Brahmandic Gyanum [Universal Knowledge]

Book Description

This book called "Brahmandic Gyanum" meaning universal knowledge may provide the reader, the required conscious awareness needed to come to terms with the secret knowledge of universe [Brahmanda], as most evolving humans are stuck in their day to day material lives, which is due to the polarization of their evolving consciousness in the world of glamour through their emotional bodies commonly known as the astral body [Mano may kosha or kama manas].

The Sar Bachan

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Light on Sant Mat

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Glorious History of Dalits

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Book Description

Reality at Dawn

Book Description

Reality at Dawn Is one of the greatest yogic texts of the modern era. Written in the 1940s by Ram Chandra of Shahjahanpur , known as Babuji, it lights the path for seekers to explore Realisation and further onwards to the Centre of existence itself. Babuji writes in simple language, unravelling the most profound principles and wisdom, and it is from this deep wisdom that the practices of Heartfulness emerged. "Babuji has laid out the practical steps to reach the highest spiritual state available to human beings. He has also made this possibility available to all, no matter their current level of attainment, culture, education or background. In doing so, he has demystified spirituality and given it to the people."

Spiritual Gems

Book Description

The Science of the Soul

Book Description

The Cycle of Time

Book Description

"We know that nature operates in cycles. It is not only our daily lives that are moved by cycles of light and darkness, by seasons moved by the rotation of the Earth or civilizations that rise and fall. On a larger scale, our story is eternal and recurring, as the soul travels through an ongoing cycle of births and rebirths. Life is an interplay between the Supreme, human souls and the energies of matter."