 mystery short stories (including a Derringer Award-winner), a mystery novel, 2 science fiction short stories, a fantasy story, plus a science fiction novel. Here are: THE HAMMERING MAN by Edwin Balmer and William MacHarg [mystery short] [Luther Trant series] FLOORED, by Hal Charles [solve-it-yourself mystery short] TWILIGHT LADIES, by Meg Opperman [mystery short] [Derringer Award Winner] WEST OF QUARANTINE, by Todhunter Ballard [western/mystery novel] THE BROTHERS OF THE LEFT HAND PATH, by Frank Lovell Nelson [mystery short] [Carlton Clarke series] THE HERPLE IS A HAPPY BEAST, by Paul Di Filippo [science fiction short] THE POWER OF WAKING, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman [fantasy short] THE KEEPERS OF THE HOUSE, by Lester del Rey [science fiction short] ANDROMEDA GUN, by John Boyd [science fiction novel]

Black Cat Weekly #33

Book Description

Welcome to Black Cat Weekly #33. The astute will notice that this issue is being released early—with the holidays nearly upon us (and relatives set to descend on our household), I thought it prudent to finish it up early, just to make sure there weren’t any unfortunately delays. I think you’ll find this issue particularly interesting. Darrell Schweitzer’s historic interview with C.J. Cherryh from 1978 is fascinating, since she talks about her writing process. (If you aren’t familiar with her work, you’ve missed some of the best science fiction of the last 50 years.). For mystery lovers, we have great tales from Greg Herren (courtesy of editor Barb Goffman) and Patricia Dusenbury (courtesy of editor Michael Bracken), plus a solve-it-yourself mystery from Hal Charles. Our novel, Mission of Revenge, by Edison Marshall mixes many genres—crime, romance, adventure…all set in the frozen north! Science fiction readers have an original from Nancy Jane Moore (courtesy of editor Cynthia Ward), plus classics by Lester del Rey and Larry Tritten. For fantasy, look no further than “The Goddess’ Legacy,” by Malcolm Jameson, and the second part of Mel Gilden’s serialized novel, The Case by Case Casebook of Emily Silverwood. Good stuff! Here’s the lineup: Non-Fiction: “Speaking with C.J. Cherryh,” conducted by Darrell Schweitzer [interview] Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “Nor Death Will Us Part,” by Patricia Dusenbury [Michael Bracken Presents short story] “An Eggceptional Solution,” by Hal Charles [solve-it-yourself mystery] “The Silky Veils of Ardor,” by Greg Herren [Barb Goffman Presents short story] Mission of Revenge, by Edison Marshall [novel] Science Fiction & Fantasy: “The Art of War,” by Nancy Jane Moore [Cynthia Ward Presents short story] “Playback,” by Larry Tritten [short story] “The One-eyed Man,” by Lester del Rey [short story] “The Goddess’ Legacy,” by Malcolm Jameson [short story] The Case by Case Casebook of Emily Silverwood, by Mel Gilden (Part 2 of 4) [Serial Novel]

Black Cat Weekly #92

Book Description

Our 92nd issue features a pair of classic novels, the science fiction tale Destiny Times Three, by Fritz Leiber, and The Clue of the New Pin, a mystery by Edgar Wallace. Leiber is one of my favorite authors (he has an amazing body of work, notably the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser sword and sorcery series, but also much else of note in the fantasy, science fiction, and horror fields). And Edgar Wallace was an amazing British author who created scores of classic stories, novels, and movies (including the original King Kong). At one point, a quarter of all novels sold in England were by Wallace. If you’re a fan of the French answer to Sherlock Holmes, Maurice Leblanc’s Arsène Lupin, you’re in for a treat. Here is a rare 1912 Arsène Lupin short story, “The Man with the Goat Skin,” in a brand new translation. (I’m finally putting my 7 years of French studies to good use.) And, of course, our acquiring editors Barb Goffman and Michael Bracken have been hard at work. This issue, we have a story by O’Neil De Noux, thanks to Michael. Barb snagged reprint rights to John M. Floyd’s Derringer Award-winner, “On the Road with Mary Jo.” Plus we the final 3 stories from Sekenre: The Book of the Sorcerer, by Darrell Schweitzer; a dark fantasy tale by Adrian Cole; a solve-it-yourself mystery by Hal Charles; plus vintage science fiction from Lester del Rey and Wm. Gray Beyer. Here’s the complete lineup: Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “A Pretty Slick Guy,” by O’Neil De Noux [Michael Bracken Presents short story] “The Case of the Murdered Manager,” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery] “On the Road with Mary Jo,” by John M. Floyd [Barb Goffman Presents short story] “The Man with the Goat Skin,” by Maurice Leblanc [short story, Arsène Lupin series] The Clue of the New Pin, by Edgar Wallace [novel] Science Fiction & Fantasy: “Demon Driver” by Adrian Cole [short story] “The Deadly Thinkers,” by Wm. Gray Beyer [short story] “And There Was Light,” by Lester del Rey [short story] Sekenre: The Book of the Sorcerer (part 4), by Darrell Schweitzer [4-part serial] Destiny Times Three, by Fritz Leiber [novel]

