Builder of the Spirit

Book Description

It's time to get with the plan...God's plan for our lives! Builder of the Spirit is a book filled with love, laughter, and hope along with many lessons about life. Inspirational and motivational, Allen's book takes you through the construction of a house, relating it to the qualities we need to build into our lives. It includes true stories of how God has miraculously worked in people's lives and encourages us to roll up our sleeves and get to work on our own "houses." Warm and down-to-earth, Builder of the Spirit will challenge you to discover God's blueprint for your life and build accordingly.

Builder of the Spirit

Book Description

It's time to get with the plan...God's plan for our lives! "Builder of the Spirit" is a book filled with love, laughter, and hope along withmany lessons about life. Inspirational and motivational, Allen's book takes youthrough the construction of a house, relating it to the qualities we need to buildinto our lives. It includes true stories of how God has miraculously worked in people'slives and encourages us to roll up our sleeves and get to work on our own"houses." Warm and down-to-earth, "Builder of the Spirit" will challenge you to discoverGod's blueprint for your life and build accordingly. "Greg Allen has taken a fresh and unique approach in this book by comparing hisknowledge and experience as a builder to the work that God does in our lives. Itmakes for a good read!" -Charles E. Hackett, Executive Dir., Assemblies of God Home Missions "From beginning to end, it is obvious that "Builder of the Spirit" is a life-messageof Greg's. The parallels to issues common to anyone who has owned or cared fora house make the book an easy read. Greg's enthusiasm to see God build Christ'scharacter in the lives of men and their families is infectious." -Phil Stump, Youth Evangelist, Orlando, FL GREG ALLEN, native of Jamestown, Indiana, had a tumultuousadolescence, fraught with the pain of parents divorcing, bad habits, and running away. After giving his life to the Lord, he started a careeras a contractor. He met his wife, Cindy, in the Air Force. Marriedsince 1982, they are the parents of three and grandparentsof two. Greg is also a syndicated columnist, songwriter, poet, andthe founder of Builder of the Spirit Ministries.

I Am a Builder

Book Description

A Builder in God’s Kingdom, she is encouraged through the Holy Ghost to keep building, no matter the circumstances the Lord is with me. She is a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Evangelist, Counselor, and Caregiver. She is married to her husband for over forty-seven years and has known each other for over 50 years. She has two children 45 and 41 and three grandchildren 22, 19, and 16. She prays this Builder’s design has been a blessing to empower you to get moving. This ministry is not about us, but about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. He is our true foundation and we as Builders are built upon a Solid Rock and are fitly joined together in Christ to help build in His Kingdom. We must continue to work both day and night and give God the Glory for His AWESOME work and all that He has done. So just remember “I AM A Builder and so are You!” LET’S GO BUILD! “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3

The Spirit Builder

Book Description

Spirit Life Training

Book Description

Spirit Life Training is a workout program jammed full of proven, successful strategies to align your spirit, soul, and body to release the life and power that God put inside you. With exciting mind and body exercises designed to biblically align and strengthen your body, emotions, memory, intellect, imagination, and will, your recreated spirit self will rise up and express the rejuvenated and refreshed life of abundance God intended for you. Everything you need to overcome in this life you have received in seed form at the point of salvation. Spirit Life Training is the process of discovering, strengthening, and releasing this treasure God has given you.

The Builder

Book Description

The Castle Builder

Book Description

The Human Spirit

Book Description

'To live in truth, to wish to be true in one's whole being, will be the watchword of the future.' – Rudolf Steiner. In the midst of the lies and propaganda of the Great War, Rudolf Steiner struggled to convey the truths of the human spirit. The 'truth' asserted by partisan interests, he suggested, was invariably tinged with dishonesty – whether the outright mendacities of politicians and rulers (Steiner refers here to the machinations of the British Empire), or the manipulative techniques of secret societies, intent on securing and shoring up their own power. In relation to the latter, Rudolf Steiner highlights how, whilst we tend to reject overt authority nowadays, we succumb more easily to its covert forms in the 'received wisdoms' we often unthinkingly adopt. In seeking to help his audiences discern the spiritual struggle unfolding behind outer events, Steiner describes how the intrigues that led to the war were based on intentional deceit, which served hidden aims of which the public was mostly kept in the dark. In contrast to the divisiveness of untruth, truth is based on a realization of the interconnectedness of all things – of interdependence between the realms 'below' and 'above' us. The 'I', upon which all evolution on earth is predicated, signifies an overcoming of egotism and narrow interests, together with the imaginative embrace of all beings. Its spiritual reality – that descends to us from non-material worlds and towards which we evolve through earthly lives – is the epitome of truth. Amidst many other topics covered here, Rudolf Steiner speaks about The Qur'an and the Mystery of Golgotha; Henry VIII, Thomas More and the Church of England; the Jesuits and their State in Paraguay; Freemasons, esoteric symbols, and handshakes; Madame Blavatsky's occult imprisonment by Anglo-Saxon brotherhoods; Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov; and the occult literature of Papus and Lévi.