Boomer Nation

Book Description

The Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, form the single largest demographic spike in American history. Never before or since have birth rates shot up and remained so high so long, with some obvious results: when the Boomers were kids, American culture revolved around families and schools; when they were teenagers, the United States was wracked by rebelliousness; now, as mature adults, the Boomers have led America to become the richest and most powerful country in the history of the world. Boomer Nation will for the first time offer an incisive look into this generation that has redefined America's culture in so many ways, from women's rights and civil rights to religion and politics. Steve Gillon combines firsthand reporting of the lives of six Boomers and their families with a broad look at postwar American history in a fascinating mix of biography and history. His characters, like America itself, reflect a variety of heritages: rich and poor, black and white, immigrant and native born. Their lives take very different paths, yet are shaped by key events and trends in similar ways. They put a human face on the Boomer generation, showing what it means to grow up amid widespread prosperity, with an explosion of democratic autonomy that led to great upheavals but also a renewal from below of our churches, industries, and even the armed forces. The same generation dismissed as pampered and selfish has led a revival of religion in America; the same generation that unleashed the women's movement has also shifted our politics into its most market-oriented, anti-governmental era since Woodrow Wilson. Gillon draws many lessons from this "generational history" -- above all, that the Boomers have transformed America from the security- and authority-seeking culture of their parents to the autonomy- and freedom-rich world of today. When the "greatest generation" was young and not yet at war, it was widely derided as selfish and spoiled. Only in hindsight, long after the sacrifices of World War II, did it gain its sterling reputation. Today, as Boomer America rises to the challenges of the war on terror, we may be on the cusp of a reevaluation of the generation of Presidents Bush and Clinton. That generation has helped make America the richest, strongest nation on the planet, and as Gillon's book proves, it has had more influence on the rest of us than any other group. Boomer Nation is an eye-opening reinterpretation of the past six decades.

One Nation Under AARP

Book Description

"Lynch provides a fresh and comprehensive look at the potential for politically mobilizing the large Boomer generation. He successfully mixes anecdotes, scholarship, and statistics to present an entertaining and informative analysis of a timely topic. Anyone desiring to effect change in public policy will welcome this book."—William H. Frey, The Brookings Institution “Fred Lynch has written a nuanced and marvelously comprehensive examination of the state of the Boomer Nation. This book offers an in-depth look at the economic challenges facing Boomers as well as a colorful account of how AARP has tried to rebrand itself to attract the generation that once celebrated the free spirit and hated the ‘establishment’.”—Neil Howe, co-author of The Graying of the Great Powers "A timely and important study of one of the most powerful lobbying groups in America as it redefines its mission and its message to confront the generational challenges of the twenty-first century." —Steve Gillon, author of Boomer Nation and Resident Historian of the History Channel "Fred Lynch's interpretation is an illuminating and much needed empirical corrective to the confusing and misleading cant that dominates so much of the debate. His scholarship deftly distinguishes between the organization's marketing to an aging society and the diverse realities of that population demographic." —Ted Marmor, author of Fads, Fallacies, and Foolishness in Medical Care Management and Policy and The Politics of Medicare

Sticking Points

Book Description

Updated with new findings on Gen Z! With five generations in the workplace at once, there's bound to be some sticking points. This is the first time in American history that we have five different generations working side-by-side in the workplace: the Traditionalists (born before 1945), the Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964), Gen X (born between 1965-1980), Millennials (born 1981-2001) and Gen Z (born 1996-present). Haydn Shaw, popular business speaker and generational expert, has identified 12 places where the 5 generations typically come apart in the workplace (and in life as well). These sticking points revolve around differing attitudes toward managing one's own time, texting, social media, organizational structure, and of course, clothing preferences. If we don't learn to work together and stick together around these 12 sticking points, then we'll be wasting a lot of time fighting each other instead of enjoying a friendly and productive team. Sticking Points is a must-read book that will help you understand the generational differences you encounter while teaching us how we can learn to speak one another's language and get better results together.

Generational IQ for the Workplace and Home Collection

Book Description

This collection bundles 2 of popular author Haydn Shaw’s books together in one e-book, for a great value! Sticking Points This is the first time in American history that we have had four different generations working side-by-side in the workplace: the Traditionalists (born before 1945), the Baby Boomers (born 1945-1964), Gen X (born 1965-1980), and the Millennials (born 1981-2001). Haydn Shaw, popular business speaker and generational expert, has identified 12 places where the 4 generations typically come apart in the workplace (and in life as well). These sticking points revolve around differing attitudes toward managing one’s own time, texting, social media, organizational structure, and of course, clothing preferences. If we don’t learn to work together and stick together around these 12 sticking points, then we’ll be wasting a lot of time fighting each other instead of enjoying a friendly and productive team. Sticking Points is a must-read book that will help you understand the generational differences you encounter while teaching how we can learn to speak one another’s language and get better results together. Generational IQ Why is my daughter drifting from God? Why can’t I explain my life choices to my parents? When will my son get a real job? Within the last several decades, the world has shifted dramatically. The cracks of this fundamental shift appear everywhere: in our economy, in our cultural debates, in our political landscape, and, most important, in our churches. The problem is we tend to overreact to these changes, fearing that Christianity is dying. We need better Generational IQ, so we can respond to the changes but not be terrified by them. We need a wise generational coach. Haydn Shaw is that generational expert, showing us the roots of this generational shift and how it affects every one of us. Each generation, whether it’s the aging Boomers or the young Millennials, approaches God with a different set of questions and needs based on the times in which they grew up. Haydn walks you through these generational differences and paints a vision of hope for the future.

