Building Bridges of Time, Places, and People

Book Description

From Chapter 5: "By a quirk of fate," says Darcie Conner Johnston, the eruption [of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD] caught Pompeii at a time of great spiritual change. As a gateway south and east to Greece and Egypt and the Eurasian landmass beyond, the city was heir to a panoply of faiths. A host of foreign gods had begun to usurp the positions of the venerable Olympian deities and the imperial Roman pantheon. Christians were likely to have been here as well, though the evidence of their presence is sketchy. (Page 71 of Pompeii: The Vanished City) Besides the evidence that has already been presented more remains to demonstrate that once again the accepted historical point of view is incorrect. For example.... This second volume of Building Bridges of Time, Places and People presents the overwhelming evidence that some of the most prominent leaders of the New Testament Church left the lands of Judea and Galilee when war between Rome and the Jews seemed certain, and they settled in Pompeii and Herculaneum. These leaders included Simon Peter, Paul, Luke, and John Mark, the author of The Gospel of Mark. They were accompanied by converts such as Cornelius the centurion, who was the first Gentile to be baptized, and by the mother of Christ. This volume also investigates the town of Sepphoris in Galilee and makes a compelling case for the claim that the Messiah of the New Testament grew up there rather than in Nazareth, his identity hidden until he began his ministry at the age of 30.

Building Bridges of Time, Places and People: Volume I

Book Description

Mysteries associated with ancient Egypt are not confined to the pyramids of Giza. For example, consider these: One Egyptian hieroglyph is patterned after a bird known as the jabiru; another is an image of a saguaro cactus. Both the jabiru and the saguaro are found only in the Western Hemisphere, so how did they become hieroglyphs? Tutankhamen is referred to as the boy-king by Egyptologists. Why then were statues found in the tomb portraits of a young woman? Hatshepsut is said to have been a female pharaoh who reigned for 22 years but then disappeared from the scene. What happened to her? And why was her image expunged from the walls of temples? Senenmut, a favorite of Hatshepsut, wrote that he had access to all the writings of the prophets. Which prophets did he mean? Why does the face of the mummy of Ramesses II not match the statues of this great pharaoh? Also, why did the embalmers remove the stomach and place the heart on the right side of the thorax? And why were diced tobacco leaves from the Western Hemisphere used to line the chest cavity? Why was Yuya, supposedly the father of the great Queen Tiy, buried with three coffins while his wife had only two? Moreover, why did the mask that covered his face, along with the face on the innermost coffin, look totally different from the mummy and from each other? Death masks were found not just in Egypt but in Greece as well. The most famous of these came from grave # 5 at Mycenae. Each eye of this gold mask has double eyelids. In addition, like the Sphinx at Giza and the Shroud of Turin, the left eye is higher than the right and the mouth is not centered. How can such similarities be explained? Turning to Italy, on the underside of the right wrist of the Prima Porta statue of Augustus there is the distinct impression of the head of a spike. According to historians this statue depicts the first emperor of Rome, but what if it is instead a portrait of a man who was crucified? These mysteries, along with many others, are examined in detail and then convincingly explained in this first of two volumes to explore crucial links between Egypt, Israel, Greece and Italy.

Building Bridges of Time, Places, and People: Volume Ii

Book Description

From Chapter 5: By a quirk of fate, says Darcie Conner Johnston, the eruption [of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD] caught Pompeii at a time of great spiritual change. As a gateway south and east to Greece and Egypt and the Eurasian landmass beyond, the city was heir to a panoply of faiths. A host of foreign gods had begun to usurp the positions of the venerable Olympian deities and the imperial Roman pantheon. Christians were likely to have been here as well, though the evidence of their presence is sketchy. (Page 71 of Pompeii: The Vanished City) Besides the evidence that has already been presented more remains to demonstrate that once again the accepted historical point of view is incorrect. For example.... This second volume of Building Bridges of Time, Places and People presents the overwhelming evidence that some of the most prominent leaders of the New Testament Church left the lands of Judea and Galilee when war between Rome and the Jews seemed certain, and they settled in Pompeii and Herculaneum. These leaders included Simon Peter, Paul, Luke, and John Mark, the author of The Gospel of Mark. They were accompanied by converts such as Cornelius the centurion, who was the first Gentile to be baptized, and by the mother of Christ. This volume also investigates the town of Sepphoris in Galilee and makes a compelling case for the claim that the Messiah of the New Testament grew up there rather than in Nazareth, his identity hidden until he began his ministry at the age of 30.