Black Cat Weekly #26

Book Description

This issue brights quite a selection of mysteries and crime stories—8, in fact. (Though two are doing double-duty as science fiction.) Michael Bracken has selected a story by our acquiring editor Cynthia Ward for this issue—“Roadsong,” which (along with Eando Binder’s tale) is also science fiction. Barb Goffman has picked a winner by John Shepphird this issue. Plus we have classics by Stephen Wasylyk, James Holding, Dorothy B. Hughes, and Nicholas Carter. And what issue would be complete without a solve-it-yourself mystery by Hal Charles? On the science fiction side, Cynthia Ward has picked “Memorabilia,” a post holocaust story, by Holly Wade Matter, plus we have a classic fantasy by Lester del Rey (from Unknown), and a classic science fiction story by Jerry Sohl (from Infinity). Here’s the complete lineup: Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “Alligators Don’t Ask for Payment,” by Stephen Wasylyk [short story] “Shima Maru,” by James Holding [short story] “A Ring of Truth,” by Hal Charles [solve-it-yourself mystery] “Of Dogs & Deceit,” by John Shepphird [short story] The Bamboo Blonde, by Dorothy B. Hughes [novel] Following a Chance Clue, by Nicholas Carter [novel] “The Sign of the Scarlet Cross,” by Eando Binder [short story] “Roadsong,” by Cynthia Ward [short story] Science Fiction & Fantasy: “The Sign of the Scarlet Cross,” by Eando Binder [short story] “Roadsong,” by Cynthia Ward [short story] “Memorabilia,” by Holly Wade Matter [short story] “Death in Transit,” by Jerry Sohl [short story] “Anything,” by Lester del Rey [short story]

Black Cat Weekly #99

Book Description

Our 99th issue is another great one, with stellar contributions from some of the best in modern and classic mysteries, science fiction, and fantasy. 8 short stories and 2 novelets round on this issue--dig in! ​​​​ Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “The Plan,” by Chuck Brownman [Michael Bracken Presents short story] “The Humbling Homecoming,” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery] “Hot Sugar Blues,” by Steve Liskow [Barb Goffman Presents short story] “Swan Song,” by donalee Moulton [short story] “Finish the Job,” by Frank Kane [short story, Johnny Liddell series] Science Fiction & Fantasy: “The Door Into Envy,” by Adrian Cole [short story] “The Vampire Bat,” by Joseph Payne Brennan [short story] “The Marrying Monster,” by Claus Stamm [short story] “Survival of the Fittest,” by Gene L. Henderson [novelet] “Wind Between the Worlds,” by Lester del Rey [novelet]

Black Cat Weekly #60

Book Description

Black Cat Weekly #60 presents another great lineup of modern and classic tales. This issue kicks off with "Buxton," an original by Dave Zeltserman, and continues through classic crime and detective stories, including a psychic detective tale featuring Jules de Grandin by Seabury Quinn. Plus there are monsters, hardboiled detective Nazi villains, science fiction, and more! Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “Buxton”by Dave Zeltserman [Michael Bracken Presents short story] “The Unlucky Horseshoe” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery] “Nineteen Creaks” by Peter DiChellis [Barb Goffman Presents short story] “Thirty Pieces of Lead” by Frank Kane [short story] “Suicide” by Frank Kane [short story] “The Tenants of Broussac,” by Seabury Quinn [novelet, psychic detective] Science Fiction / Fantasy / Horror: “Finders”by Melissa Scott [Cynthia Ward Presents short story] “Boiling Point” by Lester del Re [short story] “Murder by Magic” by Sydney J. Bounds [short story] “The Vampire Maid,” by Hume Nisbet [short story] “The Tenants of Broussac,” by Seabury Quinn [novelet, psychic detective]