History by Generations

Book Description

Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes gehen aus einer gemeinsamen Tagung des Graduiertenkollegs "Generationengeschichte" der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Washington hervor. Verschiedene Generationenkonzepte standen sich hier gegenüber: die europäische Idee von "Jugendgenerationen" und "politischen Generationen" und die eher pragmatische amerikanische Lesart von den "demographischen Generationen" oder den "Konsumgenerationen". Immer, so scheint es, wird die generationelle Logik überlagert von nationalen Vorstellungen der Dazugehörigkeit. Sehr deutlich arbeiten die Beiträge aus Europa und den USA heraus, dass die historische Zeit wohl in Generationen gelesen wird, doch wird Geschichte nicht von Generationen gemacht.

Generation Reinvention

Book Description

Guidance you need to understand and embrace the nations most economically dominant generation. B. Joseph Pine II, coauthor, The Experience Economy and Authenticity The first book about Boomer men to integrate gender and generational insights into a framework marketers can use. Marti Barletta, author, Marketing to Women and PrimeTime Women a masterful job of envisioning how Baby Boomer men are about to transform the cultural narratives about aging and maturity. Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D., author, Age Wave and Age Power Born from 1946 to 1964, Baby Boomers represent 26 percent of the U.S. population. But pervasiveness alone does not capture their story of continuing influence and reinvention. Boomers have shaped every life stage theyve experienced. With the majority now over age 50, they are again changing business practices and institutions, from dawn of medical tourism to later-life entrepreneurialism. They are still shaping popular culture, from blockbuster films to stadium filling rock concerts. This book gives you astute glimpses into what it means to be part of the generation. Through this lens youll discover how you can improve marketing communications, product and service development, nonprofit value, and public policies. A special section looks at marketing to Baby Boomer men, including: Historical, technological, social, and cultural touchstones; Underdeveloped ways to combine gender and generational nuances; New segmentation research about the Boomer male cohort. The next few chapters of western society will include Boomers as influential protagonists, while Generation Reinvention continues to change the meaning of business, marketing, aging, and consumerism. Accurately forecasting the Boomer future has significant monetary implications for numerous industries. Some choose to see problems with Boomer aging. Readers of this book will come to see extraordinary opportunities. Brent Green is an award-winning strategist, creative director, copywriter, author, speaker, and consultant focusing on generational marketing. He is also author of Marketing to Leading-Edge Baby Boomers. He lives and reinvents himself in Denver, Colorado.

Baby Boomers and Popular Culture

Book Description

The Boomers are the generation that changed everything, from economics to politics to popular culture. This book examines the myriad ways and long-reaching consequences of the now fully "grown up" Baby Boomer generation on America. Once upon a time, the members of the Baby Boomer generation were young, idealistic, and hungry to change the world. And they did create sweeping, irreversible changes throughout American society—but probably not in the ways their younger selves imagined they would. Now that the Boomers are in their late-adult or retirement years, their tremendous legacy can clearly be perceived. In retrospect, the paths the members of this generation took to come to power—and how they came to terms with that power—are also apparent. This single-volume work supplies a broad yet detailed critical guide to the Boomer Generation, containing essays on key people, moments, and phenomena not only during the Boomers' 1960s heyday but also their extensive influences on American culture decades afterward. The contributors address key topics such as the rise of feminism; Civil Rights; the Vietnam War and the anti-war movement; the Beatles, the Grateful Dead, and rock 'n roll; gay rights; idealism, narcissism, and materialism; the influence of television on America, and vice versa; and the transition of Boomers from being "Yippies" to "Yuppies." This work is an ideal text for students in undergraduate or graduate courses in television studies, media studies, cultural studies, and American studies; and is highly appropriate as a supplemental text in literature, history, and philosophy surveys.

Practical Spiritualities in a Media Age

Book Description

We live in a media age where technologies become the sites and sources of our practices and beliefs, including those deeper values that guide decisions about how we should live. Practical Spiritualities in a Media Age explores how and why media become the site and source of spiritual expressions that address the mundane or everydayness of our lives. Including international case studies and essays from leading scholars such as Stewart Hoover and Graham Harvey, the book examines the ways and the places in which people have employed media and information technologies to weave spiritual meaning throughout the demands and pastimes of their lives. Topics range from food and sex to spiritual tourism. In doing so, the volume takes up a call from Paul Heelas' seminal work, Spiritualities of Life, to provide more examples, more richness and more depth to the variety of spiritual practices that exist in late modernity. Providing critical, scholarly explorations of the complexities and contradictions of late-modern spiritual practices, Practical Spiritualities in a Media Age is a must-read for anyone working in the intersection of media, religion or spirituality, and culture.

All About baby boomers

Book Description

Discover how you can live a completely fulfilling life and spread the radiance of joy and happiness all araound! Can You Avoid Aging? The Baby Boomers Brain The Baby Boomer's Diet

Issues for Debate in Social Policy

Book Description

This collection of non-partisan reports focuses on 18 hot-button social policy issues written by award-winning CQ Researcher journalists. As an annual that comes together just months before publication, the volume is as current as possible. And because it’s CQ Researcher, the social policy reports are expertly researched and written, showing all sides of an issue. Chapters follow a consistent organization, exploring three issue questions, then offering background, current context, and a look ahead, as well as featuring a pro/con debate box. All issues include a chronology, bibliography, photos, charts, and figures.