Bond Valuation in Emerging Markets

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Investing in Emerging Fixed Income Markets

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An investor's guide to capitalizing on opportunities in the fixed income markets of emerging economies The fixed income market in emerging countries represents a new and potentially lucrative area of investment for professionals, but with great risk. Investing in Emerging Fixed Income Markets shows investors how to identify solid investment opportunities, assess the risk potential, and develop an investment approach to enhance long-term returns. Contributors to this book, among the leading experts from around the world, share their insights, advice, and knowledge on a range of topics that will help investors make the right decisions and choices when dealing with emerging fixed income markets. This fully updated and revised edition of the Handbook of Emerging Fixed Income and Currency Markets is the best guide for navigating the complicated world of emerging fixed income markets. Efstathia Pilarinu (Strasbourg, France) is a consultant specializing in the derivatives and emerging market fixed income areas. She has worked for several major Wall Street firms, including Salomon Brothers, Bankers Trust, Societe General. She has a doctorate degree and an MBA in finance from the University of Tennessee and an undergraduate degree in mathematics from the University of Patras, Greece. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. is proud to be the publisher of the esteemed Frank J. Fabozzi Series. Comprising nearly 100 titles--which include numerous bestsellers--The Frank J. Fabozzi Series is a key resource for finance professionals and academics, strategists and students, and investors. The series is overseen by its eponymous editor, whose expert instruction and presentation of new ideas have been at the forefront of financial publishing for over twenty years. His successful career has provided him with the knowledge, insight, and advice that has led to this comprehensive series. Frank J. Fabozzi, PhD, CFA, CPA, is Editor of the Journal of Portfolio Management, which is read by thousands of institutional investors, as well as editor or author of over 100 books on finance for the professional and academic markets. Currently, Dr. Fabozzi is an adjunct Professor of Finance at Yale University's School of Management and on the board of directors of the Guardian Life family of funds and the Black Rock complex of funds.

Drivers of Emerging Market Bond Flows and Prices

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An interesting disconnect has taken shape between local currency- and hard currency-denominated bonds in emerging markets with respect to their portfolio flows and prices since the start of the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Emerging market assets have recovered sharply from the COVID-19 sell-off in 2020, but the post-pandemic recovery in 2021 has been highly uneven. This note seeks to answer why. Yields of local currency-denominated bonds have risen faster and are approaching their pandemic highs, while hard currency bond yields are still near their post-pandemic lows. Portfolio flows to local currency debt have similarly lagged flows to hard currency bonds. This disconnect is closely linked to the external environment and fiscal and inflationary pressures. Its evolution remains a key consideration for policymakers and investors, since local markets are the main source of funding for emerging markets. This note draws from the methodology developed in earlier Global Financial Stability Reports on fundamentals-based asset valuation models for funding costs and forecasting models for capital flows (using the at-risk framework). The results are consistent across models, indicating that local currency assets are significantly more sensitive to domestic fundamentals while hard currency assets are dependent on the external risk sentiment to a greater extent. This suggests that the post-pandemic, stressed domestic fundamentals have weighed on local currency bonds, partially offsetting the boost from supportive global risk sentiment. The analysis also highlights the risks emerging markets face from an asynchronous recovery and weak domestic fundamentals.

A Methodological Approach for the Valuation of Callable Bonds in Emerging Markets

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The purpose of this paper is to clarify some of the difficulties that a practitioner may find in implementing the binomial model for valuing a corporate bond with multiple embedded options in emerging markets. Especially, when faced with the dilemma of determining which should be the proxy variables for the risk-free rate, sovereign risk and country specific risk. In order to clarify some of the challenges that the practitioners face, the paper will present the reader a practical example that can serve as a guide through the required steps needed to value a callable bond in an emerging market. The callable bond used in this example is issued by the Transportadora de Gas del Interior International Ltd., which is a company located in Colombia and its economic activity is the transportation of natural gas and has four embedded call options by the issuer until its final maturity in October 3, 2017. Our conclusion is that by using the binomial model to find the option adjusted spread of the bond is also possible to find a more reliable measure of specific or unique risk attributable to the company economic activities.

Puttable and Extendible Bonds

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This paper analyzes the price stabilizing properties of puttable and extendible bonds, their potential to help develop interest-rate derivative markets, and their use by governments. Their stabilizing properties imply that, when bond prices fall, prices for puttable and extendible bonds fall by less. Their embedded options work as a cushion and replicate the trading gains from hedging long-term bonds with interest rate derivatives. These bonds can help develop interest-rate derivative markets in developing countries and eventually increase demand for long-term government bonds. Informal evidence from OECD countries suggests that these bonds were useful in the 1980s, when interest rates were volatile.

Bond Yields in Emerging Economies

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While many studies have looked into the determinants of yields on externally issued sovereign bonds of emerging economies, analysis of domestically issued bonds has hitherto been limited, despite their growing relevance. This paper finds that the extent to which fiscal variables affect domestic bond yields in emerging economies depends on the level of global risk aversion. During tranquil times in global markets, fiscal variables do not seem to be a significant determinant of domestic bond yields in emerging economies. However, when market participants are on edge, they pay greater attention to country-specific fiscal fundamentals, revealing greater alertness about default risk.

Valuation Model of Defaultable Bond Values in Emerging Markets

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This paper develops a model to value defaultable bonds in emerging markets. Default occurs when some signaling process hits a pre-defined default barrier. The signaling variable is considered to be some macro-economic variables such as foreign exchange rates. The dynamics of the default barrier depends on the volatility and the drift of the signaling variable. We derive a closed-form solution of the defaultable bond price from the model as a function of a signaling variable and a short-term interest rate. The numerical results show that the model values generated by using foreign exchange rates as the signaling variables can broadly track the market credit spreads of defaultable bonds in South Korea and Brazil. Given an expected level of the foreign exchange rate, defaultable bond values under stressed market situation can be obtained.

Determinants of Emerging Market Sovereign Bond Spreads

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This paper analyses the determimants of emerging market sovereign bond spreads by examining the short and long-run effects of fundamental (macroeconomic) and temporary (financial market) factors on these spreads. During the current global financial and economic crisis, sovereign bond spreads widened dramatically for both developed and emerging market economies. This deterioration has widely been attributed to rapidly growing public debts and balance sheet risks. Our results indicate that in the long run, fundamentals are significant determinants of emerging market sovereign bond spreads, while in the short run, financial volatility is a more important determinant of sperads than fundamentals indicators.

International Pricing of Emerging Market Corporate Debt

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We examine risk spreads charged on corporate bonds placed by emerging market borrowers on international exchanges. While global developments have an important effect on spreads, changes in firm-level default risk also matter significantly in a way consistent with theory and experience in mature markets. In contrast, except during periods of financial crisis, country factors play a limited role. These findings go against the supposition that limited information on emerging market firms or significant agency problems prevent firm-level credit discrimination by international investors. The firm-level information capitalization into spreads possibly reflects protection afforded by the exchange listing on international markets.

Foreign Participation in Emerging Markets’ Local Currency Bond Markets

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This paper estimates the impact of foreign participation in determining long-term local currency government bond yields and volatility in a group of emerging markets from 2000-2009. The results of a panel data analysis of 10 emerging markets show that greater foreign participation in the domestic government bond market tends to significantly reduce long-term government yields. Moreover, greater foreign participation does not necessarily result in increased volatility in bond yields in emerging markets and, in fact, could even dampen volatility in some instances.