Britain in the World Economy since 1880

Book Description

Bernard Alford reviews the changing role, and diminishing influence, of Britain within the international economy across the century that saw the apogee and loss of Britain's empire, and her transformation from globe-straddling superpower to off-shore and indecisive member of the European Community. He explores the relationship between empire and economy; looks at economic performance against economic policy; and compares Britain - through and beyond the Thatcher years - with her European partners, America and Japan. In assessing whether Britain's economic decline has been absolute or merely relative, he also illuminates the broader history of the world economy itself.

The Workshop of the World

Book Description

"The period of British economic history covered in these pages is that of Britain's transition from a primarily agricultural and commercial economy to a modern industrial state whose supremacy rested on her world-wide shipping and credit agencies and mutually advantageous relations with her dependent empire. At the end of this period, Britain as a pioneer of the world industrial revolution had given place to Britain, the world's banker, trader, and collier, in competition with other nations whom she had materially helped along that same way. In view of the efforts of developing nations today, the manner in which this first transition was managed becomes of particular import. Professor Chambers' admirably balanced summary touches on every important aspect of the change which 'involved the community in a simultaneous creation of new forms of industry and transport and in an immense effort in agriculture and building... (and) placed new strains on a social and political system which had to reconcile the demand for increased output with the dawning awareness on the part of labour that industrialization held the key to economic advance for all and not only for the privileged few.' Both text and bibliography have been completely revised for this new edition." - Back cover.

Britain in the World Economy

Book Description

Considering Britain's physical capital, this book examines the distribution of investment between industries and between industry on the one hand and social and administrative purposes on the other. The Sterling Area is also examined, from the point of view of the UK and the rest of the world. The gold value of the dollar and the relationship of the US to the world economy are also discussed. All of these economic questions are placed in their appropriate historical perspective.

Wealth and Welfare

Book Description

Martin Daunton provides a clear and balanced view of the continuities and changes that occurred in the economic history of Britain from the Great Exhibition of 1851 to the Festival of Britain in 1951.In 1851, Britain was the dominant economic power in an increasingly global economy. The First World War marked a turning point, as globalization went into reverse and Britain shifted to 'insular capitalism'.Rather than emphasising the decline of the British economy, this book stresses modernity and the growth of new patterns of consumption in areas such as the service sector and the leisure industry.

The Economic History of Britain Since 1700

Book Description

The most up-to-date and comprehensive survey of recent British economic history currently available.

The British Economy since 1914

Book Description

An up to date short study which examines the key debates on British economic performance since 1914. Rex Pope considers the indicators and measures involved in assessing economic performance and then looks at issues affecting the economy such as the role of government, British entrepreneurship, the state of world markets, the effect of the two world wars and the importance of cultural attitudes towards industry.

British Industrial Capitalism Since The Industrial Revolution

Book Description

The authors use a long-wave framework to examine the historical evolution of British industrial capitalism since the late-18th century, and present a challenging and distinctive economic history of modern and contemporary Britain. The book is intended for undergraduate courses on the economic history of modern Britain within history, economic and social history, economic history and economic degree schemes, and economic theory courses.