Specification for Seedlac

Book Description

Lac, Resins (natural), Coatings, Varnishes, Lacquers, Grades (quality), Colour, Volatile matter determination, Insoluble matter determination, Aqueous extraction methods, Determination of content, Waxes, Sampling methods, Specimen preparation, Testing conditions, Test equipment, Design, Dimensions, Colour tests

Affective Health and Masculinities in South Africa

Book Description

"Affective Health and Masculinities in South Africa explores how different masculinities modulate substance use, interpersonal violence, suicidality, and AIDS as well as recovery cross-culturally. With a focus on three male protagonists living in very distinct urban areas of Cape Town, this comparative ethnography shows that men's struggles to become invulnerable increase vulnerability. Through an analysis of masculinities as social assemblages, the study shows how affective health problems are tied to modern individualism rather than African 'tradition' that has become a clichâe in Eurocentric gender studies. Affective health is conceptualized as a balancing act between autonomy and connectivity that after colonialism and apartheid has become compromised through the imperative of self-reliance. This book provides a rare perspective on young men's vulnerability in everyday life that may affect the reader and spark discussion about how masculinities in relationships shape physical and psychological health. Moreover, it shows how men change in the face of distress in ways that may look different than global health and gender transformative approaches envision. Thick descriptions of actual events over the life course make the study accessible to both graduate and undergraduate students in the social sciences. Contributing to current debates on mental health and masculinity, the volume will be of interest to scholars from a number of disciplines including anthropology, gender studies, African studies, psychology and global health"--

Anchorage in Concrete Construction

Book Description

Das Buch stellt den aktuellen Stand der kompletten Befestigungstechnik für Beton und Mauerwerk mit Einlegeteilen (Ankerschienen, Kopfbolzen), Dübeln (Metallspreizdübel, Hinterschnittdübel, Verbunddübel, Betonschrauben, Kunststoffdübel) und Setzbolzen umfassend dar. Die Befestigungselemente und ihre Wirkungsmechanismen werden ausführlich beschrieben und das Tragverhalten im ungerissenen und gerissenen Beton untersucht. Weiterhin werden das Korrosionsverhalten, das Verhalten bei Brandbeanspruchung sowie bei Erdbeben- und Schockbeanspruchung behandelt. Von besonderer internationaler Aktualität ist die Bemessung gemäß der europäischen und amerikanischen Normung. Praxisorientierte Kriterien zur Auswahl von Befestigungsmitteln und Bemessungsbeispiele runden das Werk zu einem einzigartigen Handbuch ab.

Anchor Technology in Concrete and Masonry for Practitioners and Engineers

Book Description

Anchors are everyday items in construction. However, the ever more complex world of building has led to anchor technology being investigated in more and more scientific detail during the course of product development. New anchor systems take into account the increasing diversity of base materials and the required economic efficiency. The scientific studies result in sometimes highly complex engineering design methods that are specified in numerous codes of practice, e.g. EN 1992-4 “Eurocode 2 – Design of concrete structures – Part 4: Design of fastenings for use in concrete”. As a result, it is no longer possible to design an anchor with a simple, quick and easily grasped manual calculation. However, the experience of the authors over the past 20 years shows that in order to gain the acceptance of users, there is an urgent need to translate academic anchor theory into manageable anchor practice for real building sites. It is exactly that gap that this book intends to fill. The focus is on the practical use of anchors and answering practical questions such as: “Which anchor do I need for my fastening task and what do I have to consider?” To answer this question, the authors guide the reader through the seemingly vast number of anchor systems and provide advice for everyday building situations. The theory regarding the structural behaviour is only explained, and then only briefly, when it helps to solve the fastening task and understand the solution to that task. For clarity, the reader is merely referred to the existing codes of practice and other specialist publications that provide summaries. All authors have been working for many years with a focus on anchors and fastenings, some of them in anchor testing laboratory or as trainers. They are members of various working groups and committees in concrete and masonry structures.