The Pillars of an Elite Sales Career

Book Description

What differentiates Elite high income sales people who earn six figures every year vs those that don't? It is HOW they built their career. The pillars of an Elite sales career is THE career blueprint of HOW one builds a six figure career in technology sales. In this book you will learn: The 5 Pillars of an Elite sales career How to build the pillars into your own sales career Supporting behaviours that are required to establish them 17 real-life Elite sales people's career stories Revelations of the sales career, that are pivotal for success A healthy dose of motivation The author of this book, Benjamin Riall, discovered the pillars after interviewing 50 Elite sales people across the world to validate his hypothesis of how one builds an Elite sales career. All 50 validated the hypothesis which set the author on a quest to teach 100,000 sales people the pillars which can financially transform their lives. Whether you have started a graduate sales job, have been in sales for many years or moving into sales from another career, the pillars are for you. This book is for those that dare to dream big, are prepared to push themselves and desire to tap into their full potential. Are you ready to join the Elite?

Building a 6 Figure Sales Career

Book Description

Do you know a person who just seems to “have it all” when it comes to closing sales deals? What is it about that person that makes them wealthy? In this program, best-selling author Chris Widener outlines the tools to gain trust, build respect, develop admiration and create loyalty with everyone you meet. Chris has used these skills to build a successful speaking career, which has led to him sharing the stage with US Presidents, NFL players and being asked to speak at Harvard Business School. The beauty of Chris’ approach is that anyone can develop these skills by following the 4 golden pillars of selling. Chris shares amusing stories of success in this fast moving program which have motivated and inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Chris breaks down his process into 4 simple steps to get your sales career on the fast track. The information in Chris’ program can double your sales revenues, but will cost you income if you don’t know these essential steps. Get your sales career on the right path this year.

New to Sales?

Book Description

A typical Sales Associate job description is all about getting results - with very few hints about how to get them! As a new Sales Associate, the job of mastering the art of selling involves much more than simply answering to the description and showing up for work. There is a step-by-step recipe for sales success, and applying it takes both skill and finesse.

So the questions is, how do you start? No one knows the answer better than the legendary Tom Hopkins, who earned more than one million dollars in commissions during the first three years of his sales career. Over the course of the past 25+ years, he's been teaching others to do the same.

  • Learn the 12 Sources of Sensational Selling Success.
  • Discover the right questions to ask for stellar closing results.
  • Use the simple hidden trick to creating the optimal selling climate.

In clear, easy-to-understand language, Tom will guide you through the process of becoming a master of sales. Get this book and launch your career as a Sales Associate today!

Fanatical Prospecting

Book Description

Ditch the failed sales tactics, fill your pipeline, and crush your number With over 500,000 copies sold Fanatical Prospecting gives salespeople, sales leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives a practical, eye-opening guide that clearly explains the why and how behind the most important activity in sales and business development—prospecting. The brutal fact is the number one reason for failure in sales is an empty pipe and the root cause of an empty pipeline is the failure to consistently prospect. By ignoring the muscle of prospecting, many otherwise competent salespeople and sales organizations consistently underperform. Step by step, Jeb Blount outlines his innovative approach to prospecting that works for real people, in the real world, with real prospects. Learn how to keep the pipeline full of qualified opportunities and avoid debilitating sales slumps by leveraging a balanced prospecting methodology across multiple prospecting channels. This book reveals the secrets, techniques, and tips of top earners. You’ll learn: Why the 30-Day Rule is critical for keeping the pipeline full Why understanding the Law of Replacement is the key to avoiding sales slumps How to leverage the Law of Familiarity to reduce prospecting friction and avoid rejection The 5 C’s of Social Selling and how to use them to get prospects to call you How to use the simple 5 Step Telephone Framework to get more appointments fast How to double call backs with a powerful voice mail technique How to leverage the powerful 4 Step Email Prospecting Framework to create emails that compel prospects to respond How to get text working for you with the 7 Step Text Message Prospecting Framework And there is so much more! Fanatical Prospecting is filled with the high-powered strategies, techniques, and tools you need to fill your pipeline with high quality opportunities. In the most comprehensive book ever written about sales prospecting, Jeb Blount reveals the real secret to improving sales productivity and growing your income fast. You’ll gain the power to blow through resistance and objections, gain more appointments, start more sales conversations, and close more sales. Break free from the fear and frustration that is holding you and your team back from effective and consistent prospecting. It's time to get off the feast or famine sales roller-coaster for good!

