Brand Equity Planning with Structuralist Rhetorical Semiotics Vol. I

Book Description

This book seeks to outline a structuralist rhetorical semiotic approach to brand equity planning, with view to addressing a crucial gap in the existing consumer research and semiotic literature (and marketing/advertising practice alike), concerning how advertising textual expressive elements may be selected, how they may be transformed into brand elements and how brand elements may be transformed into brand associations as sources of sustainable brand equity. The focus lies in demonstrating the usefulness of structuralist rhetorical semiotics in the construction and ongoing management of brand associations as outcomes of sustainable brand equity. The culminating point of the research at hand consists in a rhetorical semiotic brand equity conceptual model, which will be complemented by a second volume, comprising a step-wise methodology for operationalizing the conceptual framework that is put forward in this book.

Brand Equity Planning with Structuralist Rhetorical Semiotics

Book Description

Brand Equity Planning with Structuralist Rhetorical Semiotics furnishes an innovative conceptual model and methodology for brand equity planning, with view to addressing a crucial gap in the existing marketing and semiotic literatures concerning how advertising multimodal textual elements may be transformed into brand associations, with an emphasis on rhetorical relata as modes of connectivity between a brand’s surface and depth grammar. The scope of this project is inter-disciplinary, spanning research areas such as brand equity, structuralist semiotics, textual semiotics, visual and film semiotics, multimodal rhetoric, Film theory, psychoanalysis. The proposed connectionist model of the brand trajectory of signification is operationalized through a methodological framework that encompasses a structuralist semiotic interpretative approach to the textual formation of brand equity, supported by quantitative content analysis with the aid of the software Atlas.ti and the application of multivariate mapping techniques.

Brand Equity Planning with Structuralist Operations and Operations of Rhetorical Transformation

Book Description

This paper furnishes a structuralist rhetorical semiotic conceptual framework for brand equity planning, while employing for exemplification purposes the advertising filmic text as key source of equity. The framework assumes as blueprint Greimas's model of the trajectory of signification. Structuralist operations and operations of rhetorical transformation are posited as the basis for the generation of brand associations. The conceptual model put forward challenges the Greimasian assumption that a depth semantic structure is reducible to a binarist rationale. A connectionist approach is adopted in demonstrating how the strata of a brand's trajectory of signification interact with view to generating brand associations.

Handbook of Brand Semiotics

Book Description

Advances in Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis

Book Description

This volume addresses some of the most important conceptual, methodological, and empirical challenges and opportunities with which the sister disciplines of semiotics and discourse analysis are mutually confronted in the context of considering new avenues of cross-disciplinary application to distinctive branding research streams. In continuation of the collective volume 'Handbook of Brand Semiotics' (Kassel University Press, 2015), which sought to consolidate relevant scholarship and to identify the main territories that have been established at the cross-roads between branding and semiotic research, the current 'Advances in Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis' aims at accomplishing further strides in critical areas, such as the exigency for reconsidering the aptness of existing semiotic theories in the face of the radically shifting co-creative landscape of digital branding, the benefits of systematically micro-analyzing brand communities’ discourses by drawing on CAQDAS programs, the combination of big data analytics with discourse theory in corpus analysis, and the epistemological issues that emerge while combining discourse analysis with time-hallowed marketing qualitative and quantitative research methods. At the same time, the volume hosts a resourceful blend of empirical studies and novel conceptual frameworks in burgeoning streams, such as place, heritage, culinary, personal, and political branding.

//Rhetor. Dixit// Understanding Ad Texts' Rhetorical Structure for Differential Figurative Advantage

