Budgetary Pressures Created by the Army's Plans to Procure New Major Weapon Systems are Just Beginning

Book Description

GAO reviewed new weapon system acquisition programs to determine the likely effect on the budget for the next several years of financing the procurement, operation, and support of the Army's new major weapon systems and identifying ways for relieving the pressure which characterized the preparation of the Army's 1982-1986 5-Year Defense Program. The 1970's marked the Army's most intensive peacetime effort to modernize its forces with new weapon systems. Most of the procurement of these systems became a reality in preparing the fiscal year 1982 budget. With less funds available than were needed to procure the weapons in the quantities desired, together with substantial cost increases, the Army proposed to stretch out the production schedules of nearly all of the systems which would have resulted in higher prices and program delays. Additional funds in the revised fiscal year 1982 budget alleviated this problem. The systems production has been characterized by substantial cost growth, stemming mainly from the actual production processes being more complex than anticipated and requiring more labor hours and machine time. Much of the cost growth was due to inflation. The use of optimistic inflation rates in developing cost estimates also accounts for some of the cost growth. Operating and supporting the new weapon systems once they are fielded will require very large amounts of resources. Since the budgetary effect of operations and support will not be felt until after the weapons are deployed, these costs are not receiving as much attention as procurement costs. Fielding all of the systems will seriously strain the Army's resources. Most of the systems will require more skilled personnel, more fuel and ammunition, a greater expenditure for spare parts, and will impose a logistics burden on the Army.

GAO Documents

Book Description

Catalog of reports, decisions and opinions, testimonies and speeches.

Compendium of GAO's Views on the Cost Saving Proposals of the Grace Commission: Individual issue analyses

Book Description

In response to a congressional request, GAO examined issues studied and recommendations made by the President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, better known as the Grace Commission, to determine whether: (1) the issues and recommendations made on program management and cost control had merit; (2) legislation would be necessary to implement the recommendations; (3) implementation efforts were completely underway; and (4) the savings estimates were realistic. GAO found that many of the issues studied and recommendations made by the Commission had overall merit and that, while many have already been implemented by legislative or administrative action, many more require additional legislative action to be fully implemented. However, GAO questioned the accuracy of many of the associated savings estimates, found flaws in the methodology used to develop some of the estimates, and found that the description of the methodology used in some estimates was insufficient to allow an assessment of its validity. In most of the instances where GAO questioned the methodology used, it believed that the savings were overstated. GAO supported management improvement issues more frequently than policy-oriented issues; however, policy-oriented issues constitute a large portion of the total estimated savings. GAO does not support restructuring federal subsidy programs and fixing federal health care costs to a percentage of the gross national product, and it disagreed with selected aspects of recommendations to reduce civilian and military retirement benefits. GAO support was most extensive in the areas aimed at strengthening federal management systems, federal automatic data processing operations, federal credit and cash management efforts, and civilian procurement and property management activities. GAO has made similar or related recommendations in nearly half of the areas in which it agreed with the Commission. Additional legislative action would be necessary to fully implement approximately half of the recommendations analyzed.

GAO documents

Book Description

Catalog of reports, decisions and opinions, testimonies and speeches.

Multiyear Contracting for the Production of Defense Systems

Book Description

This Note describes the concept of multiyear contracting in defense procurement, summarizes recent proposals and new legislation intended to widen its use and increase its utility, and outlines the criteria to be used in choosing the types of acquisition best adapted to this mode of contracting. Its purpose is to describe and explain rather than to assess or advocate, and it emphasizes contracting for production--that is, for the procurement of end items not available off the shelf. The Note discusses basic funding-contracting modes, changes in multiyear contracting and advanced procurement, and issues of choice in applying the opportunities for multiyear procurement provided by the DoD authorization act, 1982. 44 pp. Ref. (Author).