Blue Ribbon Panel Findings on MTBE

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Blue Ribbon Panel Findings on MTBE

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Blue Ribbon Panel Findings on MTBE

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Hearing to examine the recommendations of the EPA Blue Ribbon Panel Advisory Committee on the Use of Oxygenates in Gasoline on MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether), a fuel additive used to add oxygen to gasoline. In the last few years, MTBE has been found in drinking water sources, and so the use of MTBE has been questioned. Witnesses: Robert Campbell, Sunoco, Inc.; Jake Garn, Huntsman Corp., Salt Lake City, UT; Daniel Greenbaum, Health Effects Inst., Cambridge, MA, and former chair, Blue Ribbon Panel on the Use of Oxygenates in Gasoline; and Michael Kenny, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA. Also, reports and articles on MTBE submitted for the record.

Reformulated Gasoline (RFG).

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MTBE Remediation Handbook

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Here is a comprehensive and up-to date compendium of the technology and management of MTBE contamination, exploring the myths which impede successful clean-up techniques, and offering effective solutions. Section I looks at the history, properties, occurrence and assessment of MTBE. Section II discusses applicable remediation technologies. Section III offers remediation case studies.