Blue Book on AI and Rule of Law in the World (2020)

Book Description

This book focuses on the development of artificial intelligence and rule of law in the current world. It covers topics such as AI strategy, policy, law, theoretical research, and practical application. Through an in-depth analysis and thorough evaluation, this book provides a more objective, fair, accurate and comprehensive report. The purpose is to lead the AI and rule of law research and create an AI and rule of law environment which is conducive to the construction of AI and rule of law system. In particular, it aims to play an active role in promoting the establishment of legal systems, policy systems, and codes of ethics that are compatible with the innovative development of AI, thus facilitating the implementation of a new generation of AI development strategies, and ensuring the safe, reliable, controllable, healthy, and sustainable development of AI.

Blue Book on AI and Rule of Law in the World (2020)

Book Description

This book focuses on the development of artificial intelligence and rule of law in the current world. It covers topics such as AI strategy, policy, law, theoretical research, and practical application. Through an in-depth analysis and thorough evaluation, this book provides a more objective, fair, accurate and comprehensive report. The purpose is to lead the AI and rule of law research and create an AI and rule of law environment which is conducive to the construction of AI and rule of law system. In particular, it aims to play an active role in promoting the establishment of legal systems, policy systems, and codes of ethics that are compatible with the innovative development of AI, thus facilitating the implementation of a new generation of AI development strategies, and ensuring the safe, reliable, controllable, healthy, and sustainable development of AI.

Blue Book on AI and Rule of Law in the World (2021)

Book Description

This book focuses on the development of artificial intelligence and rule of law in the world, by collecting and summarizing the information about the development of artificial intelligence and rule of law in China and the world, covering topics like AI strategy, policy, law, theoretical research and practical application, etc. It makes an in-depth analysis so as to provide an objective, fair and accurate report. The purpose is to promote the study of AI and law, promote the construction of AI and rule of law system and create an AI and rule of law environment. In particular, it aims to play an active role in promoting the establishment of legislative norms, legal systems, policy systems and ethical norms that are compatible with the innovative development of AI, promoting the implementation of a new generation of national AI development strategies, ensuring the safe, reliable, controllable, healthy and sustainable development of AI. It is hoped that this book may provide useful reference for researchers of AI and law.

Artificial Intelligence and Transforming Digital Marketing

Book Description

This book explores how AI is transforming digital marketing and what it means for businesses of all sizes and looks at how AI is being used to personalize content, improve targeting, and optimize campaigns. This book also examines some of the ethical considerations that come with using AI in marketing.

World Internet Development Report 2020

Book Description

This book systematically reviews the development process of the world Internet and comprehensively reveals the great contributions of the Internet to economic development and social progress. The world today is marked by changes unseen in a century, and Internet development is facing new opportunities and challenges. In 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic broke out and spread at the global scale, which enormously impacted the global economy and society. Internet played an increasingly important role. Meanwhile, based on the development status of the global Internet, this book fully reflects the development process, status and trend of the world Internet in 2020, systematically summarizes the development status and highlights of the Internet in the major countries around the world, and makes an in-depth analysis of the new conditions, new dynamics and new trends of the development in the key Internet fields; the contents cover the information infrastructure, information technology, digital economy, digital government, internet media, network security, and international cyberspace governance, and other aspects. Moreover, this book further adjusts and enriches the development index systems of the world Internet, in the hope of better showing the development strength and development advantages of the Internet in various countries, and reflecting the overall development trend of the world Internet more comprehensively, accurately and objectively. From an objective perspective, this book collects the latest research results in the global internet field, featuring comprehensive contents and highlights; from a historical perspective, this book reviews the significant development process of the global internet, summarizes the experience and faces the future; from a global perspective, this book tries to construct the cyberspace community with a common future based on the new concepts, new ideas and new achievements of various countries in participating in cyberspace development and construction. This book provides an important reference value for employees in Internet fields, such as government departments, Internet enterprises, scientific research institutions, colleges and universities, to fully understand and master the development of the world internet.

