Bravespace Workplace

Book Description

People are what make companies great. Good leaders know this, and spend time, effort, and money taking care of the people who work for them so that their business results are phenomenal. So why is it that so many people are still miserable at work. Experts around the world offer countless ideas and techniques and training for elevating the joy (and performance) of workers. And still we fail. Things must change. Using potent examples from 35 years of working inside and outside of organizations as they strive to be people centered, bestselling author and consultant/coach Moe Carrick offers a fresh, honest, and direct roadmap for leaders everywhere who seek to make their workplace fit for human life. Bravespace Workplace shows us the unadulterated truth of what it takes to make companies bring out the absolute best in human beings, despite our messy, imperfect, needy, demanding, and complex habits, needs and issues. The book shows how leaders need to focus on six interdependent levers of their day-to-day work (culture, leadership, team, meaning, design, and partnership with machines) to materially enliven and lift the humanity and the performance of everyone who works for them – which is a win–win for both employee and employer. Bravespace Workplace offers a clearly imagined future for organizations in which the people who work there grow, connect, and thrive. Carrick holds a potent point of view about the unarguable aspects of actually creating a workplace for people, not machines. The book is for leaders in all organizations, at every level, as well as people development, HR, OD, coaches, and consultants who advise others about organizational culture, leadership, structures, and teams.

To Build a Brave Space

Book Description

When I was a boy, I told my mother I wanted to become a rabbi on a motorcycle. This was a joke in our family for many years. As a young man, despite my love of Israel and a strong spiritual and cultural connection to Judaism, I would not have believed that my own childhood prediction would become a reality. And yet, for over twenty-five years, I have served large synagogue congregations and shepherded hundreds of families through unspeakable tragedy, unfettered joy, and complicated times in our country’s history. This book is a reflection on where I came from and how I got to my current place as the Senior Rabbi of a Temple, B’nai Jeshurun of Short Hills, NJ. Not only have I grown and changed professionally from my early days of rabbinical school, but my philosophy on how to lead a community and how to bring people together during trying times has evolved over many years of trial and error. My hope is to inspire other clergy and people in general to find a way to help their communities thrive, even during our current climate of fractured politics and overt hostility among one another.

Teaching and Learning for Social Justice and Equity in Higher Education

Book Description

This book focuses on research-based teaching and learning practices that promote social justice and equity in higher education. The fourth volume in a four-volume series, this book critically addresses virtual and remote classroom settings. Chapters explore contexts within and outside the classroom, including a history of online learning; research on student engagement and perceptions; specific, actionable pedagogical or curriculum recommendations; and the application of traditional learning theories in virtual settings. The volume also explores how online education, through a technopositivist lens, promotes and reinforces sexist, racist, and gendered behaviors, as well as the role of the "student as consumer," troubling education in virtual settings in a way that allows for deeper discussion about how to make virtual education emancipatory and empowering.

Teaching Race

Book Description

A real-world how-to manual for talking about race in the classroom Educators and activists frequently call for the need to address the lingering presence of racism in higher education. Yet few books offer specific suggestions and advice on how to introduce race to students who believe we live in a post-racial world where racism is no longer a real issue. In Teaching Race the authors offer practical tools and techniques for teaching and discussing racial issues at predominately White institutions of higher education. As current events highlight the dynamics surrounding race and racism on campus and the world beyond, this book provides teachers with essential training to facilitate productive discussion and raise racial awareness in the classroom. A variety of teaching and learning experts provide insights, tips, and guidance on running classroom discussions on race. They present effective approaches and activities to bring reluctant students into a consideration of race and explore how White teachers can model racial awareness, thereby inviting students into the process of examining their own white identity. Racism, whether evident in overt displays or subconscious bias, has repercussions that reverberate far beyond the campus grounds. As the cultural climate increasingly calls out for more research, education, and dialogue on race and racism, this book helps teachers spotlight issues related to race in a way that leads to effective classroom and campus conversation. The book provides guidance on how to: Create the conditions that facilitate respectful racial dialogue by building trust and effectively negotiating conflict Uncover each student’s own subconscious bias and the intersectionality that exists even in the most homogenous-appearing classrooms Help students embrace discomfort, and adapt discussion methods to accommodate issues of race and positionality Avoid common traps, mistakes, and misconceptions encountered in anti-racist teaching Predominantly White institutions face a number of challenges in dealing with race issues, including a lack of precedence, an absence of modeling by campus leaders, and little clear guidance on how teachers can identify and challenge racism on campus. Teaching Race is packed with activities, suggestions and exercises to provide practical real-world help for teachers trying to introduce race in class

Handbook of Urban Educational Leadership

Book Description

This book is the second edition of the highly successful Handbook of Urban Educational Leadership. This book examines the uniqueness of the urban school and those in leadership roles that affect urban students and schools. It examines community, district, school, and teacher leadership influencing urban schools. This edition examines conceptualizations of urban ecologies as well as other critical geographies and how these shape understandings in educational contexts. Contributions for this edition focused on areas that examined social, technological, international and other processes with intersections of issues of race, class, and gender, power, politics, and capital and how they influence urban educational leadership. We also included place and space-based theories and discourses that influence urban realities, which include (but were not limited to): networks, assemblages, safe/brave space, placemaking, flow, thirdspace, homeplace, and urbanormativity.

Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces

Book Description

How the essential democratic values of diversity and free expression can coexist on campus. Safe spaces, trigger warnings, microaggressions, the disinvitation of speakers, demands to rename campus landmarks—debate over these issues began in lecture halls and on college quads but ended up on op-ed pages in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, on cable news, and on social media. Some of these critiques had merit, but others took a series of cheap shots at “crybullies” who needed to be coddled and protected from the real world. Few questioned the assumption that colleges must choose between free expression and diversity. In Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces, John Palfrey argues that the essential democratic values of diversity and free expression can, and should, coexist on campus. Palfrey, currently Head of School at Phillips Academy, Andover, and formerly Professor and Vice Dean at Harvard Law School, writes that free expression and diversity are more compatible than opposed. Free expression can serve everyone—even if it has at times been dominated by white, male, Christian, heterosexual, able-bodied citizens. Diversity is about self-expression, learning from one another, and working together across differences; it can encompass academic freedom without condoning hate speech. Palfrey proposes an innovative way to support both diversity and free expression on campus: creating safe spaces and brave spaces. In safe spaces, students can explore ideas and express themselves with without feeling marginalized. In brave spaces—classrooms, lecture halls, public forums—the search for knowledge is paramount, even if some discussions may make certain students uncomfortable. The strength of our democracy, says Palfrey, depends on a commitment to upholding both diversity and free expression, especially when it is hardest to do so.


Book Description

This thought-provoking book for college students and those who minister with them deals with issues of faith, identity, sex, success, failure, and more, through the concept of belovedness. Every college student’s story is different, but they all have the same questions in common. Who am I? How do I make good choices? What does it mean to be successful? How do I navigate changing relationships with my family, my peers, my significant other? And how do I do all of this faithfully? This book approaches these topics through a fundamental inquiry: “What if I really, truly believed that I was beloved beyond all measure, and how would that influence what I do?” Along with the editors, eight campus ministers from across several denominations contributed to this volume to help students navigate questions of life and faith in the world of high-pressure college campuses. Telling it like it is with wit and wisdom drawn from scripture, tradition, and life experience, this book offers profound and practical reminders of what it is to be beloved.

Guiding Teams to Excellence With Equity

Book Description

Guide your school through its cultural proficiency transformation Despite the best efforts of equity leaders, our schools suffer from persistent inequities. Guiding the Journey to Excellence with Equity is a must-read for anyone who supports professional learning in our schools. It defines a process of “inside-out” growth that helps develop culturally proficient educators with the facilitation skills needed to navigate the obstacles that arise during equity transformations. Written with an equity lens, this book: Includes a powerful vignette that illustrates common challenges and solutions Focuses on mental models for managing group energy Is grounded in a systems model for personal and organizational transformation Provides tools for planning culturally proficient learning experiences

Doing Anti-Racist Business

Book Description

REAL TALK places the wording necessary for discussions about racism and anti-racism in direct contact with how to say the uncomfortable things, do the necessary things, and remain responsible to best business models throughout. REAL STRATEGIES prioritize ACTION-NOW Learning Engagements which center actions primed to create externally evidenced anti-racist outcomes. REAL TIME incorporates role plays from business scenarios to interrupt and dismantle racism in the moment. REAL CHANGE requires accountability and measurement. So, tracking modules, assessment paradigms, success and failure markers, and agile strategies for making on-the-go shifts and avoiding common obstacles are provided. Alongside your commitment to move beyond talk and into informed, change-driven action, Doing Anti-Racist Business is your playbook.

Leadership Theory

Book Description

The facilitator's guide brings to life the content of the survey text, Leadership Theory. It offers instructive advice on how to prepare for the use of a critical perspective as well as providing practical resources to translate survey text content to practice. The facilitator's guide consists of: An overview of how to use the guide as well as recommended skills and reflection questions for educators prior to implementing material. Objectives, critical concepts, a chapter overview, and a chapter framework for each chapter from Leadership Theory Lesson plan "walk-throughs" containing 2-3 activities for each chapter of the survey text, with information for learning outcomes, activity setup, and additional notes for facilitation.