The Building Code of the City of New York

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Disclaimer: The Department of Buildings provides this Web version of the Building Code for reference and informational purposes only. The print version of the Building Code, together with any Local Laws (amendments) adopted by the City Council subsequent to the most recent update to the print version, remains the official version. For those discrepancies that exist between the print and Web versions of the Building Code, the print version, together with any City Council amendments, shall be considered correct. This web version may also include amendments that are not yet on the printed version. About the Building Code on the Web The current Building Code was enacted by the City Council on October 22, 1968, and approved by the Mayor on November 6, 1968. It became effective on December 6, 1968, superseding the Building Code enacted in 1938. The "New Code" is based largely upon nationally accepted performance standards and specifications for materials and construction assemblies. The present edition available here updates the Building Code to October 1, 2004. Local Laws may have been adopted by the City Council which have amended this code and therefore are not included in this version. The Department of Buildings is making the Building Code available on the Web without a fee for resource and reference purposes only.

International Codes

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New York State Codes

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