Building American Prosperity in the 21st Century

Book Description

Addresses the opportunities & challenges involved in the greater opening of Asia Pacific markets for U.S. companies. Outlines a number of steps that could be taken to enhance American trade & investment relations with the Asia Pacific region. Presents observations, findings & recommendations on trade imbalance, investment, tariffs, private & public anti-competitive practices, anti-trust laws, & the importance of high technology to U.S. competitiveness. Charts, tables, graphs, & references. Appendix includes an overview of U.S. trade relations with the Asia Pacific region, 1980-1995. Also includes a 22-page report by the U.S. Nat. Comm. for Pacific Economic Coop., Beyond the Trade Bill: The Coming Pacific AdjustmentÓ (Jan. 1988).

The New Grand Strategy

Book Description

"Reimagines the American dream and provides a bipartisan plan to recapture the greatness of the past through addressing important economic, social and environmental issues by making sustainability our country's new strategic imperative, "--NoveList.

America 3.0

Book Description

Our government is crushingly expensive, failing at its basic functions, and unable to keep its promises. It does not work and it cannot continue as it is. The authors believe that America is poised to enter a new era of freedom and prosperity. This new world will bring immense productivity, rapid technological progress, greater scope for individual and family-scale autonomy, and a leaner and strictly limited government.

The Betrayal of American Prosperity

Book Description

CONSIDER THIS SHOCKING FACT: while China’s number one export to the United States is $46 billion of computer equipment, the number one export from the U.S. to China is waste—$7.6 billion of waste paper and scrap metal. Bestselling author Clyde Prestowitz reveals the astonishing extent of the erosion of the fundamental pillars of American economic might—beginning well before the 2008 financial crisis—and the great challenge we face for the future in competing with the economic juggernaut of China and the other fast-rising economies. As the arresting facts he introduces show, the U.S. is rapidly losing the basis of its wealth and power, as well as its freedom of action and independence. If we do not make dramatic changes quickly, we will confront a painful permanent slide in our standard of living; the dollar will no longer be the world’s currency; our military strength will be whittled away; and we will be increasingly subject to the will of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and various malcontents. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As Prestowitz shows in a masterful account of how we’ve come to this fateful juncture, we have inflicted our economic decline on ourselves—we abandoned the extraordinary approach to growth that drove the country’s remarkable rise to superpower status from the early days of the republic up through World War II. For most of our history, we supported our home industries, protected our market against unfair trade, made the world’s finest products—leading the way in technological innovation—and we were strong savers. But in the post-WWII era, we reversed course as our leadership embraced a set of simplistically attractive but disastrously false ideas—that consumption rather than production should drive our economy; that free trade is always a win-win; that all globalization is good; that the market is always right and government regulation or intervention in the economy always causes more harm than good; and that it didn’t matter that our factories were fleeing overseas because we were moving to the "higher ground" of services. In a devastating account, Prestowitz shows just how flawed this orthodoxy is and how it has gutted the American economy. The 2008 financial crisis was only its most blatant and recent consequence. It is time to abandon these false doctrines and to get back to the American way of growth that brought us to world leadership; Prestowitz presents a deeply researched and powerful set of highly practical steps that we can begin implementing immediately to reverse course and restore our economic leadership and excellence. The Betrayal of American Prosperity is vital reading for all Americans concerned about the future of the economy and of our power in the coming era.

Put Money in Your Pocket

Book Description

Have you suffered from the weakest thirty year period of growth since the Great Depression and workers getting the smallest share of the economic pie ever? Are you concerned the record number of people facing financial stress enables addictions and aggravates tensions between political parties, races and religions? Do you want to be part of the solution rather than the blame game? This myth-shaking, data-backed book maps the path to national prosperity. It exposes the lies that tricked voters to favor: stagnate wages, weak growth, asset bubbles that pop and unsustainable deficits. The book will encourage those creating great wealth. The takers, those wealthy who consume way more than they produce, will dread the fact based conclusions.If you are a worker do you want to double your pay over the next several years? If you are a business owner would you like the value of your business to grow twice as fast? There's a tax policy for that. It's the one that corresponded with economic growth above 5 percent for thirty-six years. Hint: it's the opposite of what coddled elites call pro growth tax policy, but is really a bait and switch that squeezes the middle class. The last thirty years the economy grew at 2.5 percent. When voters know better, we could do twice that. Three decades of studying what drives the economy and financial markets, building an economic data base and modeling what happens and when it happens may have made me an expert or perhaps I'm more like the young boy shouting, "The emperor has no clothes." What is obvious to someone who has really studied the data is not the message elites promote to the general public. The book will give you a clear understanding of how you can be a part of restoring national prosperity and enhancing your own. Find out how to: - Restore the incentive to work and double your income as a worker, - Grow your business twice as fast, - Understand tax policy beyond what you thought you were capable of, - See the wolf under the sheepskin, - Keep your retirement savings from disappearing in a popping financial bubble, - Solve the Federal budget/debt crisis, - Give the nation a stronger sense of community and - Give your children and grandchildren a bright future.Follow the advice in this book and together we can make the 21st century another American Century. What's stopping you from making your vote a powerful tool to restore the nation? Scroll to the top and click the "buy now" button.

Retooling for Growth

Book Description

"Offers achievable strategies for revitalizing industrial areas and building upon the potential of overlooked resources of economic, physical, and cultural significance. Addresses such challenges as fostering entrepreneurship, reducing poverty and inequality, and augmenting the number of skilled professionals. Provides analysis of healthy economic development practices for public and private sectors"--Provided by publisher.