Blessed Are the Weird

Book Description

This is a book for everyone who wants to lead a deep, true, and passionate life and leave the world better for having passed this way.

Blessed Are the Misfits

Book Description

If you've ever felt like you don't fit into American church culture... Brant Hansen has been there, too. Join Hansen as he explores modern Christianity, the beauty of being different, and the astonishing goodness of God. American church culture can feel designed for extroverted, emotional people -- so what does that mean for the rest of us? Brant Hansen gets it. Introverted, a natural skeptic, and an "Aspie," he often wondered how, even if, he fit into the Kingdom of God. But the good news is that the Good News is for all. Maybe "spiritual" doesn't always look like we expect. And maybe those of us whose lives aren't full of amazing or emotional spiritual stories, or those of us who struggle to be social, confident, or happy -- "misfits," really -- have a beautiful place in God's kingdom too. In his trademark dry, self-effacing humor, Brant addresses questions like: If I don't relate to God as emotionally or feel His presence as intensely, is there something wrong with me? What if I'm not good at talking to people about my faith -- or not good at talking to people at all? What if I'm terrible at praying and even struggle to want to pray? If I struggle with depression, does that mean I've failed spiritually? For anyone who has felt left out, anyone who has gone through the motions, or anyone who feels like they have more questions than answers, Blessed Are the Misfits is a breath of fresh air. Praise for Blessed are the Misfits: "This book is for those who feel disconnected, lonely, or spiritually dry. Brant's writing is honest, quirky, funny, and downright therapeutic. I can think of no one I'd rather have sit down with me and say, "You know what? It's okay to be you.'" --Benjamin C. Warf, MD, Professor of Neurosurgery, Harvard Medical School

Blessed Are the Weird

Book Description

This is a book for everyone who wants to lead a deep, true, and passionate life and leave the world better for having passed this way.

Blessed Are Those Who Thirst

Book Description

Criminal investigating officer Hanne Wilhelmsen considers the possibility of a serial killer as she tracks down a series of numbers written in blood appearing on walls all over Oslo.

The Creative Cure

Book Description

“I’m just not that creative” is a common refrain in today’s society. But according to author and creative coach Jacob Nordby, nothing could be further from the truth. Every human being is creative, and having a regular creative practice is a vital key to a happy and fulfilling life. If we don't exercise our creativity regularly, our lives can feel dull, stagnant, and rote. Many people live this way and believe “this is just the way life is,” without realizing that developing a regular creative practice can be the cure to what ails them. Nordby knows this all too well. By the time he reached his midthirties, he was running a successful mortgage company and lived in a big house with fancy cars. But he felt like he was dying inside. Starting and maintaining a creative practice is what saved his life. Now, in this powerful book, he explains how he traded in his stagnant way of life for one full of meaning and purpose, and offers specific steps to help you build your own creative practice. The Creative Cure is a call for a revolution, fostering change where all change must begin: within. This internal change will allow you to express your own creative gifts, cultivate happiness, and experience the unique feeling of fulfillment that only a creative practice can offer. Packed with powerful, transformative exercises, this book is the medicine you need to find and reinvigorate your creative soul.

The Weird Friends Fan Club

Book Description

Erin and Grace are very different people. Erin has a monobrow and a slight problem with negativity; Grace is very #blessed and obsessed with her #girlsquad. One thing they have in common is a love of Charlotte Brontë and writing stories. And through their teacher-imposed critique group, they learn to see each other's perspectives and become unlikely friends. But the path of true friendship doth not run smooth for the #brontebabes. #readitandfindoutmore #youwon'tbesorry A brilliantly funny new story from Catherine Wilkins, author of the much-loved 'My Best friend and Other Enemies' series. "The author of the hilarious My Best Friends and Other Enemies and When Go Geeks Go Bad returns with another terrifically funny tale. This one is told innovatively, via diary entries, about two very different girls who slowly learn to see things from each other's perspective as they bond over Charlotte Brontë." - The i


Book Description

What If You Could Change the World without Changing Your Daily Routine? When you’ve been transformed by God’s love, you can’t help but want others to experience the same grace and freedom. But how do you share it without scaring them away or offending them? For most Christians, “evangelism” is an intimidating word that suggests handing out tracts to strangers or doing other awkward things. But what if there was a more organic, more authentic way to share your faith with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers? Dave and Jon Ferguson have found five simple, straightforward practices that will allow any believer to do just that. And by consistently living them out, you can affect not just individual lives but your entire neighborhood and community—one person at a time.

Summary of Jacob Nordby's Blessed Are the Weird

Book Description

Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I was born with a hole in my heart, and I have always felt too open to life. I never felt like I fit in, and I often revealed too much or placed myself in awkward situations that those with more savoir-faire would not have risked. #2 The world needs us to unlock the codes and symbols that are inside us. We need to embrace our differences and find genius in the anomalous beauty of ourselves. #3 The word weird has strong ties to the ideas of fate and destiny. It was originally used to describe the Fates or Norns in Norse mythology, who controlled human destiny as they cared for great Yggdrasil, the World Tree from which everything springs. #4 We were born in a special era with important gifts. It is easy to look at those who seem to have smooth paths and wonder what is wrong with us. But it is worth everything to live by our own lights and know for sure that we are doing our own thing in this world.

God Conversations

Book Description

How do I know it's God? is one of the most commonly asked questions of new and mature Christians alike, and the aim of God Conversations is to both equip and inspire the reader and show them that hearing the voice of the Spirit is accessible to everyone who chooses to follow Jesus. Most Christians know that God speaks, yet struggle with how to recognise his voice in their everyday lives. What does God's voice sound like? How do we know if what we're hearing is from God? Stories of God talking to his people abound throughout the Bible, but we usually only get the highlights. We read; "And God said to Joseph; 'Go to Egypt'," and then; "Mary and Joseph left for Egypt." We don't get a blow-by-blow description of how God spoke. We don't receive a detailed explanation of how they knew it was God, and we don't get to see what was going on inside their heads as they acted on what they'd heard. In God Conversations, international speaker and pastor Tania Harris shares insights from her own journey about hearing God's voice. You'll get to eavesdrop on some contemporary conversations with God in the light of his communication with the ancient characters of the Bible. Part memoir, part teaching, this unique and creative collection of stories will help you to recognise God's voice when he speaks and how to respond when you do.


Book Description

An Understandable and Reliable Guide to Revelation Over 12 chapters, Blessed covers the full text of the book of Revelation, exploring its call to patient endurance as God's sovereign plans for judgment and salvation are worked out in the world. In this book, Guthrie shows how Revelation is less about when Jesus will return and more about who we are to be, what we are to do, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom in the new creation. With a friendly and engaging tone, Blessed takes the fear, intimidation, and confusion away from studying Revelation, providing a solid and accessible resource that individuals and small groups can use to study this important yet often avoided book. Understand the Book of Revelation: Helps readers make sense of Revelation's unique apocalyptic symbolism, visual imagery, and Old Testament allusions Transformative Personal Application: Every chapter asks and answers the question, What does it mean to hear and keep this part of Revelation and thereby experience its promised blessing? A Focus on What Is Clear and Uncontroversial: Highlights Revelation's call for a costly allegiance to Christ and a refusal to compromise with the world rather than focusing on interpretive approaches and disputes