Winning the Six-Figure Sale

Book Description

If you're a sales leader who's tired of last-minute forecast surprises because the big deals you were counting on didn't close when expected.... this book is for you! Winning the Six-Figure Sale is all about helping sales leaders Inspect, Assess and Coach their teams to accelerate and yes..... win more big deals! Other than the forecast call, most sales leaders have no intentional and deliberate process to review their big deals. They have experience and instinct but very little training or structured planning around big deal management. This book will give you a proven 3-step system, to transform the way you think about and help your team execute their "Must Win" sales campaigns. Whether you're a first-line sales manager, second-line sales director, VP, GM, country leader, or if you're a sales rep who owns a sales number and runs complex sales campaigns, this book will help you win your unfair share of big deals! What if you could develop an intentional and deliberate cadence to INSPECT your sales funnel and identify critical "Must Win" sales campaigns this quarter AND next. What if you could quickly ASSESS and ruthlessly qualify your team's big deals early in the forecast process with a Rapid Assessment Review that takes only 15 minutes. What if you could COACH your team by executing a structured 45-minute Sales Strategy Review, so they never miss important steps or stakeholders that could crash their deals. What if you could learn how to carve out just 10% of your time to implement the 3-step system and get laser-focused on the big deals that drive your business. And what if, rather than re-inventing the wheel, you could download valuable training assets and use them right away, at no cost whatsoever. ★ Imagine the impact winning just one additional big deal per rep each quarter would have on your sales results, forecast accuracy, and income? For the past two decades, Jeff Goldstein has been building sales teams as VP, GM, and president of Canadian high-tech subsidiaries of large US-based tech companies. While Jeff is an engineer by training, he's spent his entire career grinding out a sales number every week, month, and quarter. He's always had income at risk and has been close to the field, close to customers, partners, and the sales teams who make it all happen. And because he knows how busy you already are, he's designed this book to be read in about 90 minutes... but don't let its small size fool you. It's packed with the details of Jeff's 3-step system that has enabled him to transform the way sales leaders think about and manage their team's big deals. There is no ivory tower theory in this book. Jeff has inspected, assessed and coached sales teams through hundreds of sales campaigns using the approach he outlines in his book, so it's battle-tested and proven. He'll help you sharpen your skills, so you no longer rely solely on instinct and experience to be more successful. Pick up your copy of Winning the Six-Figure Sale today by clicking the Buy Now button at the top of this page!

Mega Deal Secrets

Book Description

Drop the run-rate mentality and start closing Mega Deals. Selling a Mega Deal--a deal of uncommonly large size and complexity-is the crowning achievement of any enterprise seller. Yet there are precious few who have achieved such a feat, and those who have done it tend to guard the keys to their success as well-kept secrets. Jamal Reimer is a senior enterprise seller and has been a top-1-percent performer at one of the largest software as a service (SaaS) companies in the world. He has closed multiple deals over $50 million. In this book, Reimer shares the methods, strategies, tactics, and tools that he and other Mega Dealers use to bring in massive enterprise deals. In Mega Deal Secrets, Reimer teaches all the components of a truly dialed-in sales cycle in the modern selling age: Executive Whispering: how to engage with elusive executives from your company and your customers to build strategic relationships and accelerate uncommonly large deals Mega Deal Premise: how to build a compelling Mega Deal Story that senior executives will invest in Mega Deal Conjuring: how to find and close a Mega Deal in twelve months or less even when the conditions are against you Reimer walks you through every step of the Mega Deal process--from selecting the right candidate account to getting your contract signed by whatever deadline you set. Along the way, you'll follow the journey of how he put together the biggest pitch of his career, stood his ground with the most intimidating executive he's ever met, and, ultimately, closed his first Mega Deal.

Hacking Growth

Book Description

The definitive playbook by the pioneers of Growth Hacking, one of the hottest business methodologies in Silicon Valley and beyond. It seems hard to believe today, but there was a time when Airbnb was the best-kept secret of travel hackers and couch surfers, Pinterest was a niche web site frequented only by bakers and crafters, LinkedIn was an exclusive network for C-suite executives and top-level recruiters, Facebook was MySpace’s sorry step-brother, and Uber was a scrappy upstart that didn’t stand a chance against the Goliath that was New York City Yellow Cabs. So how did these companies grow from these humble beginnings into the powerhouses they are today? Contrary to popular belief, they didn’t explode to massive worldwide popularity simply by building a great product then crossing their fingers and hoping it would catch on. There was a studied, carefully implemented methodology behind these companies’ extraordinary rise. That methodology is called Growth Hacking, and it’s practitioners include not just today’s hottest start-ups, but also companies like IBM, Walmart, and Microsoft as well as the millions of entrepreneurs, marketers, managers and executives who make up the community of Growth Hackers. Think of the Growth Hacking methodology as doing for market-share growth what Lean Start-Up did for product development, and Scrum did for productivity. It involves cross-functional teams and rapid-tempo testing and iteration that focuses customers: attaining them, retaining them, engaging them, and motivating them to come back and buy more. An accessible and practical toolkit that teams and companies in all industries can use to increase their customer base and market share, this book walks readers through the process of creating and executing their own custom-made growth hacking strategy. It is a must read for any marketer, entrepreneur, innovator or manger looking to replace wasteful big bets and "spaghetti-on-the-wall" approaches with more consistent, replicable, cost-effective, and data-driven results.

SPIN® -Selling

Book Description

True or false? In selling high-value products or services: 'closing' increases your chance of success; it is essential to describe the benefits of your product or service to the customer; objection handling is an important skill; open questions are more effective than closed questions. All false, says this provocative book. Neil Rackham and his team studied more than 35,000 sales calls made by 10,000 sales people in 23 countries over 12 years. Their findings revealed that many of the methods developed for selling low-value goods just don‘t work for major sales. Rackham went on to introduce his SPIN-Selling method. SPIN describes the whole selling process: Situation questions Problem questions Implication questions Need-payoff questions SPIN-Selling provides you with a set of simple and practical techniques which have been tried in many of today‘s leading companies with dramatic improvements to their sales performance.