Book Description

This book was put together over the course of the past three years and is the outcome of the author's publications in the multimodal advertising rhetoric research field and projects that were undertaken with the employment of the //rhetor.dixit//(c) model. It features four chapters that span different, yet interlocking aspects of ad texts' multimodal rhetorical configuration and culminates in a practical guide for the analysis of the verbo-visual rhetorical structure of TV ad texts, based on the unique methodology of the //rhetor.dixit//(c) model on offer by //disruptiVesemiOtics//. //rhetor.dixit//: Understanding ad texts' rhetorical structure for differential figurative advantage neither seeks to cover exhaustively issues in any of the traditional fields of concern to the discipline of rhetoric (an impossible endeavor, indeed, within the contours of a single book), nor to address all issues on top of the current agenda in multimodal advertising rhetoric. Its mission is to present key facets of current research in multimodal advertising discourse, largely dispersed and spread out in multiple disciplines, including semiotics, in such a manner as to enable the reader to get to grips with the benefits that stem from employing a content analytic approach for the ongoing management of the modes of rhetorical configuration of advertising texts. The combination of an interpretivist approach with the methodical outlook yielded by content analysis affords to transform multimodal rhetorical analysis of advertising texts from a theoretical enterprise geared towards making sense of how meaning emerges through the figurative language of advertising to a systematic method for managing advertising textuality, in such a manner as to enable practitioners in marketing related disciplines (e.g., account planning, marketing research, brand management) to actively manage how brand meaning is generated through distinctive modes of rhetorical configuration. The managerial orientation of the //rhetor.dixit//(c) model is intended to enhance understanding as to how a brand's intellectual capital is configured and, moreover, to point to directions whereby what I call a brand's figurative first mover advantage and differential figurative advantages may be furnished to a brand's discourse. The systematic understanding of a brand's distinctive modes of rhetorical configuration is not just a 'nice-to-have' add-on in a metrics dashboard, but a prerequisite for managing brands as constellations of figurative elements and modes of connectivity among figurative elements, which are part and parcel of a brand's textual essence.

A Methodological Framework for Projecting Brand Equity

Book Description

The aim of this paper is to outline a methodological framework for brand equity planning with structuralist rhetorical semiotics. By drawing on the connectionist conceptual model of the brand generative trajectory of signification (Rossolatos 2013a, 2013g) it will be displayed in a stepwise fashion how a set of nuclear semes and classemes or an intended semic structure that underlies manifest discursive structures may be projected by its internal stakeholders (i.e., a brand management team, an account planning team or a marketing research team) with view to attaining differential brand associations. The suggested methodological framework focuses on the strength and uniqueness of brand associations as integral aspects of a brand's equity structure and comprises a set of calculi that aim at addressing from a brand textuality point of view how associations may be systematically linked to their key sources with an emphasis on the ad filmic text. The propounded methodology is exemplified by recourse to a corpus of ad filmic texts from the major brand players in the UK cereals market. The argumentative thrust is intent on demonstrating that structuralist rhetorical semiotics is not only useful for analyzing/interpreting brand texts, but, moreover, for constructing and for managing them over time. This demonstration is deployed by adopting a synchronic/diachronic and intra (ad) filmic / inter (ad) filmic approach to the formation of brand associations that make up a projected brand equity structure, in the context of embedded product category dynamics.

Handbook of Brand Semiotics

Book Description

Semiotics has been making progressively inroads into marketing research over the past thirty years. Despite the amply demonstrated conceptual appeal and empirical pertinence of semiotic perspectives in various marketing research streams, spanning consumer research, brand communications, branding and consumer cultural studies, there has been a marked deficit in terms of consolidating semiotic brand-related research under a coherent disciplinary umbrella with identifiable boundaries and research agenda. The Handbook of Brand Semiotics furnishes a compass for the perplexed, a set of anchors for the inquisitive and a solid corpus for scholars, while highlighting the conceptual richness and methodological diversity of semiotic perspectives. Written by a team of expert scholars in various semiotics and branding related fields, such as John A. Bateman, David Machin, Xavier Ruiz Collantes, Kay L. O’Halloran, Dario Mangano, George Rossolatos, Merce Oliva, Per Ledin, Gianfranco Marrone, Francesco Mangiapane, Jennie Mazur, Carlos Scolari, Ilaria Ventura, and edited by George Rossolatos, Chief Editor of the International Journal of Marketing Semiotics, the Handbook is intended as a point of reference for researchers who wish to enter the ‘House of Brand Semiotics’ and explore its marvels. The Handbook of Brand Semiotics, actively geared towards an inter-disciplinary dialogue between perspectives from marketing and semiotics, features the state-of-the-art, but also offers directions for future research in key streams, such as: Analyzing and designing brand language across media Brand image, brand symbols, brand icons vs. iconicity The contribution of semiotics to transmedia storytelling Narrativity and rhetorical approaches to branding Semiotic roadmap for designing brand identity Semiotic roadmap for designing logos and packaging Comparative readings of structuralist, Peircean and sociosemiotic approaches to brandcomms Sociosemiotic accounts of building brand identity online Multimodality and Multimodal critical discourse analysis Challenging the omnipotence of cognitivism in brand- related research Semiotics and (inter)cultural branding Brand equity semiotics