Behold the Man!

Book Description

The Greek word translated as Socrates is actually a compound that means save from death and power over, so the intent of the compound is to point to one who has power over life and deathand that one is Christ. Harold North Fowler, in his introduction to The Apology, says that the high moral character and genuine religious faith of Socrates are made abundantly clear throughout this whole discourse. It would seem almost incredible that the Athenian court voted for his condemnation, if we did not know the fact. When we keep in mind the true intent of the compound translated as Socrates then we can be certain that it was not the Athenian court that voted for the condemnation and death of this man with a high moral character but rather a multitude of people who were influenced by the members of the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. BEHOLD THE MAN! reveals how inaccurate and misleading English translations have been of ancient Greek literature and the author makes a compelling case for Christ being at the center of THE ILIAD, CLASSICAL GREEK DRAMA, PLATO, AND GREEK LITERATURE FROM HERCULANEUM.

Building Bridges of Time, Places and People

Book Description

Mysteries associated with ancient Egypt are not confined to the pyramids of Giza. For example, consider these: One Egyptian hieroglyph is patterned after a bird known as the jabiru; another is an image of a saguaro cactus. Both the jabiru and the saguaro are found only in the Western Hemisphere, so how did they become hieroglyphs? Tutankhamen is referred to as the "boy-king" by Egyptologists. Why then were statues found in the tomb portraits of a young woman? Hatshepsut is said to have been a female pharaoh who reigned for 22 years but then disappeared from the scene. What happened to her? And why was her image expunged from the walls of temples? Senenmut, a favorite of Hatshepsut, wrote that he "had access to all the writings of the prophets." Which prophets did he mean? Why does the face of the mummy of Ramesses II not match the statues of this great pharaoh? Also, why did the embalmers remove the stomach and place the heart on the right side of the thorax? And why were diced tobacco leaves from the Western Hemisphere used to line the chest cavity? Why was Yuya, supposedly the father of the great Queen Tiy, buried with three coffins while his wife had only two? Moreover, why did the mask that covered his face, along with the face on the innermost coffin, look totally different from the mummy and from each other? Death masks were found not just in Egypt but in Greece as well. The most famous of these came from grave # 5 at Mycenae. Each eye of this gold mask has double eyelids. In addition, like the Sphinx at Giza and the Shroud of Turin, the left eye is higher than the right and the mouth is not centered. How can such similarities be explained? Turning to Italy, on the underside of the right wrist of the Prima Porta statue of Augustus there is the distinct impression of the head of a spike. According to historians this statue depicts the first emperor of Rome, but what if it is instead a portrait of a man who was crucified? These mysteries, along with many others, are examined in detail and then convincingly explained in this first of two volumes to explore crucial links between Egypt, Israel, Greece and Italy.

Building Bridges: Between Theory And Practice

Book Description

The book is about bridging the huge gaps between what engineers know, what they do and why things go wrong. It puts engineering into a wider perspective so readers can see how it relates to other disciplines — especially science and technology. Many intellectuals have dismissed engineering as 'applied science', but this book shows how wrong it is to do so — engineers apply science, but their purpose is quite different.It takes the reader on a learning journey of reflections on the gaps between theory and practice in professional life — not just in engineering but across all disciplines. The learning is summarized through 20 learning points or lessons, each one placed in context. Some of the important lessons are about learning from failure, joining-up theory and practice, understanding process, classifying uncertainty, managing risks, finding resilience, thinking systems to improve performance and nurturing practical wisdom.

