
Book Description


Book Description

This vivid and bloodthirsty tale explores the true story of the woman who took on the might of the greatest power of the ancient world and nearly drove it out of part of its empire.


Book Description

Boudicca (Boadicea), Leader of the Iceni, is synonymous with rebellion and feminine strength, yet what we know of her is often far removed from the time in which she lived and the early authors who first wrote about her. In this new study, Marguerite Johnson returns to the original sources and interrogates them in order to unearth what the ancients thought of this most enigmatic heroine of British freedom. After a concise overview of Boudicca and the British rebellion against Rome, she turns to the writings of Tacitus and Dio and provides an in-depth analysis of their views on Boudicca and her people. These readings, which form the centrepiece of the book, are followed by an insightful series of readings of Boudicca post-antiquity, including the scant references to her in the writings that emerged after the fall of the Roman Empire to the most modern re-workings of this most fascinating of historical icons.

Conquering the Ocean

Book Description

This book provides an authoritative new narrative of the Roman conquest of Britain, from the two campaigns of Julius Caesar up until the construction of Hadrian's Wall. It highlights the motivations of Roman commanders and British resistance fighters during a key period of Britain's history.


Book Description

Boudica has been immortalised throughout history as the woman who dared take on the Romans - an act of vengeance on behalf of her daughters, tribe and enslaved country. Her known life is a rich tapestry of wife, widow, mother, queen and Celtic quasi-Goddess. But beneath this lies a history both dark and shocking, with fresh archaeological evidence adding new depth and terrifying detail to the worn-out myths. From the proud warrior tribes of her East Anglian childhood to the battlefields of her defeat, this is a vividly written and evocatively told story, bringing a wealth of new research and insight to bear on one of the key figures in British history and mythology. From the author of the much-praised Captain Cook comes a major new historical biography; a gripping and enlightening recreation of Boudica, her life, her adversaries, and the turbulent era she bestrode.

Boudicca’s Rebellion AD 60–61

Book Description

When the Romans occupied the southern half of Britain in AD 43, the Iceni tribe quickly allied themselves with the invaders. Having paid tribute to Rome, they continued to be ruled by their own kings. But 17 years later, when Prasutagus, the king of the Iceni, died, the Romans decided to incorporate his kingdom into the new province. When his widow Boudicca protested, she "was flogged and their daughters raped", sparking one of the most famous rebellions in history. This book tells how Boudicca raised her people and other tribes in revolt, overran the provincial towns of Camulodunum (Colchester), Londinium (London) and Verulamium (St Albans), destroyed the IX Legion, and nearly took control of the fledgling Roman province, before being finally brought to heel in a pitched battle at Mancetter.

Boudicca's Heirs

Book Description

Affording a clearer depiction of women in the Late Iron Age and Roman Britain than currently exists, Dorothy Watts examines archaeological, inscriptional and literary evidence to present a unique assessment of women and their place during the Romanization of Britain. Analyzing information from over 4,000 burials in terms of age, health and nutrition, Watt draws comparison with evidence on men’s lives and burials. Effectively integrating her archaeological findings with the political and social history of the late Iron Age and Roman period, she expertly places women in their real context. This fascinating study of women’s status, daily life, religion and death is an invaluable insight into the lives and loves of women in Roman Britain, and students of history, women’s studies, classical studies and archaeology will find this book an indispensable aid to their studies.

Boudicca, Britain's Queen of the Iceni

Book Description

Why is The Morrígan's raven crying? Only Britons with hearts for true liberty know! In 43 CE Roman conquest of Britannia seems all but certain -- until a chance meeting between King Prasutagus of the Iceni and a runaway slave of royal decent from the Aedui tribe in Gaul changes the fate of the British islands forever. Rise up for liberty with the true story of Boudicca, Britain's Queen of the Iceni and discover one of the most inspiring stories in history! Based on the accounts of Roman historian Tacitus and supplemented with archaeology presented by the BBC. Student - Teacher Edition features study questions after every chapter.

Dreaming the Bull

Book Description

Boudica, “She Who Brings Victory.” Born to the Eceni, a tribe of dreamers and warriors, she is her people’s last hope: a copper-haired warrior who can lead her tribe in battle—and speak the language of the sacred dreamers. But in the face of a battle half won, Boudica has retreated with the living and wounded. Because across a river is the world’s mightiest army. And with the invaders comes a strange, bloodthirsty warrior astride a pied horse—a man who seems to know the Eceni as well as they know themselves. For just as destiny marked the young queen for greatness, it was destiny, too, that drove Boudica’s half brother to a far different path. Now brother and sister will stand on opposite sides of a brutal war of attrition, each unknowingly determined to see the other dead.

What Would Boudicca Do?

Book Description

Channel the outstanding sisters of history to beat the system today.