Brazil's Sugarcane Sector

Book Description

The Brazil sugar and ethanol story is as follows: direct government intervention overrides market forces, markets undergo dramatic change, intervention establishes vested interests, rent-seeking blocks adjusment to market change, economic objectives become blurred behind political objectives, opportunities go begging, industry profitability suffers, and national income is foregone. A simple economic model of the Brazilian sugarcane sector and policy, interventions is used to measure the costs of existing policies and to develop better policies. Bazil is an efficient producer of sugar, but policy intervention causes: underproduction of sugarcane, the wrong mix of sugar and ethanol from cane (too much ethanol, not enough sugar), missed opportunities to market ethanol in high value uses (as an octane enhancer and clean fuel), and missed opportunities to make the work sugar market more competitive. Adopting more market based policies could be worth billions of dollars extra to Brazil annually.

Production of Ethanol from Sugarcane in Brazil

Book Description

The success of Brazil in the large-scale production and use of fuel ethanol has been widely discussed and analyzed by other countries interested in adopting policies designed to encourage the use of biofuels. Within this context, certain questions arise: Could the Brazilian experience be replicated in other countries? What were the conditions that enabled the creation of the Brazilian Proálcool (National Ethanol Program and what lessons can be learned? To examine these issues, it is important to understand the functioning of the key, interconnected markets (those for sugarcane, sugar and ethanol), which, from their inception, were the objects of extensive government intervention until 1999. Two main conditions enabled the creation of Proálcool: robust production of sugarcane and sugar (tightly regulated by the government, which applied the numerous regulations then in place); and the military regime that was in place at the time, whose decision-making and enforcement powers were quite broad, facilitating the carrying out of the necessary actions, as well as making it easier to coordinate the activities of the various stakeholders and sectors involved. This book increases understanding of the functioning of the sugarcane supply chain in Brazil, not only during the phase of government intervention but also in recent years (in the free-market environment). The lessons, positive and negative, gleaned from the Brazilian experience can contribute to reflection on and the development of alternative modalities of biofuel production in other countries, making the book of interest to scholars and policy-makers concerned with biofuel and renewable resources as well as economic development.

The Sugarcane Complex in Brazil

Book Description

This book offers an in-depth analysis of the Brazilian sugarcane complex with a special focus on technological advances that promote sustainable development. It first examines the question why sugarcane-based ethanol from Brazil is considered a superior alternative to fossil fuel compared to other biofuels produced on an industrial scale and subsequently analyzes the most dynamic areas within the sugarcane sector with regard to relevant actors, technologies and markets in order to determine if the sector can be considered an innovation system. The empirical research presented here is based on multiple research methods and derives its data from interviews with Brazilian experts of the sugarcane sector and by a thorough literature review. The book will be of special interest to researchers and practitioners interested in understanding the key mechanisms in successful innovation systems that promote a transition towards sustainable development and mobility.

Brazil's sugarcane sector

Book Description

The Brazil sugar and ethanol story is as follows: direct government intervention overrides market forces, markets undergo dramatic change, intervention establishes vested interests, rent-seeking blocks adjusment to market change, economic objectives become blurred behind political objectives, opportunities go begging, industry profitability suffers, and national income is foregone. A simple economic model of the Brazilian sugarcane sector and policy, interventions is used to measure the costs of existing policies and to develop better policies. Bazil is an efficient producer of sugar, but policy intervention causes: underproduction of sugarcane, the wrong mix of sugar and ethanol from cane (too much ethanol, not enough sugar), missed opportunities to market ethanol in high value uses (as an octane enhancer and clean fuel), and missed opportunities to make the work sugar market more competitive. Adopting more market based policies could be worth billions of dollars extra to Brazil annually.

Sugarcane Biorefinery, Technology and Perspectives

Book Description

Sugarcane Biorefinery, Technology and Perspectives provides the reader with a current view of the global scenario of sugarcane biorefinery, launching a new expectation on this important crop from a chemical, energy and sustainability point-of-view. The book explores the existing biorefinery platforms that can be used to convert sugarcane to new high value added products. It also addresses one of today's most controversial issues involving energy cane, in addition to the dilemma "sugar cane vs. food vs. the environment", adding even more value in a culture that is already a symbol of case study around the world. Focusing on the chemical composition of sugarcane, and the production and processes that optimize it for either agricultural or energy use, the book is designed to provide practical insights for current application and inspire the further exploration of options for balancing food and fuel demands. Presents the productive chain of sugarcane and its implications on food production and the environment Includes discussions on the evolution of the sustainable development of the sugar-energy sector Contextualizes and premises for the technological road mapping of energy-cane Provides information on new technologies in the sugar-energy sector

