Browse the Book of Life: And Other Restaurants I've Dreamed Of

Book Description

Ever dreamed of owning a restaurant? I know I have. I think owning a restaurant would be fun. But it would require a lot of hours and a lot of work. So I settle for dreaming about restaurants I'd like to eat at. Undoubtedly it will happen that when I'm with others, they'll ask where I want to go to eat. Since I can't actually believe they'll go where I want to go, I let them decide. Besides, I can dream of much better restaurants than any that actually exist. So, since I'm not going to create these restaurants, I decided to tell you about them. Perhaps you'll create them. Even if you don't, I'm sure you'll want to eat there. I know I do! These 16 restaurants are scrumptilicious!

Generation Q

Book Description

Strange things started to take place in the year 2000. Earth split in two - though few noticed. There was now our Earth and the Parallel Earth. On that other Earth, Babies were being born - nothing abnormal about that. However, a few of these babies had pointed ears. Those babies were also slightly longer than normal. That was not so different. But, each baby was quickly whisked into hiding by its parent(s) and an unlikely protector. Twenty-one years later, those children would start to come out of hiding. Now that they were adults and very different from others, how would others react to them? Would these children help us save or world? Or, would they destroy it? This book contains several 1-page novels.

Gill McGillicutty

Book Description

What would you do if your world was dying? What would you do if you had a vision and perhaps if you followed that vision, you could save your world? What if your vision took you to a new world? Once there you find your soulmate, but she doesn't speak your language and you don't speak hers. Will you keep following your vision wherever it leads you? Will she accept you for who you are? Will she help you save your world? Xeechagillapxtuurii jumps into the raging current to be carried downstream in search of his vision. He finds his vision, including the one he is looking for. But this world is totally foreign to him. Nobody understands him. Somehow he must gain her trust and communicate with them. Somehow he must get her to want to come back to his world to help him save it. Sylvia is a college student. She is holed up in her truck during the storm. When she sees a hippie being driven towards her truck, she responds as she always does when she sees someone or some animal in need. She opens the passenger door and pull some blankets from the back for him to wrap up in. What will she do with this stranger who has entered her life? How will she be able to communicate with him when nobody, not even the language professor can understand him? Rating PG13; Reading Level Very Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Representations

Hardwired: Staying Wired in a Wireless Age

Book Description

There are three reasons that I can think of to keep your computer wired these days: First, you may be wanting to avoid as many EMFs as possible Second, IYHO (In Your Humble Opinion) it’s obviously more secure Third, you want the speed. you might need a faster network. In Hardwired, I detail how you can keep your computer wired, in this wireless age. It might also be possible to keep your cellphone hardwired.


Book Description

Everybody has a different notion of what Heaven is like. In the Heaven where Jane lives, everybody is expected to use The Will to do things. Using the Will, people in Jane’s Heaven merely have to think to accomplish anything. They never have to get their hands dirty touching anything. Jane, though, wants to touch things. She wants to feel them in her hands. And because she refuses to use her will, she falls from societal acceptance and then she falls from Heaven. But falling from Heaven may be her saving grace. Read this book to follow Jane’s story where she finds her soulmate and gets her name changed to Eve. Eve is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy version of the Biblical story of Eve and Adam. In this version Eve is the main character and no longer a villain. Adam and Eve is also a story in Judaism and Islam. Other stories of the first two Earthlings include Embla and Ask, Lif and Lifthrasir, Maganda and Malakas, Satarupa and Swayambhu Manu, Mashyana and Mashya, Jiva and Atman. Rating PG13; Reading Level Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Unceremoniously

The Dancer III

Book Description

In book three, The Dancer becomes the Dancer Magnifique. And the story’s focus is more on her daughter, who is now The Dancer. She curtsied to herself in the mirror, and as she did so, her reflection in the mirror curtsied back to her. She tried it again, and without fail, the mirror curtsied back to her. What a marvelous invention she thought, a curtsying mirror. Of course it was just a normal mirror, but she liked being fanciful and pretending that it was a special mirror, one which obeyed her every command. She curtsied to the mirror once more. Then fully assured of her command over the mirror, she walked away. But the figure in the mirror didn’t move. She couldn’t believe she was not in control of her special mirror, so she just kept walking out the door, even though her reflection did not follow. Besides she was late for dinner, her mother would be expecting her. The Dancer tells her mother. The Shaman, the Dancer’s Grandmother, insists that the Dancer must fix the mirror all by herself. Will anyone defy the Shaman and help the Dancer fix the mirror? How would she even start to fix it?

