Book Description
Brad Lowe, a New York City socialite wanted what his parents had, love, compassion for each other and the finer things in life. While stationed with the United States Air Force as a B52 co-pilot during the Vietnam War, he fell in love with Cantana, a nineteen-year-old Thai girl while on Rest and Recuperation leave. After losing the love of Cantana, he continued his search, which led him to success, love and romantic failures. Cantana’s memory continued plaguing him for years and played a huge role in his path to become one of the world’s renowned jewelers thus creating what most women in the world want, ‘Jewelry’. In the end, it was a question that his mother asked that led Brad to the love of his life while opening a store in Dallas Texas. Afterwards, he received a letter from Bangkok that interrupted his life and drew him back to Thailand. What he found in Bangkok took him by total a surprise.