Food and Fuel

Book Description

This book is a contribution of the authors to the food - fuel debate. During 2007 and 2008 several factors led to the food inflation problem: growing population, income distribution, urbanization, biofuel, social programs, production scarcity etc.. Biofuel got most of the blame for food inflation but its responsibility was only limited. There are several possibilities of solving the food inflation problem that are discussed this book. It explores the example of Brazil’s agricultural sector, where a quiet revolution occurred in the last 15 years. This development is leading to Brazil becoming one of the largest food exporters globally. This position will strengthen as an additional 100 million hectares becomes available for crop development. The second part of the book explores the basics of the sugar cane chain. Sugar cane occupies less than 2% of Brazilian arable land and supplies 50% of Brazilian car fuel. In 2010 Brazil produced 53% of the world’s sugar. Sugar cane produces sugar, ethanol (used as car fuel), biogases that are used to co-generate electricity and other by-products. Biofuel is a booming industry. New technologies allow production of diesel and other fuels from cane. Sugar cane ethanol is the only renewable fuel that can currently compete with gasoline. Coca Cola just launched the plastic bottle with sugar cane plastic. This book helps us to understand Brazilian agribusiness and sugar cane economics from various perspectives e.g. international investments, sustainability, future trends and the strategic plan for the Brazilian industry.

Bioeconomy and Global Inequalities

Book Description

This open access book focuses on the meanings, agendas, as well as the local and global implications of bioeconomy and bioenergy policies in and across South America, Asia and Europe. It explores how a transition away from a fossil and towards a bio-based economic order alters, reinforces and challenges socio-ecological inequalities. The volume presents a historically informed and empirically rich discussion of bioeconomy developments with a particular focus on bio-based energy. A series of conceptual discussions and case studies with a multidisciplinary background in the social sciences illuminate how the deployment of biomass sources from the agricultural and forestry sectors affect societal changes concerning knowledge production, land and labour relations, political participation and international trade. How can a global perspective on socio-ecological inequalities contribute to a complex and critical understanding of bioeconomy? Who participates in the negotiation of specific bioeconomy policies and who does not? Who determines the agenda? To what extent does the bioeconomy affect existing socio-ecological inequalities in rural areas? What are the implications of the bioeconomy for existing relations of extraction and inequalities across regions? The volume is an invitation to reflect upon these questions and more, at a time when the need for an ecological and socially just transition away from a carbon intensive economy is becoming increasingly pressing.

Expected Growth of Sugarcane Industry and Impact on the Brazilian Economy

Book Description

The sugarcane sector in Brazil has been achieving large increases in production since the beginning of the 2000s, owing to the deregulation of its two main products: sugar and ethanol. This growth has been driven more by the ethanol production, which grew at a rate of 13% per annum (between 2000 and 2009), than by sugar, which grew at an annual rate of 8% over the same period. Nevertheless, instability in the supply of ethanol is still a problem in the industry. Structural changes, such as the mechanization of sugarcane harvesting, are also in progress. Taking into account the future demands for sugar and ethanol and structural changes in projections, made by industry representatives for the years 2015 and 2020, this article employs inuput-output analysis to estimate the impact of these projections on the Brazilian economy. The results show that in 2010, with a production of R$ 66.6 billion for sugar and R$ 36.2 billion for ethanol (at 2010 prices), the total impact on the economy was about R$ 374.6 billion in Total Output (TO), R$ 210 billion in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), R$ 62.4 billion in remuneration to employees, and a gain of 5.1 million jobs, per annum. For 2015, the estimated economic impact on TO, GDP and employee earnings was 56% higher than the values for 2010. As for 2020, the projections showed that the increases were in the range from 109 to 117% in scenario 1, or 91 to 98% in scenario 2. For job numbers, the impact in 2015 was 48% higher than that reported for 2010, while in 2020 it was between 82 to 99% higher. It was also observed that the income effect of the shocks in the ethanol and sugar sectors was the most significant part of the predicted impact on the number of jobs created in the economy. The results showed, therefore, the importance of the sugarcane industry in the economy, emphasizing the need for government policies to foster the growth of this sector.


Book Description

Sugarcane: Agricultural Production, Bioenergy and Ethanol explores this vital source for "green" biofuel from the breeding and care of the plant all the way through to its effective and efficient transformation into bioenergy. The book explores sugarcane's 40 year history as a fuel for cars, along with its impressive leaps in production and productivity that have created a robust global market. In addition, new prospects for the future are discussed as promising applications in agroenergy, whether for biofuels or bioelectricity, or for bagasse pellets as an alternative to firewood for home heating purposes are explored. Experts from around the world address these topics in this timely book as global warming continues to represent a major concern for both crop and green energy production. Focuses on sugarcane production and processing for bioenergy Provides a holistic approach to sugarcane’s potential – from the successful growth and harvest of the plant to the end-use product Presents important information for "green energy" options