Building an Inclusive Mexico Policies and Good Governance for Gender Equality

Book Description

This review looks at gender equality in Mexico, examining what advancement has already been made and exploring what needs to be done to close existing gender gaps in political, social and economic life and promote real social change.

Building an Inclusive Mexico

Book Description

Mexico must continue to invest in social and labour market policies that empower women, and reinvigorate efforts to reduce inequalities in education, labour force participation, job quality, unpaid work, and leadership.

Better Policies Towards a Stronger and More Inclusive Mexico An Assessment of Recent Policy Reforms

Book Description

Under President Enrique Peña Nieto’s leadership, Mexico has put together the most ambitious reform package of any OECD country in recent times, forged the political consensus necessary to approve it through the unprecedented Pacto por México, promoted these and other reforms in Congress and has ...

OECD Public Governance Reviews Gender Policy Delivery in Kazakhstan

Book Description

This OECD Review of Gender Policy Delivery in Kazakhstan examines the institutional, policy-making and accountability frameworks for advancing and sustaining gender equality and mainstreaming initiatives.

Gender Equality in Canada Mainstreaming, Governance and Budgeting

Book Description

Canada has a long-standing commitment to gender equality and an increasingly ambitious agenda to create a truly inclusive society. Recently, the Government of Canada has been strengthening the federal framework for the governance of gender equality policies by developing institutions, policies ...

The Pursuit of Gender Equality An Uphill Battle

Book Description

This report examines recent developments in gender equality in education, employment, entrepreneurship and public life. It contains one overview chapter and 24 short chapters, each with key findings and policy recommendations.

Gender and the Environment Building Evidence and Policies to Achieve the SDGs

Book Description

Gender equality and environmental goals are mutually reinforcing, with slow progress on environmental actions affecting the achievement of gender equality, and vice versa. Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires targeted and coherent actions.

Ombuds Institutions, Good Governance and the International Human Rights System

Book Description

This book uses comparative law and comparative international law approaches to explore the role of human rights ombuds, classic-based ombuds and other types of ombuds institutions in human rights protection and promotion, their methods of application of international and domestic human rights law and their roles in strengthening good governance. It highlights the increasing importance of national human rights ombuds institutions globally and their roles as national human rights institutions (NHRIs).

OECD Justice Review of Peru Towards Effective and Transparent Justice Institutions for Inclusive Growth

Book Description

This report provides an in-depth analysis of Peru’s justice system and offers concrete recommendations, based on OECD countries' experience and best practices, for how to make it more effective, efficient, transparent, accessible, and people-centred. Building on the OECD’s Recommendation on Access to Justice and People-Centred Justice Systems, the report suggests how Peru can best implement its challenging justice reform agenda so that access to justice is available to all, including the most in need.

Fast Forward to Gender Equality Mainstreaming, Implementation and Leadership

Book Description

This report maps strategies, governance tools, institutional settings and innovative approaches used by governments across the OECD to drive and support society-wide gender equality goals. It covers all state institutions, including legislatures and judiciaries, and discusses the challenges ...