Building Better City-CLT Partnerships

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The number of community land trusts (CLTs) in the United States has grown rapidly in recent years, due largely to the expanding investment and involvement of local govern-ment. Municipalities are supporting CLT start-ups, CLT projects, CLT operations, and the equitable taxation of resale-restricted CLT homes. This city-CLT partnership is still evolving, however, with municipal officials and CLT practitioners still exploring the most effective ways of working together. The present manual is necessarily a work in progress, documenting the “best” practices devised to date. These are practices that use public resources to expand a CLT’s holdings, while respecting what makes a CLT unique and while addressing a municipality’s reasonable concerns about a CLT’s performance and sustainability.

The City-CLT Partnership

Book Description

The community land trust (CLT) movement is young but expanding rapidly. Nearly 20 community land trusts are started every year as either new nonprofits or as programs or subsidiaries of existing organizations. Fueling this proliferation is a dramatic increase in local government investment and involvement. Over the past decade, a growing number of cities and counties have chosen not only to support existing CLTs, but also to start new ones, actively guiding urban development and sponsoring affordable housing initiatives. Two key policy needs are driving increased city and county interest in CLTs, particularly in jurisdictions that put a social priority on promoting homeownership for lower-income families and a fiscal priority on protecting the public's investment in affordable housing. Long-term preservation of housing subsidies. With local governments now assuming greater responsibility for creating affordable housing, policy makers must find ways to ensure that their investments have a sustained impact. CLT ownership of the land, along with durable affordability controls over the resale of any housing built on that land, ensures that municipally subsidized homes remain available for lower-income homebuyers for generations to come. Long-term stewardship of housing. Preserving housing affordability requires long-term monitoring and enforcement, an administrative burden that local governments are neither equipped for nor generally interested in taking on. CLTs are well positioned to play this stewardship role by administering the municipality's eligibility, affordability, and occupancy controls, while also "backstopping" lower-income owners to protect subsidized homes against loss through deferred maintenance or mortgage foreclosure. Municipal support comes in a variety of forms, depending on how well established the CLT is. For example, local governments may offer administrative or financial support during the planning and startup phase, followed by donations of city-owned land and grants or low-interest loans for developing and financing projects. They may help a CLT acquire and preserve housing provided by private developers to comply with inclusionary zoning, density bonuses, and other mandates or concessions. As the CLT builds its portfolio, municipalities may provide capacity grants to help support its operations. Finally, local jurisdictions may assist CLTs by revising their tax assessment practices to ensure fair treatment of resale-restricted homes built on their lands. As welcome as their support has been, local governments may inadvertently structure CLT funding and oversight in ways that undermine the effectiveness of the very model they are attempting to support. The challenge lies in finding the most constructive ways of putting municipal resources to work in pursuit of common objectives. Based on a review of three dozen municipal programs and in-depth interviews with local officials and CLT practitioners, this report describes the mechanisms and methods that cities across the country are using to structure their investment in CLT startups, projects, and operations. In addition to describing the full range of options for providing municipal support, the report highlights specific model practices for rendering that assistance. These practices have the most potential to balance the interests of all parties by: protecting the public's investment in affordable housing; expanding and preserving access to homeownership for households excluded from the market; stabilizing neighborhoods buffeted by cycles of disinvestment or reinvestment; and ensuring accountability to funders, taxpayers, and the communities served by the CLT. The city-CLT relationship continues to evolve. This report ends with a discussion of three emerging trends: shifts in the city's role from supporter to instigator, and from participant to g

Thanks for Everything (now Get Out)

Book Description

A radical rethinking of how to make distressed urban neighborhoods more livable while preserving the residents' ability to live there "With piercing insights, Joe Margulies compellingly traces the history of one neighborhood in Providence, Rhode Island, a stand-in for distressed neighborhoods around the country. This utterly original book takes on many of our assumptions about race, poverty, and gentrification-- and tackles the toughest question of all: In restoring these places, do we set them up for destruction?"--Alex Kotlowitz, author of An American Summer When a distressed urban neighborhood gentrifies, all the ratios change: poor to rich; Black and Brown to white; unskilled to professional; vulnerable to secure. Vacant lots and toxic dumps become condos and parks. Upscale restaurants open and pawn shops close. But the low-income residents who held on when the neighborhood was at its worst, who worked so hard to make it better, are gradually driven out. For them, the neighborhood hasn't been restored so much as destroyed. Tracing the history of Olneyville, a neighborhood in Providence, Rhode Island, that has traveled the long arc from urban decay to the cusp of gentrification, Joseph Margulies asks the most important question facing cities today: Can we restore distressed neighborhoods without setting the stage for their destruction? Is failure the inevitable cost of success? Based on years of interviews and on-the-ground observation, Margulies argues that to save Olneyville and thousands of neighborhoods like it, we need to empower low-income residents by giving them ownership and control of neighborhood assets. His model for a new form of neighborhood organization--the "neighborhood trust"--is already gaining traction nationwide and promises to give the poor what they have never had in this country: the power to control their future.

On Common Ground

Book Description

Land that is owned and managed for the common good is a hallmark of community land trusts. CLTs are locally controlled, nonprofit organizations that steward permanently affordable housing (and other assets) for people of modest means. This book explores the global growth of CLTs in twenty-six original essays by authors from a dozen countries.