Irregular Verbs

Book Description

For when you don't fit into society. And all you need is love. A blogger is mystified by a response to one of his posts from some professor. The response is The half life of an irregular verb is inversely proportional to its usage frequency. What did that response have to do with what he'd just written? Or was it a critique of him? He knew that he wasn't normal, didn't fit in. Was the professor calling him an irregular verb? Was he saying that he wasn't relevant. The blogger continues to post. In his posts and through the story we gain insight into his love life. He and his girlfriend are, he supposes both irregular verbs. But, he would have no other.

The Dancer

Book Description

The Dancer is a simple story of a young woman in love, a young woman who is trying to find out who she is. While the story is simple, the manner in which it unfolds is anything but. And sometimes the ride is so wild it has everyone, including the Author, hanging on to their seats. The Dancer starts on the Stage and that’s where it ends. In between, it goes to the beach, to an Artist’s Studio, to a Native Village. We come to understand that the Artist’s Studio and Native Village are other worlds. Will the Dancer find true love? Will she find her place in the World? Welcome to the wonderful, if somewhat strange and chaotic world of The Dancer.Series: 5 Books – Fantasy – Other Worlds – Love Story Ease: Very Easy; Target Audience – Everybody who is young at heart and who loves stories about those who are in love and about community. Rating G; Reading Level Very Easy 5th Grade; Longest Word: Categorization Sometimes she felt like she was living on a yo-yo. Flown towards the ground, then hovering there – a few inches away from the ground – before being spun back the other way and flown towards the sky, hovering there and then flown back towards the ground. From one extreme to the other – that was her life. That was her love life also between Ramon and Raul, so different, so alike. Some days she couldn’t decide between the two of them. Other days, who cared? They were both Italian, and she liked Italian men. And so, the Dancer’s life is very normal. But then magic comes into the scene. Whose magic? Is it good or bad? Whatever this magic is, wherever it comes from, it turns the Dancers life upside-down.

The Dancer II

Book Description

In the second story in this series, Dancer, a Chief, a Shaman, a God who is a horse, and Dancer’s other close friends must heal the holes that have developed between the worlds. These holes have developed because Dancer and her friends opened them by using their magic. Of course, their magic alone wasn’t enough to open these holes. Their magic had acted on their desires, their desires for things to be different. Once the holes were opened, Dancer and her friends continued to use them, which made the holes larger. But now people are falling through who have no magic to fall back through the other way. People are falling through unintentionally. And somehow that had to stop. This story is told from Jamil, the Artist’s, perspective. So, I thought it appropriate to include a short story about another artist at the end. It’s titled, The Artist. Creative, I know. This artist has always wanted to be an artist, but has to give up his dream because he can’t make enough money at it and because it’s not an accepted profession. Eventually, he does become an artist. However, there’s one thing he cannot paint – a sunset. And he won’t be able to paint a sunset until he understands the beauty behind a sunset.

Expressive Websites

Book Description

Is your website blah or bleh? Does it reflect who you or are company truly is? On second thought maybe you just want it to project a certain persona. How can you achieve this? More importantly, how can you achieve this easily? My book Expressive Websites, tells you several ways that you can make your website more expressive. Maybe you want colors or emojis. What about forms and graphs? Simple graphics? Tired of that same old font? Change it or add another. I only use HTML, CSS, and simple cut-and-paste executions of Javascript functions. In this book I tell you how to easily use my Javascript Library to enhance your website. Some people say that all you have to do to make your website less boring is add a video. I think there's a whole lot more to it.