
Book Description

This is a compendium of current knowledge about the crustacean subclass Branchiura Thorell, 1864. An overview of the group is presented, starting from the first species description, and reports of taxonomic changes. It also provides a condensed retrospect of each genus and includes the characteristics of each genus, the geographical distribution of each species arranged according to occurrence per continent; and aspects of the anatomy, physiology, host-parasite interactions and phylogeny are discussed. In order to condense the information available on members of the subclass, additional literature sources on each aspect are tabulated. This text will be useful for fish health practitioners, researchers and students of Parasitology and Fish Veterinary Medicine. The contents of this volume were originally published in 2016 in Crustaceana volume 89, issue 11-12.


Book Description

Parasites of North American Freshwater Fishes

Book Description

This thoroughly revised and updated edition of a classic reference work is the definitive guide to the identification of the parasites of freshwater fishes of North America. The book provides information on public health concerns about fish parasites, the methods used to examine fish for parasites, and those parasites found only in very selective organs or tissues. It lists the known species of each genus, along with reference citations that enable readers to find literature pertinent to species identification, life cycles, and in some cases, control.


Book Description

Fish Parasites

Book Description

Focusing on pathobiology and protective strategies against protozoan and metazoan parasites of fish, this book reviews the latest research on important parasites: those that cause financial hardships to the aquaculture industry, have been introduced to new geographical regions through transportation of infected fish, are pathogenic to groups of finfish and detrimental to production, are highly adaptable and not host-specific with worldwide distributions, and that may serve as disease models for studies on other pathogens. It also highlights gaps in the knowledge to help direct future research.

The Natural History of the Crustacea

Book Description

This is the eighth volume of a ten-volume series on The Natural History of the Crustacea. The volume examines Evolution and Biogeography, and the first part of this volume is entirely dedicated to the explanation of the origins and successful establishment of the Crustacea in the oceans. In the second part of the book, the biogeography of the Crustacea is explored in order to infer how they conquered different biomes globally while adapting to a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial conditions. The final section examines more general patterns and processes, and the chapters offer useful insight into the future of crustaceans.

Evolution and Phylogeny of Pancrustacea

Book Description

"As a young and impetuous gradate student, I thought that sorting out the phylogeny of crustaceans would simply take but a little time and concerted effort to eventually reveal the truth. Everyone could then agree and further research would proceed apace. How naïve I was. First of all, I had never heard of Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorems and hence the impossibility of achieving such an end. But even so, what progress we might have made turned out to take longer than anyone could have imagined, and the effort would be immense involving many people and a number of laboratories-and that task still continues. What no one could foresee in the 1960s was that the focus of everyone's attentions would completely transform. Traditional pure anatomy would be augmented with more sophisticated developmental genetic work. Concurrent with that effort molecular sequencing would become a remarkably effective tool. And with these new sources of data, the concept of "crustaceans" would yield to a new construct-Pancrustacea-within which the arthropods that we referred to by the name of "Crustacea" became a series of monophyletic smaller groups that mark a paraphyletic transition from a mandibulate ancestor all the way up to a crown group that few in the 1960s expected-Hexapoda emerged within the pancrustaceans"--