Building a New America with Christ?s Values

Book Description

Building a new America with Christ's Values provides solutions to our most critical problems: - the need to create enough sustainable jobs, - the need to shift to solar, wind and, hydrogen power before oil is unaffordable or unavailable, and finally - the need to stop destructive climate change. The Department of Defense has instructed the military that they must be independent of oil by 2040. There is hope for an abundant future, but only if we: - Develop a national energy and transportation plan and proceed with rapid implementation to stop burning fossil fuels. - Shift resources from the Military Industrial Complex to a Nation Building at Home Complex. - Establish a new business model and banking model as provided by the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, which is worker owned. - Follow Christ's teaching: "As I have loved you, love one another."

Building a New America with Christ’S Values

Book Description

Building a new America with Christs Values provides solutions to our most critical problems: the need to create enough sustainable jobs, the need to shift to solar, wind and, hydrogen power before oil is unaffordable or unavailable, and finally the need to stop destructive climate change. The Department of Defense has instructed the military that they must be independent of oil by 2040. There is hope for an abundant future, but only if we: Develop a national energy and transportation plan and proceed with rapid implementation to stop burning fossil fuels. Shift resources from the Military Industrial Complex to a Nation Building at Home Complex. Establish a new business model and banking model as provided by the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, which is worker owned. Follow Christs teaching: As I have loved you, love one another.

Take Back the Land

Book Description

Challenging today's youth to action with a mission to restore Christian values! America declared her right to independence based on "the laws of nature and nature's God." Her Founding Fathers were overwhelmingly God-fearing Christian men who built our government and society on principles they found in God's Word. Current social and political events are shouting to the church to take action. Take back the Land will motivate youth to be a part of this growing voice for reformation! It's not enough to just hope for change, and complain when it doesn't happen. Become the change that brings America back to its Christ-focused foundations!

A More Perfect Union

Book Description

America is at a pivotal crossroads. The soul of our nation is at stake and in peril. A new public narrative is needed to unite Americans around common values and to counter the increasing discord and acrimony in our politics and culture. The process of healing and creating a more perfect union in our nation must start now. The moral vision of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Beloved Community, which animated and galvanized the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s, provides a hopeful way forward. In A More Perfect Union, Adam Russell Taylor, president of Sojourners, reimagines a contemporary version of the Beloved Community that will inspire and unite Americans across generations, geographic and class divides, racial and gender differences, faith traditions, and ideological leanings. In the Beloved Community, neither privilege nor punishment is tied to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or economic status, and everyone is able to realize their full potential and thrive. Building the Beloved Community requires living out a series of commitments, such as true equality, radical welcome, transformational interdependence, E Pluribus Unum ("out of many, one"), environmental stewardship, nonviolence, and economic equity. By building the Beloved Community we unify the country around a shared moral vision that transcends ideology and partisanship, tapping into our most sacred civic and religious values, enabling our nation to live up to its best ideals and realize a more perfect union.

Making Higher Education Christian

Book Description

This book takes stock of an important but often hidden aspect of American Protestant evangelicalism: its efforts in higher education. The many liberal arts colleges, graduate theological seminaries, and Bible colleges nationwide that serve evangelical traditions and movements have remained nearly invisible to the academic establishment until recently. The essays presented here reflect a maturing community of scholarship focused on the unfinished business of developing a thoroughly Christian approach to contemporary higher education. They offer new theoretical perspectives on the aims and bases of educating, candid assessments of shortcomings in evangelical scholarship, and concrete suggestion for effective approaches to contemporary problems.

Securing America's Victory

Book Description

The solution to all of today’s crises is remarkably simple! For those who wish to connect to the spiritual component of what is happening in America and the world today, Securing America's Victory reveals the two secrets to sustainable Justice and the “Highest Common Denominator” we all share. It will unify all people and enable us to transcend toxic diversity. Together, we will replace the hatred, division, violence, and madness with clarity, love, respect, inclusion, and sustainable justice. The only true antidote, the only effective and sustainable solution to our national and global crisis, is the full intervention of I AM WHO I AM—Our Father God wielding the fullness of His Love, Wisdom, and Power. The only key to this manifestation is our loving, true obedience to His Law of Love, as taught and demonstrated by Jesus the Christ. Herein lies the true foundation of “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The End of White Christian America

Book Description

"The founder and CEO of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and columnist for the Atlantic describes how white Protestant Christians have declined in influence and power since the 1990s and explores the effect this has had on America, "--NoveList.

Wake Up, America

Book Description

It is obvious from this book that I was involved in high stakes adventure and in the art of deal making. I enjoyed both immensely and still do. However, I learned a long time ago that the bottom line of a mans financial statement, or the dossier of his accomplishments, however varied they may be, simply do not comprise that persons real worth or degree of greatness. Life here on planet earth is very short. The only worthwhile valid question remains as it always has what must I do to inherit eternal life, this is the question that the most religious man of his day in history inquired of Jesus Christ, a man named Nicodemus; and the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords answered him, Ye must be born again by the spirit of the living God. What profiteth a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul. If I have any mission statement or perception of my own mission in life, it would be that to the best of my ability I would direct every thought, word and deed to fulfill the commission that Jesus, the captain of my salvation, gave to all who believe and that is to proclaim the TRUTH OF HIS WORD to all men everywhere. And with this writing I declare and decree that all that I am and all that I have will be given in His service and to this cause. Mankind can only become great when it literally takes on the person of Christ and walks out His precepts and truths, and America can only regain her greatness when her people build their lives on the rock solid foundation of Christ. And it is to this cause that I dedicate my life, to helping my fellow man in every way that I can through Christ, and to do everything in my power to help restore America to her position of greatness by returning to the foundation principles of God in Christ.

A Time for Action

Book Description


Book Description