Artificial Intelligence Law

Book Description

It is inevitable, given the enormous media-driven concern generated by the recent application of artificial intelligence (AI) to an ever-expanding spectrum of day-to-day human experience, that the need for a clearly articulated legal response has become imperative. This book both clarifies the controversial issues surrounding the use of AI and explores in great detail how, far from being “unregulated,” the creation, distribution, and operation of AI systems currently is, and will remain, subject to a vast array of existing laws and regulations all over the world. Demonstrating beyond any doubt that the traditional concepts of legal responsibility, including duty of care, negligence, and compensation for damages, will always be applicable to those humans who create and/or use artificially intelligent things or systems, the author shows how AI systems are clearly implicated in numerous existing legal regimes, including the following: relevant provisions under international law and EU law; applicable provisions in the laws of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore; and numerous national provisions in the legal fields of health and safety, intellectual property, competition, privacy and data protection, and military engagement. However, given the lack of international consensus on this vitally important issue, the author suggests that any worldwide agreement on the legal responsibilities relating to the use of AI will need to be carefully defined, and that provisions will need to be reviewed to determine how they will apply to any new range of artificially intelligent creations. The purpose of this book is to review those legal concepts, throughout the world, that currently govern the application of AI and to comment on modifications or extensions of the rule of law that are being proposed as necessary to serve and protect humanity in relation to the expanding applications of AI. It is important that anyone who uses or is affected by AI products understands the relationship between existing laws and regulations in major markets around the world and those areas where initial regulations may be required. For them, for their counsel, and for the various policy and regulatory authorities confronted with AI issues, this book will prove an essential guide.

Regulating Artificial Intelligence

Book Description

This book assesses the normative and practical challenges for artificial intelligence (AI) regulation, offers comprehensive information on the laws that currently shape or restrict the design or use of AI, and develops policy recommendations for those areas in which regulation is most urgently needed. By gathering contributions from scholars who are experts in their respective fields of legal research, it demonstrates that AI regulation is not a specialized sub-discipline, but affects the entire legal system and thus concerns all lawyers. Machine learning-based technology, which lies at the heart of what is commonly referred to as AI, is increasingly being employed to make policy and business decisions with broad social impacts, and therefore runs the risk of causing wide-scale damage. At the same time, AI technology is becoming more and more complex and difficult to understand, making it harder to determine whether or not it is being used in accordance with the law. In light of this situation, even tech enthusiasts are calling for stricter regulation of AI. Legislators, too, are stepping in and have begun to pass AI laws, including the prohibition of automated decision-making systems in Article 22 of the General Data Protection Regulation, the New York City AI transparency bill, and the 2017 amendments to the German Cartel Act and German Administrative Procedure Act. While the belief that something needs to be done is widely shared, there is far less clarity about what exactly can or should be done, or what effective regulation might look like. The book is divided into two major parts, the first of which focuses on features common to most AI systems, and explores how they relate to the legal framework for data-driven technologies, which already exists in the form of (national and supra-national) constitutional law, EU data protection and competition law, and anti-discrimination law. In the second part, the book examines in detail a number of relevant sectors in which AI is increasingly shaping decision-making processes, ranging from the notorious social media and the legal, financial and healthcare industries, to fields like law enforcement and tax law, in which we can observe how regulation by AI is becoming a reality.

Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Modernization

Book Description

This book comprehensively describes the status quo of artificial intelligence technology applications in the judicial field in China. Written by Cui Yadong, the former President of Shanghai Senior People's Court, it is divided into three parts: the first part focuses mainly on the theoretical issues related to artificial intelligence and judicial applications. The second part highlights practical aspects, discussing the research and development process, the implementation of the"206 system" and the major breakthroughs. The third part then addresses lessons learned and the thinking, particularly the thinking on "building the future rule of law of artificial intelligence", a new topic that responds to people's concerns about the risks and challenges of the development of artificial intelligence. In this context, the book argues that the judicial task is twofold: On the one hand, it should actively promote the integration and application of AI in the judiciary, judicial intelligence, and judicial modernization. On the other hand, it should encourage the construction of a future rule of law system of artificial intelligence, highlight the role of the judiciary in dealing with future risks and challenges, bring the development of artificial intelligence into line with the rule of law, and use the rule of law to promote, standardize and guarantee the safe, reliable and controllable development of artificial intelligence.