Building bridges to work

Book Description

In the 1980s and 1990s long-term worklessness soared - with a more than doubling of the numbers on long-term sickness benefits and significant increases in the number of lone parents out of work. The worst increases were during the recessions. Government action since then has included the New Deals, extra support and help, but also stronger conditions on benefit claimants to seek work or prepare for work in future as part of our ongoing welfare reforms. This "something for something" approach has helped bring worklessness down and prevent some of the problems seen in previous recessions. This document sets out the next steps on welfare reform and tackling long-term worklessness. The plans are designed to help more people into work, to combat poverty and social exclusion. There are still too many people on long term benefits who could work with the right support and conditions in place. Reforms cover: the abolition of incapacity benefits and the roll out of the new Work Capability Assessment to long term claimants to look at what they can do; more personalised help for those unable to work; more support for job seekers with health conditions; preventing long-term unemployment, with a guarantee of a job or work placements for long term job seekers that they will be required to take up; the role of employers.

Building Bridges of Understanding

Book Description

The idea for this book began to form in my mind when, in a rather rare moment of solitude, I stood on a high bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean contemplating a lovely Southern California sunset. As I gazed to the horizon at the vivid red and orange hues of the setting sun, a gentle sea breeze carried to my ears the faint whispers of my ancestors, imploring me from across the ages to pen the words that would chronicle their struggles. It seemed to me significant that their efforts, which most certainly influenced and shaped my life, would now provide me the inspiration to write this book. Thus, I made the decision to embark upon this story, which I hope will serve not only as an enduring testimonial to the trials and tribulations of my forebears, but also as a guide to inspire others to share their life experiences through the written word. In the northern part of the South American continent, in the Andean Mountains the longest mountain range in the world I was born the fifth of eleven siblings. My given name is Lucía Fabiola Giraldo Estrada Botero Vega Restrepo Londoño, a cultural tradition in Latin America to instill in us a sense of heritage, so we will never forget our roots going back at least three generations. This narrative contains both humorous and serious anecdotes. It includes ancient wisdom, poetry, and songs in Spanish and English that still resonate in my heart, chart the course of my life, and sustain me. The people I have met in my tireless and frequent journeys across hemispheres have transformed my life: world leaders in politics, religion, business, community building, and the arts. I especially want to share events that deeply moved me in sacred places and paid homage alongside believers, including Cistercian monks, Shamans, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and Jews all of whom contributed to and nourished my spiritual being. As a woman, an immigrant, a minority by public definition, a Latina or Hispanic, I faced many challenges in finding the courage to venture into the international business arena, and travel across the world mostly alone to follow my vision. I finally overcame them. It is far better to explore problems rather than become paralyzed by them. Spanish is my mother language and I learned English later in life. While writing this book, the two languages collided at times, as I journeyed to the depths of my heart to dig into my feelings and describe my life experiences. Discovering a new world is an adventure worthy of the many challenges. The reasons are obvious: it requires money, time, and determination, the uncertainty of a new destination, different cultures and traditions, the strangers you will meet along the way and the unexpected outcomes are part of the unknown challenges you will encounter. I have been to remote and exotic places, from the north to the south of the American continent, from the Bearing to the Magellan Straits, and across the Americas. From the east to the west of five continents crossing the Gibraltar Strait between Africa and Europe and sailing the South Pacific Islands, the Mediterranean, Indian, China, and the Caribbean Seas. To south and east of the African continent on safaris or visiting secluded villages and mountains to work on behalf of child education programs with the purpose of teaching them to survive, to preserve the environment, and to protect endangered species. My legacy and life's mission is to contribute to humanity, to collaborate in building bridges of hope and understanding bridges between people who respect each other's differences and value each other's shared humanity. These are the bridges that people of all cultures must build, restore, and cross together to reach the land of unity and peace for all. My multifaceted life gave me the courage I needed to undertake this story-telling mission, and my spiritual walk gave me guidance, inspiration, and the strength

Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)

Book Description

The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya.

Reports on Proposed Bridges

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