Timber in the City

Book Description

As synthetic materials and mutant and hybrid concoctions attain prominence in our daily lives—in our handheld devices, cooking utensils, vehicles, even things as simple as our shopping bags—the design and construction industries have instead re-embraced the familiar, the conventional—wood, which has regained prominence through innovations in engineering and construction methodologies. Technology is now commonly used—and often (though not always) affordably used—to cut, perforate, assemble, erect, and even fabricate materials in a manner not previously possible. Wood is one such material, and Timber in the City documents both the imaginings of those in the nascence of their education and practice and the executed work of design professionals at the leading edge of architecture. These designers, regardless of the duration of their immersion in the field, have imaginatively rethought the means by which we build and the methods by which we define space merely through differing deployments of a familiar building material.

[ours] Hyperlocalization of Architecture

Book Description

The evolution of contemporary environmental architecture has outstripped simple labels. A deeper pattern is emerging where the world's most innovative buildings are a response to place. They resolve the complex intertwining of the site, people and environment, providing a provocative observation of the future of architecture. By starting with the site these projects maximize the natural and cultural resources available and are humancentric. The book explores firsthand how Spain Wraps commercial buildings, Japan Condenses micro homes, and Australia Unfolds aggressive design solutions in a climate of extremes. Germany, Cascadia, Denmark, and Mexico are also featured. 30 selected projects provide the antidote to the legacy of the modernist movement of generic, technology-driven built environments. Illuminating and often surprising conversations with renowned architects on their work reveal the process and promise of hyperlocalized design which folds bold visions into low impact and unexpected buildings. Their contemporary wisdom of site responsive design offers an unprecedented insight into architecture's new place in a changing climate. [ours] Hyperlocalization of Architecture includes: Groundbreaking architecture theory Extensive interviews with world's thought leaders of environmental architecture 264 Pages 350 full-color photographs Online project index with details and multimedia at Interviews and Projects by: Studio 505 | PHOOEY Architects | William Mcdonough + Partners | KUD Architects | Berta Barrio Arquitectos | Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp. | Unemori Architects | Andrew Maynard Architects | Edward Mazria | Peter Busby Perkins+Will | Sean Godsell | Canvas Arquitectos | Dr. Wolfgang Feist | DesignInc | Hassell Studios | Kavellaris Urban Design | Lederer + Ragnarsdottir + Oei | Casey Brown Architecture | A.L.X. Architects | BIG | Yasuhiro Yamashita | Miller Hull | KMD Architects | MPR Design Group | Schemata Architecture | Coll-Barreu Arquitectos | Voluar Arquitecture | Durbach Block Jagger | Ramón Fernández-Alonso Arquitect "This is all based on human creativity, and the ability for us to advance and continuously improve with freedom from the remote tyranny of bad design. That's why the cultural question becomes interesting because at that point the culture can express itself in a creative way. It still has integrity because you're expressing yourself creatively within a context. Your solving for rich, local problems. All sustainability, like politics is local. It has to be." - William McDonough in [ours]

100 Projects UK CLT

Book Description

"The benefits of cross-laminated timber (CLT) are clear: building in timber is quick, clean, and easy. It can be achieved with a measured accuracy and lack of noise, waste, or need for material storage space. This book is a study of the 100 of the most significant buildings constructed from CLT in the United Kingdom over the past 15 years. Authors Andrew Waugh and Anthony Thistleton of Waugh Thistleton Architects have contacted a wide range of individuals and businesses to interview them about their experiences building in CLT to help inform this book." --

Affordable Housing and Public-Private Partnerships

Book Description

With distressing statistics about rising cost burdens, increasing foreclosure rates, rising unemployment, falling wages, and widespread homelessness, building affordable housing is one of our most pressing social policy problems. Affordable Housing and Public-Private Partnerships focuses attention on this critical need, as leading experts on affordable housing law and policy come together to address key issues of concern and to suggest appropriate responses for future action. Focusing in particular on how best to understand and implement the joint work of public and private actors in housing, this book considers the real estate aspects of affordable housing law and policy, access to housing, housing finance and affordability, land use, housing regulation and housing issues in a post-Katrina context. Filling a critical gap in the scholarly literature available, this book will be of particular interest to policy-makers, academics, lawyers and students of housing, land use, real estate, property, community development and urban planning

Leading Cities

Book Description

Leading Cities is a global review of the state of city leadership and urban governance today. Drawing on research into 202 cities in 100 countries, the book provides a broad, international evidence base grounded in the experiences of all types of cities. It offers a scholarly but also practical assessment of how cities are led, what challenges their leaders face, and the ways in which this leadership is increasingly connected to global affairs. Arguing that effective leadership is not just something created by an individual, Elizabeth Rapoport, Michele Acuto and Leonora Grcheva focus on three elements of city leadership: leaders, the structures and institutions that underpin them, and the tools used to drive change. Each of these elements are examined in turn, as are the major urban policy issues that leaders confront today on the ground. The book also takes a deep dive into one particular example of tool or instrument of city leadership – the strategic urban plan. Leading Cities provides a much-needed overview and introduction to the theory and practice of city leadership, and a starting point for future research on, and evaluation of, city leadership and its practice around the world.